Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year Myspace Comments

We wish you the best year you ever had, filled with joy, good health and the promise of a bright  future.
 And we mean it....Witchy and the Genie.

See you Monday

Who Makes More Than Cameron??...Not Possible??

 TV mogul Oprah Winfrey tops the list of Hollywood's rich of the year compiled by
Forbes. Oprah takes the top spot on the newly-released Hollywood's 20 Highest-Earning of 2010 with an estimated $315 million, while the success of 'Avatar' has put director James Cameron in second place with an estimated $210 million earning, reports Filmmaker Tyler Perry is on third spot with $125 million. Steven Spielberg, Jerry Bruckheimer, George Lucas and Michael Bay have also made it to the top 10 list.
The highest paid musician on the coveted list is Beyonce, who is ahead of Lady Gaga and Britney Spears by grabbing number nine with an $87 million.  Spears is at number 13, while Gaga on 14. Also making the top 20 are Madonna, Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift. 
 Do they really need to be so rewarded for what they do? I think firefighters provide a more valuable service; and police officers and perhaps our military. And they should be remunerated accordingly... but Lady Gaga??

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Nicole Richie : Finally Freed From Long Arm Of Johnny Law 'OMG'

New Year , new start for  Nicole Richie .

Three months before it was formally scheduled to end , a  source confirms to  E!  News that a judge this morning agreed to cut shoet the starlet's planned 18-month probation  , citing some very , very good behavior on the newlywed's part .

Now that's a belated Christmas present worth waiting for . But did Nicole get a little extra star treatment  , or was the her deal all above board ?

No scandal here ! As months upon months of paparazzi pictures can attest , Richie has been diligently attending her alcohol education  program  --- even more so since this summer , when her probation was extended for an additional year  after her motherhood  duties caused her to miss a few classes .

Which seems like even more of a reason why her probation should still be going on , right ? Nope .  At the same time it was extended , the judge told Richie that while her probation was scheduled to last through March 2011 , he'd do away with her remaining months if she managed to fulfill her obligations before then . Which she did .

Her ever resourceful attorney Shawn Chapman Holly was in court bright and early this morning seeing to that  , submitting proof of Richie's completion of her alcohol-education program , as well as a glowing report from the facility .

Richie's problems with the law stem back to December 2006 , when she was caught driving the wrong way on the freeway and failed a field sobriety test . She was sentenced to spend four days in the slammer , though infamously loggrd just 82 minutes behind bars for the indiscretion .

Just a thought : What a difference a year makes ... Nicole proved  you can beat your demons if you want it bad enough .....

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Parents - Elton John and David Furnish

LOS ANGELES, Calif. - Sir Elton John is holding close a new tiny dancer. The piano man and husband David Furnish have become parents to a 7-pound, 15-ounce baby boy born on Christmas Day. The news was first reported Monday night by and confirmed to The Associated Press by John's Los Angeles-based publicist.
Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John was born in California via a surrogate, whose identity is being protected by the new parents. Zachary is 62-year-old John's first child with the 48-year-old Furnish. The couple married in 2005.
In a joint statement, the new parents told that "Zachary is healthy and doing well" and they are "overwhelmed with happiness and joy at this very special moment."
We wish the new family continued joy and baby Zachary good health and a normal, happy childhood. Good luck with that. 

Tiger Woods : Gillette Ends Sponsorship Deal "WTF"

Proctor & Gamble's  Gillette brand will end its sponsorship agreement with Tiger Woods on December 31,2010 , USA Today reported  Thursday .

The company , which sells men's grooming products like shaving cream and razors is dropping Woods as part of its plans to end Gillette  campaign , spokeman Michael Norton told USA Today .

The campaign was launched in 2007 behind Woods , tennis star Rogar Federer and french soccer player Thierry Henry .

Gillette also plans to cut ties with Henry and fellow football stars Lional Mersi , Kaka and Rafa Marquez , but will keep using Federer , Yankee shortstop Derek Jeter  and NHL star Alexander Ovechkin in its ads .

Since news of  Tiger Woods numerous extramarital affairs broke in late 2009 , Woods has also lost lucrative  sponsorship deals with AT&T , Accentune  and Gatorade .

Woods divoriced from Elin Nordegren in August and struggled through the worst professional season of his career failinf to win a single tournament in 2010 .

Just a thought : Tiger's dad built a championship golfer  , too bad Tigers' dad did not give him a soul .... Woods =  Sleaze ... good move Gillette .

Monday, December 27, 2010

Jermaine Jackson : Hit By A Smooth Criminal

Jermaine Jackson filed a police report  claiming someone stole more than $150,000 in jewelry , furs  and clothes ... just a week after he went to court claiming he couldn't afford to pay child support .

Law enforcement sources says  Jackson  and his wife Halina Rashid , claims in the report  ... filed with the LA County Sheriff's Department  ...someone took  a Louis  Vuitton bag containing the treasure trove from their Calabasas home back in September .

The home which Jermaine rents ... is in a gated community  where Katherine Jackson is temporarity  living in while her Encino home under goes extensive renovation .

Jermaine  claimed the bag contained  some ultra expensive watches , among other pricey items . Law enforcement  sources say the case is under investigation ...but so far no suspects .

A week after Jackson filed the police report , he filed documents in his child support case ....claiming he couldn't afford the $3,000 a month for his kids  , Jaafar and Jermajesty . He would like the payments reduced to $ 215  dollars a month .

Just a thought :  It doesn't take a mathematician  to figure this one out ... Jermaine claims he makes only $892.75 a month . Jermaine Jackson  is a deadbeat dad of the worst kind .

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Myspace Comments

We wish you all a delightful holiday. Make some memories, drive safely and have a
 wonderful 'New Year'
We'll be back folks, one week from today
Witchy and Genie

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lindsay Lohan : Fire The Bitch Now "WTF"

Lindsay Lohan is claiming a female staffer grabbed her first in the alleged phyical incident at the Betty Ford clinic on December 12 .

Lindsay will file a formal complaint against the woman whe triggered a criminal investigation againt the famous rehabber .

Sources  connected with Lindsay says Lindsay is  adamant ...the staffer whom she pushed  earlier this month  was the instigator , berating Lindsay and grabbing her before  Lilo  pushed her .

The staffer has told cops she wants Lindsay prosecuted for battery ...Lindsay wants Betty Ford  to start  action against the staffer ...STAT .

Michael Lohan says that his daughter was "10 minutes late from her curfew" To which Lindsay  responded , "Don't put your hands on me  !" and physically brushed her off . 

According to Michael Lohan , the tech wanted  Lindsay and her two roommates  to take a drug test . All three was screened for drugs and alcohol and "all tested negative ," Michael says .  The tech then called the police .
Update : Lindsay Lohan Now Suspected In Criminal Battery

Lindsay Lohan is the suspect in a criminal battery investigation after an alleged incident involving an adult female staffer at the Betty Ford center .

The alleged  victim wants Lindsay Lohan prosecuted .

The Palm Desert police Department received a call at 1:03am on December 12 , regarding a possible battery incident at Lilo's satellite house after she and her roommates returned home .

The staffer "desired prosecution" , a Palm  Desert  Police   confirms . Right now the alleged incident would  qualify  as a misdemeanor . The investigation is ongoing .
Just a thought : Lindsay , you was doing so well , why the screw-ups now ,  you can do without the bright lights and the bars ...remember that's why you are in  rehab. A word of advice , do your time and do as you are told  ,it will make you a more productive  person and in control of your life . ...Nuff said .

Happy Mid-Life Crisis, Christina Aguilera

It seems like only yesterday that she was a teen-pop star, but Christina Aguilera turns 30 on Saturday, facing an uncertain commercial and personal future as a middle-aged "Dirrty" girl. How happy is this birthday for her?
She won't be spending it alone, at least. There's a new guy in the life of this suddenly single superstar, and if he weren't around to ease her through her divorce, she'd still have the paparazzi to keep her company. Still, there are other factors that might make the candles look a little dimmer as she faces her fourth decade:

* Burlesque, her debut as a movie star, is going down as a box-office bomb. It had a $55 million budget—before many millions more in marketing costs—making it the most expensive gamble in Screen Gems' history. After three weeks in theaters, the movie has edged up to a $34 million gross, only about half of which is headed back to the disappointed studio's coffers.

Reviews weren't much kinder to her performance than to the overall film, which got a 38% approval rating among the critics surveyed at (Among "top critics," it was an even lower 26%.) USA Today called her "clearly not at ease in front of a camera." The New York Times said Aguilera is "a serviceable screen presence" who gives "a dutiful, stolid performance in a movie that quickly proves achingly dull." "Aguilera can dance like nobody's business," opined the New York Post, "but her acting debut isn't going to keep Anne Hathaway awake at night."

* When Aguilera canceled her summer tour just after tickets went on sale last May, she cited the need to do interviews promoting Burlesque, among other factors. "With both the album press and film press I am booked the entire summer and need the time to focus on the work at hand... I realized there was not enough time to put together and rehearse for a proper show," she said in a statement. Which most people took as code for: I realized my dignity could not bear the sight of half-empty arenas.

* The album she was also supposedly canceling the tour to further promote, Bionic, was an unmitigated bust. It debuted on the Billboard chart at No. 3 with 110,000 copies sold, less than a third the opening-week total of her previous studio album. It dropped out of the top 20 after two weeks. That wasn't altogether surprising, given that lead single "Not Myself Tonight" had peaked at No. 23 on the Billboard Hot 100. Further singles did nothing to revive the album's fortunes. By the end of November, Bionic had sold a career-low 252,000 copies, and by December it had dropped off the list of the hundred best-selling albums of 2010.

* Amid all these career travails, there is the personal turmoil, of course. Aguilera filed for divorce from her husband of five years (and romantic interest since 2002), Jordan Bratman, in October. She subsequently revealed in interviews that they are not on the most amicable terms, which is particularly difficult for a couple with a 2-year-old child. Although she was the one who initiated the split, Aguilera spoke in interviews about "days when it feels impossible to even get out of bed, much less function as a mother."

But what if we were to look at the glass as one-third full?
Aguilera has enough still going for her that she's unlikely to fall into a George Bailey-like funk this Christmas. Consider these factors:

* That $34 million gross for Burlesque may look paltry weighted against the budget and other expectations. But how many other current music stars could drive even that many people into theaters, headlining their first movie? Given the reviews and generally derisive atmosphere into which it was released, it could have done a lot worse. And the fact that it was still No. 6 at the box office at the end of its fourth week says... well, it says something about the weakness of the Thanksgiving-time competition, but also speaks to how moviegoers didn't completely abandon the film after the first weekend.

*  Aguilera did not divorce her husband to live life as a spinster. She has gone public with new boyfriend Matt Rutler, a set assistant on Burlesque (saying she kept things platonic with him before the divorce filing). The singer-actress is likely to become much more a fixture of the tabloid press, now that she can be photographed alongside someone other than her former partner of nine years. And while she probably has no desire to fall into the "famous for being famous" camp, the interest in her as an icon and subject of gossip may not be much affected by how she is or isn't doing on the charts.
 And so another diva turns thirty. And not at a particularly high point in her career. Will she start the slide down the slippery slope to oblivion or will she become stronger and better at her craft and show some staying power like some of her predecessors??

Sunday, December 19, 2010

CNN's Morgan Freeman Death Blunder : Actor Very Much Alive 'OMG"

"@ CNN  Breaking news : Actor  Morgan Freeman has passed away in his  Burbank home ."

Twitter daeth hoaxes are about as common these days as Justin Bieber related hashtags, but they're rarely started by respected , trusted , news sources  ...until today . CNN's  official twitter posted the above  updated on Thursday , December 16 ... prompting fans and admirers to began to post a flurry of quotes from the actor and an onslaught of R.I.P.  tweets .

One problem : Morgam Freeman  was ...and is ... very much alive . CNN  subsequently deleted  their tweet , but nothing is ever truly erased from the internet and the  damage was already done .

Entrepremeur , CEO , and friend of Morgan  Freeman , Peter Shankman tweeted ,: Dear CNN :  Morgan Freeman is still busy living  . He's yet  to get busy dying . Please confirm first ."   CNN's  web  producer confirmed to  LiveNewsWire  that the tweet was a mistake  and that they'd retracted their statement .

Perhaps the favorite thing to come out of this is the following tweet , from  Bookgirl96 : No people , Morgan Freeman did NOT die , Someone at Fox News  probably had a FourLoka and hacked  CNN's  Twitter account .

The Fox News joke was funny ... Did Fox News screw  up this time ? Nope CNN  did .

My take :  Get your facts  right ....MORONS.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Santa Obama : Oh Say It Isn't True

1) Santa Obama : HO  HO  HO !  I have a new tax cut for you ! 
    Except your tax cuts will stay the same ...
    Kid  Taxpayer :   Thinking !

2) Santa Obama : I gave you a tax  cut  already  but you didn't notice .
   Kid  Taxpayer  : Hmmm

3) Santa Obama : Oh - and you have health care  now  -  except a court struck it down ..
   Kid  Taxpayer :  Hmm

4) Santa Obama  : We'll get the prisoners out of  Guantanamo ..  I think ...maybe not ..
    Kid  Taxpayer  : Thinking , is he for real  .

5) Santa Obama : And we'll get out of Afghanistan in 2011 or 2114 ...or sometime later ...
    Kid  Taxpayer  :  Thinking , do Santa think I'm stupid because I'm a kid  ?

6)  Santa Obama : ...I think unemployment might go down ... maybe .
     Kid Taxpayer :  SANTA  SUCKS .

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon Expecting Twins..Secret Out

It's official: Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon are getting ready for baby love times two! On his 92.3 Now radio show Thursday, Cannon confirmed that he and Carey are expecting twins.
"In order for my wife and I to have our life, we need to be up front and I need to be able to share things with you and be real," Cannon, 30, said. "I didn't even tell my wife I was gonna do this," he admitted. "I'm probably gonna get yelled at for not getting permission...We are having twins!"

It gets even better, Cannon explained. The very first folks in the world to know about the twins other than Carey, 40, and her husband Cannon were President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama! After recently performing for the First Family for a White House Christmas special, Carey met with the Obamas backstage, Cannon said. "They actually even questioned my wife about [the twins]," he said. "She hadn't told anybody anything! Because of the excitement and emotion, she shared [the news] with the President and the First Lady."
The dad-to-be gushed that it will be an "awesome story" to tell their twins one day. Why the secrecy? "That was something that we were advised to keep close to ourselves," Cannon revealed. Carey had an ultrasound on Wednesday night, Cannon added. "Everything is A-OK! Both babies are healthy and in tip-top shape. The doctors are happy."

The happy couple opened up to Us Weekly last month about their struggle to conceive following a heartbreaking miscarriage. "We definitely cried" upon learning of her successful pregnancy, Cannon said. "We still cry all the time. It's an emotional journey." Carey said it still "amazes" her that she and Cannon will be parents together. "He's a great person, and we have more in common than not...I know people initially were, 'What? Those two?' But I think people who know us get it."

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Kevin Spacey : (Sort Of) Addresses Gay Rumors 'OMG'

The rumers regarding Kevin Spacey's sexuality have officially been reignited . In a new interview  with openly gay Daily Beast writer  Kevin Sessums , the two time Academy Award winner made pains to not directly come out , but did talk candidly about his right to privacy  when it comes to his sexual orientations . When Sessums  told Spacey that there's no shame in  joining the  gay "tribe " the actor reflected without denying it .

"Look I might have lived in England for the last several years  but I'm still an American citizen and I have not given up my right to privacy," Spacey said.

But Sessums didn't back  down , telling the actor that being gay doesn't have to be a private matter and Spacey calmly arged the opposite.

"People have different reasons for the way they live their lives," Spacey said.  "You cannot put everyone's  reasons in the same box . It's just a line I've never crossed  and never will .

Spacey has battled gay rumors for more than ten years , and they're certainly not likely to stop after this interview.

Later when Sessums admitted to quiting acting because he was gay and didn't want to live a lie . Spacey argued that privacy isn't lying.

"I don't live a lie . You have to understand that people who choose not to discuss their personal lives are not living a lie ," Spacey said.  "That is a presumption that people  jump to."

Near the end of the interview , the actor close the discussion of sexuality  by suggusting there may be more to him than meets the eyes .

"Look at the end of the day people have to respect peoples' difference ," Spacey said . "I am different than most  people would like me to be.

My take : Kevin Spacey is a good man and a good actor ...Gay or Straight  , who cares  , that's his business . Spacey  does some good immpressions too ....wait a minute  ... just a thought .... maybe Spacey is waiting for John Travolta to announce it first . Wow what else is new ???

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Kate Lied to Cover for Bad Kids

When Kate Gosselin announced that her kids Alexis and Collin being tutored at home, she failed to mention the reason for the situation - they were expelled!  One of the kids physically harmed an adult at the school twice, which forced administrators to remove the child from school. Information about the injuries is unknown, but both kids were also abusive toward other students.  And this has put another rift between her and ex Jon!
A source claims:
Both Jon and Kate were sent a letter from the head of school explaining that despite their best efforts, staff had reached a point at which they had to request the children enroll in another program. It's clear Kate did not tell the truth." Both Alexis and Colin received three full weeks of intensive special treatment to focus their behavior. While the teacher was able to achieve some success, it became apparent to the school that the pair needed intensive assistance to help them with their social, emotional and academic needs. The demand on the children's classroom teachers — and the impact on other kids — was just too great.

Alexis and Collin could go to a public school but they would be photographed and harassed, It's clear the kids need to be integrated back into their private school, if they want to keep them at the same place.Or they can be sent to the school with the Gosselin's other kids. They can't just be tutored, at home: these kids need to be integrated with other children. Jon and his girlfriend Ellen take them to public parks to play with other kids and they tell them to go and make friends, because it's clear they need to develop their social skills.

Collin actually covered his face when he was having his school photograph taken because he thought he shouldn't be photographed. Here you have children living in rural Pennsylvania and they don't understand why people are taking pictures. Kate needs to get on the same page as Jon: he doesn't want them to have those pressures during their childhood, because they both need to live with the decision that they made to do the show in the first place..........Thanks to Perez for a good article

They created this environment for their children because they wanted a lot of money. Now they should take more constructive steps to help them deal with it. However those kids turn out, is directly connected to the public exposure they have endured.

Christina Smooches With New Boyfriend...Divorce Still in the Works

Christina Aguilera ''wouldn't let go'' of new boyfriend Matthew Rutler while celebrating the UK premiere of her debut movie 'Burlesque' kissing and holding him while chatting with fans. She made quite a public display of smooching and fondling which was not really what the fans came to see.
The 29-year-old singer - who is currently divorcing husband of four years Jordan Bratman - couldn't fail to hide her intimacy with Matthew Rutler, a set designer she met on the set of the film, at London's Floridita club last night.
A source said: "She seemed really relaxed, she was enjoying Matt's company and wouldn't let go of him while she was outside of the VIP section of the club.  "As soon as she got into the VIP area she was drinking and dancing, even roping in co-stars Kristen Bell and Chelsea Traille for a saucy routine to her song 'Ain't No Other Man'."

Though the blonde beauty was happy to pose for pictures with fans at the premiere's afterparty, she was reluctant to chat too much and brushed off questions about her personal life.
The insider added: "She was in great spirits, although when fans tried to talk to her about her personal life she didn't seem so keen to talk, with one she stayed totally silent, although she still agreed to have a picture."

Matt seemed to be eager to protect his girlfriend, keeping an arm around her at all times while they were talking.  Cher, who stars in the film with Christina, was unable to make it to the party because of filming commitments for a British TV show. Has anyone seen this movie?? 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Nicole Richie & Joel Madden...It's Official

As expected, the longtime couple tied the knot on Saturday in Los Angeles, according to multiple online reports. According to People, the couple had approximately 130 loved ones in attendance -- and one elephant! The mag reported a trained elephant was spotted being led into Lionel Richie's Beverly Hills home -- where the ceremony took place -- on Saturday. The details on how the elephant was used were unclear. One has to wonder how an elephant would figure in a wedding. Oh well, to each his/her own.

Other than their giant guest, the couple reportedly enjoyed a traditional ceremony. The couple's rings were designed by jeweler Neil Lane, who also made Nicole's 4-carat engagement ring. Hollywood's most prolific and popular jewellry designer. The bride wore a Marchesa gown. I'm sure she was lovely and  pictures will emerge eventually.
Nicole's close friend, Masha Gordon, was her maid of honor and the couple's 2-year-old daughter, Harlow, was the flower girl. A slew of stars were among the fellow celebrities in attendance. People reported that Joel's twin brother and Good Charlotte bandmate Benji Madden celebrated with the couple.  Khloe Kardashian and Samantha Ronson were also in attendance, while Nicole's longtime friend and former "Simple Life" co-star, Paris Hilton, did not attend Saturday's festivities. How can that be??

According to the groom's brother, DJ Josh Madden, the wedding was an unforgettable affair. Early Sunday morning he Tweeted, "The stuff of which memories are made." The nuptials come on the heels of wedding bell rumors, which have been swirling for weeks around the couple. After delivery trucks were seen arriving at Lionel's Beverly Hills home earlier this month, whispers of an impending wedding quickly followed. However, both Nicole and Joel tried to put the rumors to rest during the first weekend of December, with both parties Tweeting that they were in Seattle (Joel) and New York City (Nicole), respectively.

Nicole and Joel have been together since 2006 and have two children together -- son Sparrow James Midnight, 1; and daughter Harlow, who turns 3 in January. Nicole announced her engagement to the Good Charlotte frontman during a trip to "The Late Show with David Letterman" in February. It is the first marriage for both.

Nicole was previously engaged to the late Adam Goldstein - aka DJ AM. However, the couple split in 2005 after a nine-month engagement. Goldstein was found dead in his NY apartment from an apparent drug overdose. He had mixed several prescription drugs with cocaine.  It was fortunate that Nicole did not stay with him. She may have had to deal with the tragedy on a very personal level.

Nicole and Joel have had a stable relationship for four years and both love family and children. Congratulatons and good luck to both. Have a happy life.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Kate Gosselin : One rough Camping Trip Later - Kate thinks She Has Political Ambitions

Following Kate Gosselin's televised  (and rough) camping trip with Sarah Palin , the mom of eight  in now telling friends she too has political ambitions  and would someday like to run for office.

"Honestly , Kate is unbelievely ," an insider says . "Her ego is out of control  at this point . Every since 'Dancing With The Stars' and the fact she appeared on more consecutive covers of   US Weekly than any other celebrity ever , she thinks she has what it takes to run for office.

The unlikely duo of Kate and Sarah was the brainchild of TLC , the network home for both of their shows . Pairing them on the latest episode of 'Sarah Palin's Alaska,' which aired last night , helped bumped rating up 11 percent . As US puts it , the two had "zero chemistry" and Kate has called the trip "the worst " of her life.

"After meeting and spending time with Sarah , Kate realized that if she  (Sarah Palin)  could run  for office , then so can Kate, "a friend of Gosselin's  says.  Sarah does have a little more experience than Kate does in office  , but  what they both have in common is huge . They  are both famous  reality stars  that you can either love or hate . They both have a way  of getting everyones attention.

Oh  yeah , and both have appeared on the biggest television show  in America ; 'Dancing With The Stars,' though Sarah was just  a spectator (a very , very , very influential spectator , of course) .

My spin : Are you freaking kidding me ??? Sarah  or Kate  can manage their families , how in the world would they run any kind of  political  office  . Sarah and Kate  makes a great pair , they both use their children only as props in their messed up lives .
Okay  folks , it's time we started  voting morons out of office ....not in.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Johnny Depp : Explains Why He Doesn't Have A Phone.

It's impossible to call Jack Sparrow , not because he's to busy , but it's just that he doesn't own a phone . Johnny Depp told Access Hollywood  he likes a tech-free house  and phones are too invasive for him.

"I don't like phones ," Depp said . "I just don't like them ... being reachable all the time ."

The 42-year-old actor doesn't hate all technology though , so if you really  want to reach him  , shoot him an e-mail.

"We have internet and stuff like that because I think that's the safest form , well , most interesting form of communication ,"  Depp said . "You'd have to know , you know just buzz me on the internet or something ."

Depp, apparently on a tear of revealing  why he doesn't own or do things  , recently told Extra  why he and long time girlfriend Vanessa Paradis have not wed . "I never found myself needing that piece of paper ," Depp said. Marriage is really from soul to soul , heart to heart . You don't need somebody to say , okay , you're married ...if Vanessa wanted to get married  , why not ...but the thing is ; I'd be so scared of ruining her last name . She's got such a good last name .
Just a few facts about Johnny :
Birth Date : June 9,1963
Height : 5' 10"
Birth Place : Owensboro , Kentucky
Relationship Status : In a long term relationship with French singer/actress Vanessa Paradis .
Depp's  Defining Quote : "I pretty much try to stay in a constant state of the impression it leaves on my face.
One of PIC and my favorite bad boys ...damn he's hot.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Oksana : Mel's Dad Is A Danger To Lucia

Everyone gets embarressed when their parents go off their rocker ... but the ranting of Mel Gibson's father could create problems in his custody case ... at least that's what Oksana's lawyers want .

Sources tell TMZ ... during Mel's deposition  , lawyers for Oksana Grigorieva will dredge up statements made by Hutton Gibson  during the interview  back in August.

Among the pearls of  wisdom from Hutton ;  "Half the people there in the Vatican are queers," he  also said he thought Pope Benedict XVI  is a homosexual .

A source says  ...Oksana's lawyers plan to paint a picture  ...Lucia is at risk if she's around Mel's  dad.

Just a thought :  Is both sides throwing  s.h.i.t.   and hope something sticks  ... all crap...enough already .

Mel Gibson & Baby Lucia ----- Church Playdate

Mel Gibson spent some quality  father - gaughter time with his daughter  Lucia on Sunday - the first time they've been  seen together  - outside of court documents.

The pictures were  taken at Mel's church in Malibu after services . Mel can be seen doting over his daughter  , who seemed to be striking up a friendship  with another child.

My take : What a beautiful baby to have such ass-holes for parents.....the only four letter word you can say about these pictures   ..... is 'cute.'

Friday, December 10, 2010

Jessica Simpson Inc. Could Surpass $1 billion

When you think "Jessica Simpson," do you think "billionaire businesswoman"? No, not immediately. Actually, not at all. Truth be told, Simpson is far more famous for who she's dating -- and what she's cooking for Thanksgiving -- than for her amazing business acumen. But alas, wipe those smirks away! Because Jessica Simpson, Inc. (not her real brand) is poised to break the $1 billion mark.

Crazy, right? From shoes to bags to jeans to perfume, Simpson-branded products are a massive commercial success. And the star herself is said to be worth $100 million, according to
You heard that right: $100 MILLION. Not bad for the recipient of John Mayer's most infamous diss.

Her ho-hum singing and acting careers are go-nowhere; her new holiday album "Happy Christmas" is a dismal No. 123 on the Billboard 200 chart. And her last film that had a theatrical release, "Blonde Ambition," grossed just $6,422. But her side projects, a fun little clothing line, some fashionable accessories, footwear  and some prettily packaged perfumes have soared and scored.

With her lucrative entrepreneurial endeavours, Simpson could retire TODAY if she so desired. Surprisingly, the Texas native's celebrity brand, when it comes to fashion and fragrance,  is more powerful than we gave her credit for -- and the numbers talk. Camuto Group, the company that makes Simpson's wildly popular footwear line, has licensed her name on other merch, which amassed a combined grand total of $750 million in retail sales this year. Simpson's moniker has even outlasted and outperformed product ventures by Jennifer Lopez and similarly glammed-up celebs.
"She is the girl next door and has great product that surrounds her," exec Vince Camuto told the fashion-news outlet. "People like her. People look at her as a style icon."
Cue the arrival of Jessica Simpson Sportswear, hitting stores in Fall 2011. The line will be sold in junior's departments, and includes jackets, knits and dresses -- all under $150. It will likely sell like hotcakes.

"Her celebrity has created a brand that is more sustainable than many others," said Jack Gross, CEO of jeanswear for The Jones Group, which licenses Simpson's denim collection. Simpson's fiance Eric Johnson is very, very lucky. No wonder her dad-ager wanted a pre-nup.
 Get that pre-nup honey. The Eric Johnsons will come and go but you can depend on money to support and care for you for a lifetime. I know I'm crass. SO WHAT???

Roses are Red...Part 2..By My Grandson Zach

The second half of the wartime love story by Zach Ramelan...A school project.

Who Is Barbara Walters' Most Fascinating Person of 2010?

Barbara and justin Bieber
December 9, 2010
Barbara Walters has selected the people she found most fascinating in 2010.  So far, the list includes teen singing sensation Justin Bieber; Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock; basketballer LeBron James; MTV's "It" kids -- the cast of "Jersey Shore"; "American Idol" judge Jennifer Lopez; Princess-to-be Kate Middleton; former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, and 88-year-old comic genius Betty White.
 Babs, c'mon, Justin Bieber?? Really??

Walters is holding out on the last two names and will reveal her choice for the top spot when the show airs tonight at 10:00 PM on ABC.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lindsay Lohan : 'Dancing With The Stars'

To waltz or not to waltz ... according to , Lindsay is currenting in secret talks with Dancing With The Stars' to join next season's cast.

"Lindsay has been talking with the 'Dancing With The Stars ' people ," a source close to the actress exclusively told Radar ." She is definitely interested and considering being in the show .

But is reporting Lohan isn't anywhere near starring on the show . In fact , her rep tells the website . "Lindsay Lohan is not doing 'Dancing With The Stars' . The story is false."

Radar also reports that the 'Mean Girls' actress is still in treatment and her team at Betty Ford would fully support the idea of Lindsay appearing  on the hit show.

Lindsay's treatment team thinks 'Dancing With The Stars' would be a perfect transition back to work for her . Lindsay would have a set schedule everyday ,  she would be occupied and would be very productive . Lindsay wanted their approval before proceeding in talks with the producers and she got it , said the source.

My take : I personally think this would be great for Lindsay . The structure alone would be helpful for her rehab and recovery . Lindsay is a beautiful young woman that was derailed to another train track and needs something like this . And , Lindsay could probably go all the way and win the MirrorBall Trophy . I am all for it . I really want to see her get turned around and back on the right track .  At least Lindsay is not related to a politician so she is half way there ... go for it Lindsay !!!

Jagger 'Calls Out Richards Over Book Claims'

SIR MICK JAGGER has launched a thinly-veiled attack on his ROLLING STONES bandmate KEITH RICHARDS for releasing a tell-all book, insisting stars only publish "tedious" autobiographies "for money".
The guitarist released his memoirs, Life, back in October and the book made a number of unflattering references to Jagger, likening him to an annoying mynah bird and suggesting he has a small penis.

Jagger now appears to have taken a swipe at Richards for publishing the tome by criticizing celebrities who lift the lid on their personal lives in print.  He tells the New York Times' T Magazine, "Personally. I think it's really quite tedious raking over the past. Mostly, people only do it for the money."
And the star is adamant he doesn't want to write his own life story: "You don't want to end up like some old footballer in a pub, talking about how he made the cross in the cup final in 1964."

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Kate Gosslin and Brood Go Camping With the Palins

Kate Gosselin is not a happy camper. On this week's edition of "Sarah Palin's Alaska," she and her brood make a much-anticipated guest appearance. But don't expect it to reveal her inner Daniel Boone.
"How would you like to go camping with Kate and her eight kids — that TV show you watch?" Sarah Palin asks her daughter, Piper, at the start of the episode. Piper squeals with delight at the idea of hanging with these stars of another TLC series.

As things develop, the camping trip in the Alaskan wilds will be no day at the beach for Kate. But it makes for a hilarious hour of Palin's show, which airs on TLC Sunday at 9 p.m. EST. Read no further if you don't want spoiler details of Kate's stab at roughing it.

For a few fleeting moments, it seems she will savour her visit with the Palin family. She instantly bonds with Sarah, as they compare notes on the predatory nature of the media. "There's not a whole lot of people that I run into that can understand the scrutiny by the media and beyond," says Kate, whose crumbling marriage to Jon was documented on "Jon & Kate Plus 8" while it spurred a feeding frenzy from the tabloid press.
Now, single mom Kate and her kids just happened to be in Alaska taping one of her "Kate Plus 8" specials, which occasioned their guest spot with the Palins.

The first stop: Sarah takes Kate to a bear safety class to prepare her for their camping expedition. On the road from Wasilla to the class in Anchorage, Sarah sort-of jokes that, in case of a bear attack, "You need a partner with you who's slower than you."
"Oh, my gosh!" replies Kate, who already was spooked by the bear rug in the Palins' home. "Sacrifice your friends?"
At the rifle range, she looks more miserable than she used to look with Jon. And that's only the beginning.

The day of the camping trip, it's — wouldn't you know? — pouring rain. Out in the middle of nowhere by a stream and surrounded by mountains, Sarah is smiling, chipper and (literally) loaded for bear.
"Rain or shine, Alaskans still camp. We still find a way to have fun," she chirps. Then Kate and her kids land at the campsite. Quickly, Kate proves to be a bigger pill than a horse tranquilizer.
"I'm not worrying about bears right now," she is soon grousing. "I'm just worried about keeping my toes wiggling 'cause they're freezing."

Sarah, daughters Piper and Willow, husband Todd and other family members seem to be having a blast. So, for that matter, are Kate's youngsters. "The kids are having fun, so I'm tolerating it, but this is my new home," grumbles Kate, having sullenly planted herself, apart from the rest, beneath a tarp. "I am miserable, but, I mean, somebody's got to be."

Sarah, ever gung-ho, announces to the group, "This is the most luxurious camping spot I've ever seen!"
Cut to Kate, who tells the camera, "It just kills me that people, like, willingly do this." Soon everybody else is enjoying hamburgers, hot-dogs and s'mores from the camp fire. Maybe it was finding out the hot-dogs are moose meat . About that time, Kate loses it. "I don't see a table, I don't see utensils, I don't see hand-cleansing materials," she whimpers. "This is not ideal conditions. I am freezing to the bone, I have 19 layers on, my hands are frigid. I held it together as long as I could and I'm done now!"

She gathers up her children and, mere hours after their arrival, they have eaten and run. Fortunately, Sarah knows the show must go on. Minus the Gosselins, she settles the crowd down for the night.
"Well, I thought we were gonna go camping with the Gosselins," she says when it's all over, full of glossy good cheer. "Turned out, we didn't. We had lunch with them on a sand bar."

Well what did you expect?? A more odd couple couldn't be imagined. Chalk and cheese, north and south, there is no way Kate could adapt and rough it.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Leo DiCaprio's Slasher : Time To Pay The Price "WTF"

It took five years  ... but the woman who smashed a wine glass on Leonardo DiCaprio's face is finally heading to the slammer .

Aretha Wilson was sentenced to  two  years in prison today ... she pled no contest  to assault with a deadly weapon last month .

Once Wilson is out of the slammer  ... she'll be deported back to Canada.

Wilson sliced Leo's face open with a wine glass during a house party in the Hollywood Hills  back in 2005.

Careful out there Leo ...your stalker is still on the loose  .

Howard Stern May Soon Be on iTunes ? No....Not There Too!

Wouldn't that be a Sirius kick in the ass to XM Radio! Sources are reporting that Howard Stern may be looking for a new home for his shock jock radio show come the new year. For the better part of the past year, Sirius XM Radio has been dragging it's feet in getting a new contract up and running for Howard. With no word if Howard will return to the station come January, people are starting to consider canceling their subscriptions to see where he might go next. And that might be straight to your iPod.

One rumor is that Apple is offering the self-proclaimed "King of All Media" a $600 million deal to start broadcasting on iTunes. It's a sweet deal for Howard, but what will it do to Apple's reputation? They've always been hip and cool in a family-friendly sort of way.
 Seems out of character to bring him into the fold. He is Mr Sleaze in anyone's vocabulary. I always thought Apple was kind of classy. They may lose a little polish in the eyes of the world.  If they are thinking they can modify Howard and clean up his act,  they may be wrong.  First of all, it wouldn't be fair to Howard. He is good at what he does, one of the best. I don't think he would perform well at anything else. Secondly, he is what he is; you can't change that. You can only make him unhappy.

Still, it would certainly be a great way for Howard to stick it Sirius!
Where would U rather get your Stern fix from - Sirius or iTunes? Or would you rather not?
Thankyou for the help Perez.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Willow Smith : Whips Candy Cane Hair Extensions 'OMG'

Tis the season for elegant curls , fancy updos and candy cane hair extensions  !

Willow Smith - daughter  of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith  ... sported  holiday  themed , red and white braided extensions as she performed at the  holiday tree lighting and grand opening of 'The LA  Kings Holiday Ice at LA Live on Saturday.

The 10-year-old  thrashed her arms and vibrant strands around as she appropriately belted out her hot dance single ...'Whip My Hair.'

It's not the last hit of  holiday spirit  that we'll see from Willow.  She is already set to perform on 'Dick Clark's New Years Rockin' Eve.'

Just a thought : Why are we  throwing our children out  the nest so early ?  Are we raising more Miley Cyrus , Amy Winehouse , Lindsay Lohan , etc. ???  Just wondering !!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Film By My Grandson Zach

A very strange film about a man who is watching tv but soon finds out thats not all he's watching. This is a weird film  and is hard to understand but I just made it for fun, the whole concept is that we are going through a constant loop of a man watching tv. It was not made to make complete sense and it doesn't.
See you again soon Zach.

Beastly : Starring Vanessa Hugans

It's a tale as old as time , handsome , self-absobed boy gets spell cast on him turning him into a beast unless he can find someone to love him , 'Vanessa Hudgens'  and 'Alex Pettyfer' make this modern take on  'Beauty and the Beast,' story look positive wicked in the trailer for their upcoming film , 'Beastly' : The movie stars Pettyfer as Narcissistic play boy Kyle , who is cursed  to appear hideous until he can fully appreciate the error of his ways .

Mary-Kate Oslen stars as Kendea , who casts the spell , and Hurdens  as 'Lindy,' the girl who learns to love him against all odds.

'Beastly' , hitting theaters in March  2011... if you like Beauty and the Beast , well this film is worth taking a look.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Palin 'vs' Bush At The Bookstore "WTF"

After a surprising frank  comment by former First Lady  Barbara  Bush , saying she wished Sarah Palin  would just  "stay in Alaska,"  the ex-Governor  is determined  to  have the last laugh , a source said Palin is itching to crush  Barbara's son  George's new book 'Decision Points' with the release of her tome 'America by Heart : Reflections on Family , Faith , and Flag.'

Sarah told talk show host Laura Ingraham on November 24 , that the Bushes are an example  of the 'Blue Bloods who want to pick and choose their winners , instead of allowing  competition to pick and choose the winners.

Palin should know that out-selling the former president isn't going to be easy, 'Decision Points' which looks at key moments  from Bush's presidency as well as his past struggles with alcohol , has brought  him  into an elite group of former (and current )  Presidents - the million book sales club.

Bush book landed at the top of the NY Times  Bestseller List and is currently ranked  #1  on Amazon . Other Presidents on the list includes  the current Commander-in-Chief , whose two books have sold a staggering four  million  plus copies  and Jimmy Carter , who with   well over  a dozen books has sold more than two million copies .

Sarah's last book , 'Going Rouge' sold as many copies as Bush's book in her first week,' a industry source says "although" it's not quite sure her second book will do as well . The early numbers have been good , but not great.

Side Note : President Obama had a book out last week as well - albiet a children's book , which sold 50,000 copies . This sounds very much like the battle  between the brainless...dumb and dumber  only I'm not sure which is which.

Official Trailer...Megashark vs Crocosaurus

If this is what you are into and I am told it has a cultlike following, then enjoy. The special effects are pretty good.

Steve Boring??

Funnyman Steve Martin has been left red-faced after audience members at a special evening with him were offered full refunds because he was so boring.
The comedy legend — who just last year was tapped to host the 2010 Academy Awards — appeared at New York City’s famed 92nd Street Y (formerly the YMCA) this week, where he was interviewed about art, but audience members complained that they were bored out of their minds by what he had to say. Art critic Deborah Solomon interviewed Martin Monday night in front of an audience of about 900 people, many of whom were left nearly comatose after paying to hear him talk about his new book, An Object of Beauty, which is set in the art world. He must have been really damn boring because the event bosses have emailed all ticketholders to offer every dime of their $50 admission fee back!
Poor Steve. Maybe he should just stick to stand-up and strumming banjos?!

“We acknowledge that last night’s event with Steve Martin did not meet the standard of excellence that you have come to expect from 92nd St. Y,” the Y’s Executive Director, Sol Adler, said in an e-mail to ticket-holders Tuesday.

When informed of the refunds, Martin said he was taken aback by The Y’s “discourteous” response.
“It seems to me that a consultation was at least in order,” he said. “As for the Y’s standard of excellence, it can’t be that high because this is the second time I’ve appeared there,” he added.

Hey Steve, the next time you’re running into trouble with a particularly tough audience, just bust out a few of those classic moves from The Jerk. Gets us everytime!