Thursday, March 31, 2011

Why Stephen Tyler is Not Good for Idol

 by Lyndsey Parker in Reality Rocks

When I first heard that Steven Tyler had been cast as a judge on "American Idol," I immediately pegged the screwball rocker as the new Paula Abdul: someone to bring the unpredictable, possibly unintentional comedy with babbly banter, out-there outfits, and even some inappropriate flirting. And so far, he hasn't disappointed me in that regard. But now that the live "Idol" shows have started, I'm beginning to think he's not the new Paula. Steven Tyler just may be (gasp!) the new Ellen DeGeneres..

"He was great in the audition rounds, but Steven Tyler calling everybody 'beautiful'...I'm tired of it," my esteemed Yahoo! colleague Matt Whitfield wisely griped during our latest "Idol" gabfest. "Steven is kind of starting to play that Ellen role, just sitting there and clapping like a seal." It's almost enough to make me wish that Kara DioGuardi would come back. Almost..
Look, I love me some Steven Tyler. I love me some Ellen, too...but let's face it, when she was on "Idol," she just benignly told everyone they were great, great, great. Her empty critiques offered no real help to the contestants. ("As the season wore on and her one-liners became familiar, the question of what she added to the panel grew more pronounced," recalls American Idol: The Untold Story author Richard Rushfield.) However, Ellen's general uselessness could be excused, since--not being a musician or music expert herself--she was obviously out of her depth. But Steven is a real rock 'n' roll legend with five decades of music-biz experience from which to draw. Surely he can come up with more astute critiques, or at least a few more adjectives, than just "beautiful," right?.

When the current "Idol" season launched in January, Steven--a man who was clearly born to rock the reality-TV screen--was the runaway star of the show. He pretty much SAVED the show, even, in Season 10's early weeks. He even totally upstaged the seemingly un-upstage-able Jennifer Lopez, as viewers, myself included, tuned in to hang on his every wacky word. So, granted, in the one-liner department, Steven has always had Ellen beat. (Ellen never came up with a zinger like "holly shipyard" or "even a week says WTF," you know.) But now, much like Ellen did last year, Steven simply seems to be coasting on his lovable loopiness..

It's possible that it's difficult for nice guy Steven to hurt these sweet kids' feelings (a moral issue that nice gal Ellen later admitted she grappled with while on the show). And unlike some other talent-show judges, he knows firsthand what it's like to sing onstage for public approval--so that might make him more sympathetic than most. But his fellow veteran performer/tabloid target/former softie J.Lo is finally taking the "Idol" judging job seriously (some of her critiques last week were so smart and on-the-money, Simon Cowell should have taken notes). And "Idol" dawg Randy Jackson has toughened up and stepped it up too. So Steven has no excuse for softballing it, at this point. .

Look, if Steven Tyler is tough enough to battle Kid Rock, Joe Perry, and drug addiction, then he should be capable of brutally-honestly critiquing Stefano Langone's shrill Lionel Richie cover, Thia Megia's robotic emotionlessness, or Scott McCreery's eyebrow-wriggling facial mugging and one-octave range. Lines like "You don't look a day over fabulous" may be quotable and DVR-able (and at least they're dang funny, which is more than can be said for most of Ellen's Season 9 critiques), but they're not going to help anyone grow in this competition in the long run. He certainly shouldn't lose his wonderfully weird sense of humor, but it's time for S.Ty to get a grip..

Britney Spears : Accused of Fraud in $10 Million Perfume Lawsuit

Britney spears is accused of defrauding a company in a perfume deal , according to a lawsuit seeking $10 million in damages . Brand Sense Partners , LLC claims Spears signed an agreement giving them 35% of her profits from a deal with Elizabeth Arden . Now the company has filed a lawsuit alleging that Britney and father James Spears cut a secret contract with Elizabeth Arden for Radiance scent , cutting Brand Sense out of the deal .

In a suit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court , Brand Sense  accuses the Spears family of being "sneaky" and "underhanded" in their marketing move .

It claims that Jamie Spears was caught "red handed" and that Britney participated in concealment  and evasive actions ."

Brand Sense seeks $10 million in damages  .

Judge Judy : Rushed To Hospital [UPDATE]

Judge Judy was rushed to the hospital for intestinal pain earlier today .

Judy Sheindin was in her studio when she fell ill , requiring paramedics .

The TV fixture  had complained of "intestinal discomfort" according  to sources .

A rep for Judge Judy says  "I just spoke to the judge who says she feels much better  . She says all the tests are negative , and she's going home tomorrow ."

Judge Judy will be  back taping more episodes April 12 as scheduled.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jennifer Aniston --Demi Moore -- Alicia Keys Directing Breast Cancer Films

     Jennifer Aniston                  .............................................  Alicia Keys
Jennifer Aniston , Demi Moore and Alicia Keys  will direct short films about breast cancer  as part of 'Lifetime Project Five'  anthology .

The movie will "use humor and drama to focus on the effect that breast cancer and it's diagnosis have on relationships and the way women  perceive themselves  while searching for strength , comfort , medical breakthroughs  and ultimately , a cure , said the network.

So far , there are no futher details about the content of Aniston , Moore or Keys short pieces .

Aniston is also one of the projects executives producers  , as is Marta Kauffman , who co-produce "Friends."

"One hope with Project Five is to entertain , inform and inspire dialogue , research and prevention,"said Aniston in a statement . "Otherwise , our goals are small . We want these films to move people  and impower those affected by breast cancer  to stand tall through this challenge , which impacts all our lives , no matter who  we are."
guest author --- Sassy Nan

Farley Granger Star of Hichcock Films 'Dead at 85'

Farley Granger , who starred in two  Classic Alfred Hitchcock films has passed away.

He was 85 years old .

Granger  passed away from natural causes in Manhattan on Sunday.

He rose to fame as a teenager  in1943 with the 'North Star.'

Granger went on to star in two notables Hitchcock films , 'Rope' in 1948 and  'Stranger on a Train' in 1957 .

He spent the latter part of his career in the theater  , away from  Hollywood.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Charlie Sheen : What's Behind Sheen's 'Vile' Attack On Denise Richards ?

Charlie Sheen unlashed a 'vile' attack  Monday on ex-wife Denise Richards , the mother of his two daughters and one of his last defenders , calling the actress  a "traitor and loser whore" and 'dog thief," on his uber-popular twitter feed . Now , source close to the former couple reveal what's really fueling Charlie's new found hatred for Denise .

Denise didn't steal the dogs , he gave them back to her ," a close friend of Charlie says , referring to the two pugs that no longer stay with the actor . "They were in horrendous shape . "he doesn't want the dogs , he wants to fight !"

True , just read what @CharlieSheen tweeted to 3 millon followers this morning ; "we must bombard with Warlock Napalm , that traitor and loser whore # DUH-neese POOR-ards , a vile kidnapper  and now a dog thief , hate."

A source says that the pugs were infact denise dogs , but after their divorce she let him keep them at his home so that when their daughters come to visit , "they would feel more at home." But then following his infamous hotel-trashing incident in NYC , he gave the dogs back to her .

The dogs were in terrible shape  . He could not look after himself  let along two dogs , "Charlie's friend says that giving back the dogs was a sort of  "thank you gift" for  denise steadfast support of him.

Sadly , one of the dogs died since leaving Sheen's "Sober Valley Lodge ."
During his epic run of interviews last month , Charlie called Denise "fabulous" and "smoking hot"  saying he loves her to death." But his mood changed wildly  after Denise rebuffed his request to allow their daughters , Sam and Lola , to be part of a 'Dateline' special.

"When his sons with Brooke [Muller]  were moved from his custody last month , he asked Denise to bring their daughters to tape interviews , and Denise said no," a source said . "Since that , things with Charlie have been  very, very ugly ."

"Once you offend him , he will go out of his way to destroy you ," the friend said .

And even with all this hatred  and negativity , a source close to both Charlie and Denise  stresses that the actress will continue  to be civil for the sake of their kids .

Denise doesn't agree with his lifestyle  but has always respectful because of their daughters ," says the friend . "She'll always be there for Charlie , but she can't put her kids through this .

Just a thought : Charlie has really lost it and gone off the deep end.... He really needs an 'EXORCIST.'  NUFF said .

Sunday, March 27, 2011

'Black Swan' :Filmmaker Denies Natalie Portman Dance Cover-Up

The filmmaker behind 'Black Swan' are denying a dancer's allegetions that she performed almost all of the ballet attributed to Natalie Portman . Sarah Lane  , a aoloist with the American Ballet Theatre  who worked on Portman's dance double , claims the actress only did about "5 percent" of the full body shots audiences see in the film . Lane also says producers pressured the alleged illusion . Fox Searchlight  and filmmakers have now released a joint statement : "We was fortunate to have Sarah  there to cover the more  complicated dance sequences and we did have nothing but praise for the hard work she did."  "However , Natalie herself did most of the dancing featured in the final film .

Lane spoke out after Benjamin Millepied , the movie's   choregrapher  (and Portman's fiance) said in an interview that the actress did about 85% of the dancing.

That's not true , according to Lane , who claims Portman's head was digitally placed on the professional ballerina's  body and that  the overwhelming majority of actual dance moves are hers.

"it's is demeaning to the profession and not just to me ," says Lane . "I've been doing this for 22 years  ... can you become a concert painist in a year and a half  , even if you are a movie star?"

Portman , who has yet to comment on the controversy , won an Oscar for her performance.

Stay tune : I see a fight brewing. ... updates as they become available.

Mariah Carey : Home From Hosiptal After Contractions

Mariah carey nearly received an incredible surprise birthday gift after the pop icon went to the hosiptal last night . The mother-to-be whose own birthday is today (3/27) , revealed on twitter this morning that she and her  husband Nick Cannon's twin s were apparently getting ready to party , too . "So #dembabies r really wanted  2 celebrate  w/us/ share the anniversary  !" tweeted Carey . "I started having contractions last night ...went 2 hosiptal ."

Finally they said I could go home after they got it under control , but ... they almost came on the 3/27 ...happy anniversary indeed !!! We have a few more weeks  2 go , but ... WOW !!!!

Carey and Cannon confirmed last December that she was set to have twins .

Congratulations to the happy couple ,..

Amy Adams : To Play Lois Lane

Amy Adams will play Lois Lane in the new  'Superman' movie  . The three-time Oscar nominee was informed by director Zack Snyner earlier today .

"There was a big giant search for Lois . For us , it was a big thing and obsiously a really important rule ," said Snyder . "We did a lot of auditioning  but had this meeting with Amy Adams  and after that I just felt like she was  perfect for it." Henry Cavill will play the Man of Steel , while Kevin Costner and Diane Lane are on board as Pa & Ma Kent.

Earlier rumers (debunked by GossipCop ) had Kristen Stewart taking the Lois Lane role . Kate Boswork played the character in the 2006's 'Superman Returns.'

The new Superman movie comes out in 2012 .

What do you think of the choice of Amy Adams ?

DJ Megatron Of BET Shot And Killed

Hip-Hop personality DJ Megatron was shot and killed this morning in New York . The radio and BET host was found shot dead with a gunshot wound to his chest near his Staten Island home  , according to police . He was 32 .

Megatron, whose real name was Corey McGriff : Appeared on BET's "106 & Park," and also worked at Hip-Hop station  'Hot 97' and other outlets.

No arrests have been made yet in connection with the shooting .

Robbery is believed to have been the motivation .

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Katy Perry's "E.T." Alien Look

Katy Perry has released some striking stills from her upcoming "E.T." video (featuring Kanye West) .

 Does it look like the pop star took cue from Lady Gaga's intergalactic look in the video for 'Born This Way "?

"The Oprah Windfrey Show" Ends May 25

The last original episode of "the Oprah Winfrey Show" will air May 25 .

Oprah announced in 2009 that she will end the show after 25 years .

Who do you think will be her last guest ???

George Lopez : Sorry He Compared Kirstie Alley To A Pig

George Lopez has apologized to Kirstic Alley for comparing her to a pig  in a recent "Lopez Tonight" bit . Earlier this week the 'Stsrs' contestant Kirstic Alley's little hooves" before running a video chip of a pig squealing  , now he is sorry . I "misjudged the joke" tweeted Lopez . No malice was intended  and I apologize to Kirstic.

Always think before you speak and your feet will stay on the floor and not in your mouth.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stiller and Meara

Ben Stiller's Mom and Dad

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor : Dead At 79....'RIP'

The two time Oscar-winning actress pass away at L.A.'s Cedars-Sinal Medical Center  from congestive heart failure .

Her children was at her bedside .

Her son Michael Wilding said in a statement , "My mother was an extraordinary woman who lived her life to the fullest  , with great passion , humor and love . Though her loss is devastating to those of us who held her so close and so dear , we will always be inspired by her enduring contribution to our world.

While she reached the height of her profession , Elizabeth Taylor's personal life was marked by poor health and bad marriages .

Elizabeth Taylor was married 8 times to 7 different men  , including hotellier  Conrad Hilton , Eddie Fisher , Sen. John Warner , and twice to Richard Burton .

Elizabeth Taylor rose to fame as a child actress in 'National Velvet .

Elizabeth Taylor went on to star in such films as 'Butterfield 8' , 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolfe' and Cleopatra for which she became the first actress to be paid $1 million .

In later years , Elizabeth Taylor devoted much of her energies to AIDs research.

Elizabeth Taylor was 79 .

Westboro Bapist Church To Protest Elizabeth Tayor's Funeral 'OMG'

The Westboro Baptist Church plans to protest Elizabeth Tayor's funeral . Margie Phelps , the WBC's lawyer and daughter of leader Fred Phelps , announced the group's intention on Twitter . Known for their vile message of "God Hates F*Gs" and policy picketing  Military funerals , the "Church" now intends to disrupt Elizabeth Taylor's ceremony due to her ardent  HIV/AIDS activism and  "enabling" gays .

Really this group of people need help .
We are at a loss for words.
Taylor died early today at 79 .(March 23, 2011)

.Justin Bieber and U2 to Appear on Japanese Charity Disc

Justin Bieber and U2 are among artists who have agreed to contribute songs to an album to raise funds for victims of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. Record label Universal Music said it hoped to release the digital-only album globally by the end of the week.Bon Jovi and Rihanna have also been confirmed for the album, which will raise money for the Japanese Red Cross.

"We are doing it only digitally because it is faster," said a Universal spokesman, adding that the record would be "a worldwide release".  Announcing his involvement with the album on Twitter, Bieber wrote: "Japan needs our help... We all need to step up." Trinidadian singer and rapper Nicki Minaj, whose album Pink Friday went to number one in the US last year, is also confirmed. Universal artist Lady Gaga may also appear on the album, with more artists set to be announced.

The Poker Face singer has designed a "We Pray for Japan" rubber wrist band to sell to fans, with all proceeds going to relief efforts. Last week she announced her fans had raised $250,000 (£153,000) within the first two days of sales

On Tuesday police said the death toll from the disaster had risen to 9,079, with another12,645 people listed as missing.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Michael Lohan : Arrested For Domestic Violence

Michael Lohan was arrested of  a domestic violence  charge in Los Angeles last night . His ex-girlfriend  Kate Major  filed a police report  claiming that  an argument with Michael Lohan turned physical . He was apprehended and booked on felony charges of corporal injury on a cohabitant , false imprisonment and preventing a report of victimization .

Kate Major shows sighs of a minor injury .

Bail has been set at $200,000 dollarsb.

Meanwhile , Michael Lohan's daughter (Lindsay) will appear in court Friday  to make a plea deal in connection with her felony  grand theft case .

Just a thought : Well this is a shocking turn of events ... NOT .  Why is everything Michael Lohan do is newsworthy ... after all , he is just a 'deadbeat' dad .

Monday, March 21, 2011

Justin Bieber tops Michael Jackson for Box Office Record 'OMG'

Justin Bieber's film 'Never Say Never' has now earned more than Michael Jackson's  'This Is It,' making it the most successful concert movie domestically .

Bieber made Jackson's 'Beat It' today with a total (so far) of &72.2 million in U.S. ticket sales , compared to the King of Pop's $72.1 million domestic take.

And 'Never Say Never,' has only been out for six weeks .

Bieber , however , will not outpace the nearly $190 million 'This Is It' earned internationally .

What do you think about the Biebs surpassing Michael Jackson in the U. S. ???

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Angelina and Brad : Maximun Children...'Ohhh So Cute'

Much like a comet or a supermoon (whatever that is) , it was a rare sighting in New Orleans yesterday when Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were spotted out with  all six (6)  of their children  .

You won't see them all together like this again for another 75 years  . (that's a pun...giggles )

Can Charlie Sheen Bounce Back? : A Look at the Lows of 5 Hollywood Actors

Oh , Charlie Sheen , as his rap sheet details , he's never had an adult life free of turmoil . But just when we thought that he couldn't top a drug-fueled bender at the Plaza Hotel , a night that resulted in thousands of dollars in damages  and  an escort locked  naked in a bathroom , 2011 hit , On January 27 , the actor started spiraling further  out of control when he was hosiptalized with  'severe  abdominal  pains,' and began an apparently self-created in-home rehab program . Nearly a month later , he called into a radio show ranting about  'Two and a Half Men' creator Chuck Lorre , got fired , demanded a 50 percent raise , was sued when he tried   to stop his uncle from taking his spot , lost his publicist , and had his kids taken away from him as he began to partake in a series of wildly weird interviews.

In Sheen's estimation, "can't is the cancer of happen," and after he  "exposed people to magic " with his drug use and partying  , "dying's for fools " and he's ready to take care of his family . He won't , in his mind  , fall back in to drugs because he's "too smart" for that . It's been a wildly public spiral downward  , one that's shown no signs of stopping , even if Sheen is keen to move on and make a sequel to 'Major League.'

At this point , one has to wonder if he has any chance in hell of a comeback ... that is  , if his increasingly erratic behavior doesn't end him before he has a shot . His personal and professional  life is racked with tabloid gold , but he certainly not the first . Though his tabloid trajectory might be unique , he's not alone in his image chaos.
Mel Gibson

If you time-traveled back to the 80's and told the masses that Mel Gibson would become leading tabloid fodder, they probably wouldn't beleive you. Gibson was an actor powerhouse who made a name for himself in the post-apocalyptic chaos of 'Mad Max'  and the crime-solving humor of 'Lethal Weapon.' By the 90's , he was also a two-time Oscar winner as he jumped behind the cameras and showed us the wonder of 'Braveheart.'

But his career started to deteriorate when he was arrested for driving under the influence in 2006 . He made some infamous anti-Semtic remarks directed towards his arresting officer, and his reputation was significantly tarnished . Rather than spiraling futher out of control , he cleaned up his act  and very slowly pulled things back together. But just as his career was getting back on track between work in 'Edge of Darkness' and Jodie Foster's upcoming comedy , 'The Beaver,' drama struck again.

Summer of 2010 saw the release of tapes from ex-girlfriend  Oksana Grigorieva , which had the actor spewing dangerous and racist rants into her voicemail . Gibson was dropped by his agency , dropped from 'The Hangover 2' and has yet to get himself out of the image doghouse .
Robert Downy , Jr.
When it comes to image success stories , there's no actor who's transcended their personal woes as a skillfully and completely as Robert Downy, Jr.  His eary work made him an acting force to be reckon with until a substance abuse plagued his upward trajectory . Over a five-year span in the late 90's , the actor was arrested repeatedly on drug-related charges . He drove naked down Sunset Boulevard , fell asleep  in a kid's bedroom at a neighbor's house  and was once even caught in a hotel room with cocaine and a Woman Woman costume . He said his addictions stemmed from his father supplying him with drugs as early as eight-years-old.
After being incarcerated for nearly a year, and then succumbing to another string os arrests and dramas . Downy Jr. went to rehab , got clean  and got back to acting . Addiction hadn't dulled his talents  and now Downy Jr . is one of Hollywood's leading  actors , and as jokes during this years' Globe and Oscars show , he'll even acknowledge the comedy in his old days of drama.
    Hugh Grant                Starring in 'Four Wedding and a Funeral' made
Hugh Grant the beloved go-to guy for romantic cinematic shenanigans , but at the height of his leading man status just a year after his big worldwide break , Grant was arrested in 1995 for getting oral sex from A prositute  in  public.

Unlike other tabloids kings , Grant's tabloid stint was a one-off,but coming right before the release of  of  'Nine Months,' it had a deadly impact on his career . He didn't regain his leading man status  until the romantic hit 'Notting Hill' four years later in 1999.

Tom Cruise
Like Mel Gibson , Tom Cruise was celebrity royalty through the 80's and 90's. From cult hits like 'Risky Business'  to Academy-nominated fare like 'Magnolia,' Cruise was a big-money , big buzz cinematic powerhouse . And then he started revealing more of his Scientology-based beliefs .

In 2005  he bashed Brooke Shields for using an anti-depressant  to battle post-partum depression and couch-jumped on Oprah Winfrey show to profess his exuberant love of Katie Holmes , which made the masses convinced he went over the deep-in . It didn't help when that private Scientology video surfaced . with Cruise professing that he has the skills to provide essential services at the scenes of accidents.

Cruise is still fighting his way back to the top . 'Tropic Thunder' helped , but  'Knight and Day' was no uber-hit like 'Mission:Impossible,' which is why Cruise is now gearing up for a new installment where he passes the touch to Jeremy Renner. Could Adam Shankman's upcoming  'Rock of Ages' help ?
Fatty Arbuckle
 We wanted to go to the history banks for this last one , the Hollywood actor who paved the way for media whirlwinds and Hollywood scandals . A popular comedian during the silent film era . Arbuckle's career was pummeled after he was arrested  and tried  on manslaughter  charges in the early 1920's . He and a friend had rented three hotel rooms , two for sleeping and one for parting  , in San Francisco . One attendee was an aspiring actress named Virginia Rappe . She was found  seriously ill in one of the rooms  and two days later she was hosiptalized and died . Accounts of the incident ranged from Arbuckle accidentally striking her midsection with his knee , to the actor having raped Rappe with a number of objects .

The scandal was gold for the Hearst publications , and  Arbuckle went through three trials before being acquitted  . The ordeal left him broke , divorced and blackballed from Hollywood . Just when he started to make a comeback in the 30's , he died of a heart-attack.

Just a thought : If history has taught us anything , Sheen has a long  and rocky road in front of him .     Can he make it to the other side  ??? 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Bradley Cooper and Renee Zellweger Break Up

Bradley Cooper and Renee Zellweger hav e split , the couple had dated for about two years . Cooper and Zellweger met while filming  Case 39 in 2005 , and began dating in 2009 .
Christina Applegate Lands New TV Role
Christina Applegate is coming back to prime time TV ! The actress and new mother as just landed the lead role in an untitled NBC comedy , about a sarcastic working mother who has to cope with her stay-at-home husband and opinionated parents.
Dave Grohl of Foo Fighters Blasts "Glee" Creator Ryan Murphy
"glee" creator Ryan Murphy may count Gwyneth Paltrow among his friends  , but don't expect Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl to be added to that list . Grohl blasted Murphy's public criticism of acts like Slash and Kin gs of Leon   who deny "Glee" use of music . "It's every bands right , you shouldn't have to do f**king Glee,"Grohl told THR , also calling Murphy a f**king jerk ."
Stay tune for more little tidbits  coming soon .

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lindsay's Jeweler Shops Book Deal "OMG"

The jewelry store that allegedly victimized by Lindsay Lohan has been shopping a book deal ...Tmz has learned ...and it's becoming a nightmare fpr prosecutors .

The Publicist fot Kamofie & co . contacted Sharlene Martin  , a literary agent , early last week and said his client  ...the owner of Kamofie  ...wanted to do a book deal . Martin told the agent the necklace incident  "was a moment , not a book ."

Martin who specializes in crime related b ooks , told the publicist , "you shouldn't waste any literary  agents time . Call the Enquirer if you want ."

Kamofie has already sold the surveillance video  , and the latest effort makes the victim look so mercenary . It  could jeopardize  the prosecutors case .

Update : A rep for Kamofie & Co. says , "We hav e no book deal pending."

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dr. Conrad Murray To Cops : Where's The Surveillance Video ?

Dr. Conrad Murray's legal team has only received 4 minutes of video from the surveillance cameras capturing the last 24 hours of Michael Jackson's life .

Lawyers for Dr. Murray will go to court Wednesday and ask a judge to order authorities to turn over all of the surveillance video .

Sources connected to Murray says  "the only video the LAPD turned over was from around 12:30 am the day Michael Jackson died  ... showing Michael returning to the house after his rehearsal  .

Sources  connected to Murray  claim the cops only down-loaded 11  minutes of the video  . Murray's lawyers want to see all 24 hours  ... particularly who comes in and out of the house before Michael Jackson died.

Stay tune ...the saga continues ...and just began to heat up ... up-dates as they become available.

Standoff Continues At Michael Jackson's House

                                   Alejandra Jackson................Michael Jackson
Alejandra Jackson  ... the squatter who has been living at Katherine Jackson's family compound against Katherine's wishes  just bought more time in the house  ... thanks to a judge's ruling .

Alejandra  ... the baby mama of both Randy and Jermaine Jackson has been living at the Encino compound for nearly 20 years   . The Estate wants her out and has offered her a condo in move-in condition , but Alejandra has not budged .

Estate lawyer Howard Weitzman said the snag in the move was that Alejandra refused to sign a confidentiality agreement and he claims she's in the process  of hocking a tell-all-book . Alejandra refused to sign the agreement and was also demanding money in addition to the condo .

The judge just ruled that Alejandra could stay in the house for another month until there's a full trial on whether she could be evicted .

Trial date  : April 18

Monday, March 14, 2011

Celebrity Salaries Revealed : TV vs Reality

It's no secret that most celebs can't complain when it comes to their  yearly earnin g . How much do they actually make  ? Take a peek inside the paychecks of some of our favorite stars .
                                   Charlie Sheen ...$30 million
The 'Two and a Half Men' star may have had a few bumps in the road this year  , but his bank account is still intact . The actor earned $30 million in 2010 . How's that for winning ?

                                   Sandra Bullock ... $56 Million
Although Bullock has had a tough personal year  , the Oscar-winning actress has most definitely come out on top financially , pulling in $56 million from her box office hits.

     Kristen Stewart ... $28.5 million  ...... Robert  Pattinson ...$27.5 million
Twilight's dreamy Robert Pattinson earned $27.5 million , while his co-star and rumored off-screen love Kistin Stewart raked in an impressive $28.5  million . That should make for on e memorable date night !
                                Oprah Winfrey .... $315 million
Talk isn't cheap , after all !  Talk show queen  and network owner Oprah Winfrey earned $ 315 million.
                                   Lady Gaga....$62 million
The 'Born This Way' sinfer entertained the world last year , earning a $62 million nest egg .

                                 Dr. Phil McGraw...$80 million
Just what the doctor ordered  ! Dr. Phil McGraw took home $80 million from his day job .

                                 Chelsea  Handler.... $19 million
The talk show host makes an audiences laugh daily  , but she's laughing all the way to the bank with $19 million in her pocket .

                           Ryan Seacrest ...$51 million  ...Donald Trump $50 million
A few years ago , would you ever have guessed that Ryan Seacrest  would out earned  'The Donald '? It's close , but Seacrest brought home $51 million , while Donald Trump earned "just" $50 million.

                                 Jay-Z ...$63 million ...... Beyonce...$87 million
Wonder if there's any salary competition in Beyonce  and Jay-Z's house ? Beyonce out-earned her hubby last year , with $87 million , while Jay-Z brought home a cool $63 million.
Just a thought : I would like to see what their pay is after all the taxes is taken out , such as social security and about 4/5 more  taxes at 15 to 22 percent  , what they are not saying is the millions are gross pay ... I wonder what their net pay is  after all the with-holding  taxes.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Boob Envy

Envious Sophia?? Or are you waiting for that right nipple to pop out and say hello?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller Reach Custody Agreement

Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller have reached a custody agreement that settles their dispute over their twins boys , and effectively ends Mueller's pursuit of a restraining order against the actor . Lawyers for the pair say the estranged couple has "reached and agreement that resolves their difference."

According to the statement , details of the arrangements have been kept confidential for the benefit of their two-year-old twin sons, Max and Bob .

Mueller obtained a restraining order against the "Two and a Half Men" star after she claims he threatened her on a recent trip to the Bahamas . The couple was scheduled  to go to court on the issue today ; the hearing as been canceled.
Charlie Sheen : Fan Arrested  After Trespassing At The Star's Home
It was a busy night for police at the 'Sober Valley Lodge.'

Not only did the LAPD conduct a firearms raid on Charlie Sheen's house , but officers also had to apprehend a 26-year-old  male fan who was allegedly jumped a fence to get into the actors back yard .

Police arrived after  an 11:35 p.m.  phone call alerting them to the situation  and the man into custody without incident  .

The intruder was booked on suspicion of trespassing and held on  $1,000 bail.

AWwwwww Charlie , the guy  just wanted a taste of the white power  you pass out so freely.

Eddie Cibrian : Get's Playboy Lead..

Eddie Cibrian just snagged the lead in "Playboy" a new series set at the glamorous Playboy Club  the 1960's. Cibrian will play Nick Dalton , a Chicago attorney who is also a club key holder with several ties to the exclisive hot spot .

LeAnn Rimes' beau replaced Jeff Hephner , who was pulled from the show after producers appartently had a change of heart about the casting choice.

Amber Heard and Laura Benanti will also star in the show , which is set to begin filmin g next week in Chicago.

What do you think about Cibrian as the lead???

Just a thought : What a nice jump  Eddie Cibrian....from being called that guy  and playing at the end of the line on CSIM: to leading man.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Madonna : Mourning 99-year-old Grandmother

Madonna is mourning the death of her grandmother  , Elsie Mae Fortin , who passed away yesterday in Bay City , Michigan at the age of 99 .

It was Fortin who partically raise Madonna after her mother  succumbed to breast cancer  in 1963 . Madonna was just five years old at the time .

Shortly before Madonna was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2008 . Fortin  told her local paper , the Bay City Times  , "She done things that I didn't approve of , but at the same time she's my granddaughter  and I still love her  and I'm proud of her hard work ...shes' been good to me."

Madonna's publicist said in a statement , "I'm sorry , but Maddona will not be issuing any statements or conversing with the media regarding her grandmother . It is a totally personal affair .

Our condolence  to Madonna and her family .

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bill Clinton : Writes Intro For Spy Novel

Bill Clinton is apparently a big fan of spy novels . The former president has  written a preface for the Thomas Capioni upcoming novel , "The Spy Who Jumped Off The Screen."

The book is about a movie star and former operative who tries to prevent nuclear bombs from getting into the wron g hands .

Clinton hails the thriller as a "stylish , involving , utterly contemporary puzzle."

The novel is set to come out in early 2012 .

Just a thought  : Does Clinton's recommendation make you want to read the book ??
Waiting to hear your input .

Monday, March 7, 2011

Charlie Sheen : Fired From 'Two and a Half Men'

Charlie Sheen has been fired from  'Two and a Half  Men ," after careful consideration  Warner Bros.  Television  has terminated Charlie Sheen services on 'Two and a Half Men' effective immediatedly ." Warner Bros. tells GossipCop in a statement .

"No decision's been made yet on the future of the show ," a rep says , which leaves open the possibility , at least for now , that's a Sheen-less  'Two and a  Half Men' could next year .

CBS shot down the current season on February 24 amid growing controversy over Sheen's off-camera  antics.

Update : Sheen has responded to the decision .
"This is very good news . They continue to be in breach , like so many whales . It is a big day of gladness at the Sober Valley Lodge   because now I can take all of the zillions of dollars  , never have to look back at whatshiscock again and I never have to put on those silly shirts for as long as this warlock exists in the terrestrial dimension," Charlie says in a statement to TMZ.

Just a thought : Well, if he is filmed saying that in person , that is going to help him a long way  in his stand for sanity ......NOT !!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rodney King : Pulled Over By Police...."Cited"

Rodney King had another clash with police this week....The day before the 20th annversary of his infamous beating ... but this time , Rodney was only hit with a citation for driving without a licence , a source said.

Cops in Arcadia , California received a complaint about a man driving recklass in a green Mitsubishi Tuesday afternoon  ...and when they located the vehicle , they saw King behind the wheel.

A spokeman for the Arcadia Police Department  tells us King was pulled when cops witnessed the car making an unsafe  lane change ... and when they approached the vehicle  , King admitted he has been driving with an expired licence.

King was  cited for the licence ... not the recklass drivin g  ... and immediately called a friend to drive him home.

And absolutely nothing else happen .

Just a thought : Inquiring minds want to know why King wasn't cited for the unsafe lane change . DUH !!