Friday, April 29, 2011

David Letterman : Accused Donald Trump of Racism

David Letterman accused Donald Trump of racism during Thursday  "Late Show" taking Trump to task for the President Obama birth certificate controvery.
During an interview with guest , Dr. Phil , who's friendly with Trump's recent implication that Obama only got into Columbia and Harvard  because he's black is when things stopped being funny.
"It's all fun , it's all a circus , it's all a rodeo ... until it starts to smack of racisam ,"said Letterman.
When the host asked Dr. Phil whether he considered Trump a racism , the guest replied quickly , "I do not," explaining that  Trump often just doesn't think before he speaks.
Letterman didn't seem so sure .
"If he (Trump) comes back on this show , and I am not sure we want him back on this show under these circumstances , he ought to be prepared to apologize just fot that kind of behavior .
Check out the surprising frank exchange above.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fashion Idol

From mirco minis to bold prints,Jennifer Lopez rocks her style every week on American Idol .Wednesdays and Thursdays 8/7c , Fox
                                  Mad for Mod..........Disco Diva............Boho Chic
*Mad for Mod: "The goal os to push the envelope and show as many sides of her as we can ," says stylist Mariel Haenn , who along with stylist Rob Zangardi puts together Lopez's  Idol outfits." We like to do some vintage ," adds Zangardi of this '60s rock era   flock , which shows off Lopez's legs . "With this dress , we actually had to lengthen the hem." The Christian Louboutin platforms gave her the retro dress a contemporay vibe.

*Disco Diva : "The thing we love about Jennifer is she can pull off rock and roll to superglam,"says Zangardi . Though the pants ensemble was inspired by late -70s styles , the combo of Diane von Furstenberg shirt , C ory Lynn Calter pants , Gucci shoes and Neil Lane necklaces "is still morden ," adds Haenn . The stylists don't coordinate Lopaz's outfits with the judges' clothes , but , every week , they match," Zangardi says. "It just seems to happen."

*Boho Chic : The day of each live show , Zangardi and Haenn lay out ten looks , including clothes , jewelry and shoes. "We think ab out the last week and make sure we're not doing something too similar," say Haenn . "we talk about her hair and makeup and even nail colors ." This Blumarine gown  "had a bohemian feel and we hadn't done that yet," adds Zangardi . The team  gave the dress and belt a funky feel with Gucci shoes and bold earrings.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

2011 : Finale Preview

   CSI : Investigation  -  Season Finale  -5/12  , 9/8c, CBS

 Whether it's burying someone alive or having a shoot-out in the lab ... CSI is famous for its frenetic finales . When season 11 comes to a close , though , exec producer Carol Mendelsohn has something different in mind . This time "it's going to be emotionaally explosive ." Those internal fireworks start sparking in the next to last episode on may 5 , when the team travels to Los Angeles to follow a tip that a serial killer  Nate Haskell (Bill Irwin ) is up to his old tricks , says Mendelsohn , "They'll find evidence that will call into question whether or not Nate Haskell is Nate Haskell . They'll uncover who hi is and how he was c reated ." Ever since replacing Grissom (William Petersen) on the CSI team , Ray Langston (Laurence   Fishburne ) has been on a collision course with Haskell , and in the season finale , he'll finally taken matters into his own hands . Mendelsohn won't say what exactly those hands do to his nemesis , but she does add that Langston's decision leaves the whole team at odds with each other ."The finale won't end with a clean slate . It'll be a cliff-hanger , but more for the team in terms of their relationalship  and dealing with the aftermath of what Langston does.
CSI:Miami ..Season Finale ..5/8 ,10/9c .CBS

It's a turbulent finale for Horatio (David Caruso) and the gang , who are on the hunt for a dangerous excapee from the prison break that happened in Epsiode 4 earlier this season . Horatio and Tripp fly to Arizona , where they've apprehanded Jack Toller ."But unbeknowst  to us , Jack has a different plan  than for us to land at Miami International  and take him back to prison ," says Rex Linn , who plays Det. Frank Tripp. The crew members are a part of this scheme , and our prisoner finds a way to escape. "Once back on the ground , the team will comb the streets for their fugitive , with the help of undercover agent Renee Locklear  (guest star Natasha Henstridge) , who may set Horatio's heart aflutter . But thats not all for naught if the boss doesn't survive the season finale . According to coexec producers Barry O'Brien and Marc Dube ,"We have a shocking ending in which Horatio is in jeopardy as you're never seen him before . He is force to make a choice between his own survival and savin his colleague."
 Criminal Minds ...5/18 , 9/8c  CBS

It's been a traumatic year for the Behavior Analysis Unit , laving lost two team members (Paget Brewster's Emily Prentiss and A.J.Cook 's JJ  Gareau , who's announced she will return ) and the season finale won't be any easier for them . Since some cast members' contracts are expiring , "We don't know who's going to be here next year , so we're writing to that ," says exec producers Erica Messer . "The clift-hanger is not an SUV blowing up , but BAU itself is facing changes."  And the finale case is one of the series most 
intense  : It concerns human trafficking and murder as sport .   "Our heroes uncover an ongoing conspiracy," reveals Messer . "We 're diving into the darkest  of the dark . And because of that , it becomes important how they deal with the darkness."   
NCIS: Los Angeles...5/17 , 9/8c CBS

Can claire Forani really step into Linda Hunt's shoes  ? And just what kind of extreme toe-crunching would that entail , anyway ? We'll find out on NCIS:Los Angeles when Forani's newly introduced  special agent takes over as operations manager  ... temporarily we assume , lest the Hunt-loving fan base becomes even further enraged by the possibility of the mother hen's exile. "You don't see Hetty (Linda Hunt) sitting behind her desk in the last eposide ," reveals exec producer Shane Brennan . "It's quite schocking for everyone to look accross and instead of Hetty's head , they see Lauren Hunter . And she's giving the orders . It's very unsettling ." Besides Hetty , the finale will focus on Callen (Chris O'Donnell) , who'll "discover a lot about the mystry of his past in a very short time over this last episode  and the first episode of next season . "Overall , Brennan promises an NCIS -worthy cliff-hanger . "We'd expect no less.

House..5/23  , 8/7c FOX

This season , Huddy  (Lisa Edelstein  and Hugh Laurie) splintered and House cracked . Taub(Peter Jacobson) caught wifey messing around on line and moved in with Forman (Omar Epps) . Thirteen (Olivia Wilde) returned from  medical leave , oops, prison . The finale will tie up loose ends , though not necessarily for the guy who needs it most . "House has been on a razor's edge ever since breaking up with Cuddy , so the finale is really an internal drama for him ," says creator David Shore . "He's making sense of what it meant to fail after trying so hard to be normal and striving to be happy this season." Don't expect him to solve life's grumbly mysteries , though . "Like we always say , House  never really changes."


BLUE BLOODS : 5/13 , 10/9c ..CBS

It's payback time for the Blue Templars when the Reagans close in on the cabal of rogue cops . Violence hits the family as police commissioner Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck) , aided by son Jamie (Will Estes), gets closer to finding out which Templar was responsible for the death of his own son, Joe. It's been a rough time for Jamie , who was pulled in by the FBI to infiltrate the group , then was targeted for assassination himself . "That adversity only strengthened his resolve ," says Estes , who plays the newly minted police officer driven to find the killer of his beloved sibling. "WE don't find out until the very end  what went down and who was responsible for Joe," he says . "It's a huge finale with some big surprises . A lot of major story lines will be resolved ." And one may be beginning . For the first time since his fianc`ee dumped him , Jamie has a new love interest . "Her name is Laura  and we meet because she's the damsel in distress ," Estes says . "Jamie likes damsels in distress ."
BONES ...5/19 . 9/8c ...FOX

Bones will be delivering a season finale guaranteed to bowl you over . Literally . The action begins when a corpse appears in a bowling ally's pin-setting machine , leading Booth (David Boreanaz) and Brennan (Emily Deschanel) to dress up like a pair of old married league members . But the team will also welcome new life , with the doctor boy-friend of Camille (Tamara Taylor) delivering Angela (Michaela Conlin) and Hodgins  (TJ Thyne) baby. "This will alter everyone's lives ," says exec producer Stephen Nathan , hinting at the possibility that the child could be born blind . With Nathan adding that "Brenan and Booth are deeply affected by the birth ," could that mean that Emily Deschanel's real-life pregnancy may be written in to season 7? Teases Nathan . "Everybody will have a little game-changer in their relationalships that will alter the course of the series next year.

Lindsay Says She is ready to Face the Consequences of her Misdeeds

NEW YORK, N.Y. - Lindsay Lohan says she's made poor decisions in the past, but insists she's ready to deal with the consequences.Appearing on NBC's "Tonight Show" on Tuesday, the troubled actress acknowledged feeling shock at last week's ruling by a Los Angeles judge that sentenced her to jail. But when asked by host Jay Leno if her treatment was fair or unfair, Lohan said she was "treated the way I should be treated. ' 'I'm a big girl," the 24-year-old Lohan said, "and I'm gonna do what I'm told to do."
On Friday, Lohan was sentenced to 120 days in jail for violating her probation by taking a designer necklace. The actress's attorneys appealed the sentence. Lohan was freed on bond after a few hours behind bars.

She told the "Tonight" audience that she's playing the wife of John Gotti Jr. in the crime family movie, "Gotti: Three Generations." Her casting in the role was announced last week but it was unclear whether her legal woes might affect it. Lohan said she's "let a lot of my fans down by putting myself in situations when I was young and wasn't thinking clearly," but she expressed hope that she could get her acting career back on track.

"As long as I stay focused, then I will be able to achieve what I want to achieve," she said. Asked by Leno where she saw herself at age 30, she replied, "Hopefully sitting here after I've won an Oscar. That would be ideal."

Her "Tonight Show" interview was taped Monday.  Well I believe her even if millions wouldn't.

She was sentenced to 120 days in jail and 400 hours of community service on Friday (22Apr11).
 During her appearance on The Tonight Show  the actress revealed she will begin her required hours at the Downtown Women's Center in Los Angeles this week (beg25Apr11).
Website reports she must also complete 120 hours at the County Morgue.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tracy Morgan Rips Charlie Sheen As A Unfunny "A--Hole WTF

Let's just say Charlie Sheen  is not winning a friend in Tracy Morgan.

The SNL alum and star of NBC's '30 Rock' ripped the self -proclaimed  Vatican Warlock Assassin , critizing Sheen's antics and saying they will negatively impact Sheen's children for the rest of their lives.

It is on.

"There are things in this country that need to be given precentent  instead of worrying if I drink . I'm just a comedian , I'm not Charlie Sheen . "Charlie Sheen is not me," Morgan told AOL's Popeater while making the publicity rounds for his new animated flim , "Rio."

"I think that's a train wreck and I feel bad for his little kids because they're bodies being pulled out of the train wreck . What's going to happen to them ? But everyone thinks it's a joke.

Morgan, a 42-year-old father of three grown-up children who has dealt with his own sobriety issues , then let Sheen have it .

"While this a--hole is going on stage making a fool of himself his kids are going to suffer  and don't even know it because this is a cycle of abuse," the comedian said with a typical candor .

A per for Sheen did not respond to calls or emails seeking comments and so far Sheen hasn't taken up the battle cry on twitter.

Perhaps  Sheen's to busy perparing for tonight's  'Torpedo of Truth' in Houston.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Jail Time ? What ! Lindsay Lohan's Has Nowhere To Go But Up

Another stint in jail won't help or hurt Lindsay Lohan's brand . Her markrtability with consumers is already so poor that even more time behind bars can't hurt her more than she has already hurt herself.

"I don't think going to jail or not matters  to a brand anymore  with Lindsay . Any bran d that was going to touch her with all of her troubles was / is going to do so regardless of werher she spends time in jail . For the most part , I think it's safe to say most brands aren't going to get close to her as there's just been too much negativity surrounding everything she does ," says marketing excutive Matt Delzell of the Marketing Arm .

Delzell's job is to pair brands with celebrities for endorsement and licensing deals and he doesn't see much activity in that arena in Lohan's future.

On Friday , Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner found Lohan in violation of probation  and sentenced her to  the jail time  and 480 hours of community service .

In light of the latest  speed bump for Lindsay , Delzell believes it is time for La Lohan to take seriously  the three factors that will help her rebuild her brand .

1)  Mahe a sincere , public apology .
2)  Keep her nose clean and stay out of the media spotlight for awhile . Time will be on her side .
3)  Have a successful project , a movie or even some charity work . Something !

Even when all three of these are checked off ( and make note that none of them has been accomplished  yet ) , it could be a case of too little , too late .

"Her brand is already tarnished and she keeps getting herself into the same messes so that it gets tarnished even more ,"explains Nelson Gayton , Executive Director and senior lecturer at the  Center for Managing Enterprises in Media , Entertainmemt , and Sports at UCLA's Anderson School of Management . "She has a persona these days , but that isn't necessarily a brand ."

Gayton believes that right now Lohan only brings value to a project as a star of 'Celebrity Rehab' or in a cameo in  'The Hangover  2.' But maybe if she c an complete the triumvirate of redemption  above she will have a shot .

"I wouldn't say her brand id sufficiently kaput that she can't do anything about it . Look at the chances the public gave Robert Downey, Jr., and he's won his way back with the public again ," Gayton said, adding the cavest , He is an amazing talent though , does that hold true for Lindsay ? Can she get her act in  order  and disprove perception of her as problematic ?"

Five Top Troubles Of Teen Stars

                                  Rebecca Black.........Demi Lovata .......Miley Cyrus
Rebecca Black had a week . Demi Lovato's on the mend after having a few months .Miley Cyrus has had a few years.

No teen stardom is not all American Rag shopping sprees , and here's why .

1)  Scrutiny :
Go ask the twenty something 'Glee' kids how fun it is to be in high school . Your fan base is young and passionate , and wants to know every detail of your life ... especially those aspects concerning clothes , are no clothes and poles .Should it be any surprise when the likes of Lovato who belaredly learned , she was also up against bipolar disorder , needing a timeout.

2)  The Parents :
It's bad enough when you make tabloid trouble for yourself with a (perfectly legal) psychoactive  plan . Imagine on top  of that Mom and Pop , whom you're pretty  much stuck with , making tabloid troubles , too . (then once you're done imagining , stop wondering why Lindsay Lohan  is where Lindsay Lohan is these days , namely  in court).

3)  The Internet :
From Jodie Foster to Melissa Joan Hart , former teens stars say today's teen stars have it worse than they did . Sure , they're partly being biased fogies who think their times were the best times . But they're also correc tly recognizing that the World Wide Webs has made the whole wide world a lot smaller , in a scary , just-leave-Rebecca Black-alone  sort of way.

4)  The Jealousy :
When you're rich and famous and on your own , you can build a moat around your castle . When you're rich and famous and in the fifth period , you're screwed . "I was happy to leave school at 14 ... Kristin Stewart said once .[at sc hool ] I like definitely go 'oh,' she's such a bitch , "I was like you're never spoken to me , but you can think I'm a bitch .GREAT ?

5)  The Raging Hormones :
This explains a lot about teens  and not just teen stars  and / or the cast of Teen Moms. It probably also explains a lot about Charlie Sheen , so this condition shouldn't be considered unigue to the young .

Just a thought: None of these things should matter if you have a solid foundation with your family . Lets face it , everyone makes mistakes . But if you make those mistakes over and over again ( * cough ,cough * Miley ) it's no longer a mistake , but a CHOICE.

The Many Incarnations of Madonna

She seemed  to be sticking to a softer, classier look for a year or so.
 Along comes 2011 and voila!

Madge, Madge, Madge, why??
You can't bring back your youth; even with the tacky wardrobe.
Can't you age with a little grace and style??
You'll still be able to get as many 'boy toys' as you want.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Jerry Springer on Trump : He's 'Flavor of the Month'

Exclusive : Jerry Springer has a lot going on in his life ... 20th anniversary of his  talk show , hosting duties of his dating show , 'Baggage' ... but the former big city mayor  always have time to talk politics . When Jerry called to say hi  this week , he was asked about his fellow TV star  Donald Trump , who in the course of a few weeks  has become the Republican front-runner to oust President Obama.

"Remember when you were a little kid and a wise guy in the back of the class would shout things out  ?" Jerry asks. "That'  Trump . He makes you laugh  and giggle."

The TV legend , 67  , says , "right now Trump is enjoyable   and that he's gamely filling the role  left by the sudden  (and surprisely) exit of another  media darling " says Jerry . Sarah Palin  is no longer the flavor of the month, so Trump is it."

Though it's early yet in the race for the White House  , Jerry ... who was the mayor of Cincinnatic , and nearly ran for the U.S.Senate eight years back  isn't impressed with the competition so far .

"I don't think any of these people are goin g to beat Obama ," he says . "Republicans have over reached  . Do we really want a country without Medicare ?"

On the flip side , Jerry thinks Obama is doing a fine job and that his  "heart is in the right place."

"Obama can't get everything he wants with Republicans controlling Congress fighting him ," he says . "we hav e a class war going on at the moment . The powerful are stacking the deck in flavor of the rich , which is why the gap is getting wider between the rich and the poor ."

Flash back  to last year : Jerry Springer defends his talk show guests . "Praises Sarah Palin.

Jerry backed down fron a possible run for the Senate in 2003 partly because of the negative reputation he gets because of his admittedly silly talk show , which aired in 1991 .

For starters , Jerry admits that he almost never watches his own show  but he's confident of why it's endured  and thrived for so long .

"It's so stupid" he says . Our Niche is outrageous , so we are not competing with anyone . We have corned the market. It's total escapism , where we never pretend to be anything we are not . It's hard to find a job that is this much fun. It keeps me young.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Donald Trump Blasts Jerry Seinfield After Comic Drops Out Of Charity Event

Donald Trump is already feuding with Bill crosby , the biggest sitcom star of the 1980s so it makes sense he'd now find himself in a battle  with the biggest sitcom star of the 1990s.

The current war of words began after Jerry Seinfield decided to pull out of a  benefit for the Eric Trump Foundation , the potential Republican presidential candidate's son's charity.

The comedian 'has grown increasingly uncomfortable' with Donald Trump's questioning of President Obama's citzenship , according to his rep , and "feels this kind of demagoguery has no place in public discourse."

Instead , Seinfield opted to make a contribution to the Trump Foundation and St. Jude's Chrildren Research Hosiptal ,which the September 13 event will benefit .

Papa Trump was not happy with Seinfields' decision , and he shot off a scathing letter to make his disgust abundantly clear.

"I just learned you canceled a show for my son's charity , because of the fact that I am being very aggressive with respect  to President Obama , who is doing an absolutely terrible job as our leader ," writes Trump.

"We don't care that you brike your  commitment , even though the children of St. Jude are very disappointed  and desipte the fact that your manager  clearly stated you are 'truly a man of his word."

"What I do feel badly about is that I agreed to do , and did , your  failed show , 'The Marriage Ref,' even though  I thought it was absolutely terrible ... dispite its poor rating , I didn't cancel on you like you canceled on my son and St. Jude . I only wish I did ," adds Trump.

Trump ends the letter by scolding , "You should be ashamed  of yourself !"

Wow !
What do you think of Trump's latest public fight ???

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Demi Lovato : Reveals She Suffers From Bipolar Disorder

Demi Lovato  has revealed that she's bipolar .

"I never found out until I went into treatment that I was bipolar," the singer-actress tells People .

Looking back it makes sense . There were times when I was so manic . I was writing seven songs in one night  and I'd be up  until 5:30 in  the morning ," says Lovato .

"I feel like I am in control now ... where my whole life I wasn't in control."

After Catherine Zeta-Jones recently disclosed her own bipoar disorder , Lovato tweeted, I don't know Catherine Zeta-Jones  personally but what she has decided to do [is] so brave ... and so difficult  but worth it ... I'm proud of her ."

Lovato is leavin g her Disney series  "Sonny with a Chance" to focus on her music and recovery .

An ABC News interview about her emotional and physical issues , including  eating and cutting  , will air this week.

What's with everyone beening disagnosed  with bipolar disorder in Hollywood , is there something in the water ???  Inquiring  minds want to know .

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Halle Berry : Bows Out of Broadway Show Because of "Custody Issues"

Halle Berry has been forced to drop out of her Broadway debut .

The Oscar winner was set to appear in the "Mountaintop" a fictionalized account of the night before Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination ... with Samuel L. Jackson starring as King ...but producers of the show said in a statement , "Ms. B erry would not be appearing in the role due to child-custody issues."

Berry was slated to play a maid at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis , where King was slain on April 4 , 1968 .

This is not the first time the actress has had to drop out of a part because of the  contentious custody battle  over her daughter with former boyfriend Gabriel Aubry.

Back in February, Berry turned over her role in New Years Eve to Katherine Heigl because Aubry challenged Berry's right to travel cross-country to New York with Nahla to shoot the film . The  court eventually sided with Berry  and she took another part in New  Years' Eve .

My goodness , what a girl to do ???

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Condoleezza Rice : Guest Stars As Alex Baldwin's Ex on '30 Rock'

This could be awkard ... awkardly hilarious !

Condeezza Rice , former secterary of state under the Bush administration and ex-lover of the fictional Jack Donaghy (Alex Baldwin) will guest star on an upcoming episode of NBC's '30 Rock.'

The fictional relationship between Rice and Jack Donaghy  began in season 1 episode  titled 'The Breakup.'

During the episode , Jack keeps his relationship a secert from the other characters , but become upset when he sees Rice with Vladimer Putin . They eventually break up .

Fey and the '30 Rock' team previously approached Bill Clinton about appearing in the landmark 100th episode , but the request was shoot down by his camp . A Clinton representative told the New York Post ,"the request was made  and immediately denied without asking Mr. Clinton.

In other political figures in TV news , Michelle Obama will appear on the 'Galye King Show' on April 19 , according to the Hollywood reporter.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Warner Bros : Charlie Sheen Needs To Shut Up About Men "OMG"

Charlie Sheen is not in discussions to return to "Two and a Half Men" according to a letter sent by Warner Bros. to the erstwhile star's legal team .

Recently , Sheen has said that he's in discussions  "to come back to the series , currently in limbo after the actor's epic public explosion and falling out with "Men" creator Chuck Lorre . In one interview , Sheen claimed there was an 85 % chance of a return .

But in the Warner  Bros. letter , the studio makes it clear that Sheen is not welcome , and that his claims of negotiations are not true.

"Those statements are false," declares the letter.

"As you know , there have been no discussions ,there are no discussions  and there will be no discussions , regarding  Sheens' returning to or having any involvement with the series."

Sounds pretty final to  us.

Charlie Sheen Wants To Make Peace With Chuck Lorre

Charlie sheen blasted "Two and a Half Men" creator Chuck Lorre in the past as a "charlation" and a "turd" whose "tin case" material he "effortlessly and magicially convert [s] it into gold."

And that was just the tip of the iceberg .

Among other remarks directed at Lorre a few weeks ago included Sheen calling him  a "contaminated little maggot  [who] can't handle my power and can't handle the truth , I wish him nothing but pain."

But with Sheen's career at the crossroads , the actor had a more conciliatory tone last night at his radio City Music Hall performance .

Sheen said Lorre "doesn't completely  suck ," and even acknowledge that he's a good writer.

According to Sheen , he was asked to write Lorre an apology ... as a step to getting his job back ...and he claimed he would.

Two days earlier , during his disastrous first performance at the legendary New York venue , Sheen told the audience , "of course I want my job back ," and suggested , "lets get Chuck Lorre at Radio  City and lets fix "two and a Half Men."

So far , however, there's virtually no chance of Sheen returning to his hit series .

What do you think about the turnaround ???

..Jennifer Lopez Named 2011's 'World's Most Beautiful' By People Magazine

Jennifer Lopez has yet another distinction to add to her name! In addition to actress/singer/"American Idol" judge, the 41-year-old mother tops People magazine's 2011 annual "World's Most Beautiful" list.
"It's so crazy. Rarely am I left speechless, but I feel honored. I feel not worthy, you know? I feel happy and proud. Proud that I'm not 25!," she told the mag of her honor.
Jennifer said she's in a better place now in her forties, compared to when she was in her twenties.
"I feel better, I feel smarter. In my 20's, I just wasn't there in my mind and my soul and my spirit. It's just great to be in the position I'm in now and be able to share that with the world," she explained.

She credits her beauty to something below the surface, telling the mag, "I think it's because I have a lot of love in my life. I feel lucky to be an attractive person, but I've always felt that real beauty always comes from your heart." The star feels she's among a group of Hollywood women who are altering people's perceptions about growing old in the spotlight. "I think with people like me and Jennifer Aniston, Halle Berry, and Julia Roberts, this generation is redefining what it is to be a woman who is not in her 20's anymore but is still very viable, sexy and important," she told the mag. "We have a lot to offer. And people are starting to realize the beauty in that."

People's 22nd annual "World's Most Beautiful" list also includes female stars like Halle Berry, Beyonce, Jennifer Garner and Cheryl Burke. Hollywood leading men like George Clooney, Patrick Dempsey, Hugh Jackman, and People's "Sexiest Man Alive," Ryan Reynolds are also honored by the mag.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

CLAIM : Kate Middleton is a "Pregnant Bride !"

"Pregnant Bride !" screams Star's cover about Kate Middleton .

The tab goes on to exclaim that Middleton and "Prince William could already be expecting !"

According to  Star , Middleton has an "Undeniable glow," and it goes beyond being "thrilled to be a bride ... she's bursting with the secret knowledge  that she could soon become a mom."

Quoting an unnamed source , the magazine reports, "Kate had originally been nervous about morning sickness on the wedding day , but in the end she decided not to put  it off , to just leave it to fate."

The same so-called  "source" claims Prince William and Middleton "can't wait to share the happy news with the world after the honeymoon!"

Another alleged "insider"  adds Middleton's supposed pregnancy is  "why they had such a short engagement ."

Star further notes , "Even in the midst of hectic wedding planning , William  and Kate are quietly preoccupied with their baby secret."

Apparently , the baby is such a secret , not even Prince William and Middleton know about it .

A Buckingham Palace spokeman assures Gossip Cop that Star's cover story is "absurd" and "certainly not true."

My take : Once again , Star is royalty wrong ...what goof balls.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Linday Lohan : Perfects' Victoria Gotti Look At Film Press Conference

Lindsay Lohan appeared at a New york press conference today for the upc oming film 'Gotti: Three Generations,' and although her deal to play the role of Victoria Gotti is not yet finalized , she certainly looked the part .

John  Travolta was on hand to announce officially that he'll be starring as the late 'John Gotti' in the movie , but Lohans' presence gandered its' fair share of media attention as well .

The blonde boomshell's stricking resemblance to Victoria , who handpicked Lohan to play her in the Movie  was made apparent as the two posed for pictures together .

We will keep you updated as negotiations for the Gotti progress . 

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Hangover 2 - The Trailer

'Hangover 2' Trailer Pulled Due to Monkey Sex Scene 

C'mon, Zach. All weenie jokes must be approved first.

If you thought the first 'Hangover' movie was raunchy, wait until you see the sequel. In fact, Zach Galifianakis, Bradley Cooper and friends are already in trouble with the movie ratings board -- their trailer for 'The Hangover Part II' has reportedly been pulled from theaters.

The trailer was yanked from theaters after it was revealed that the preview had not been properly screened by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). "In our haste to meet the placement schedule for this trailer, we failed to properly vet the final version with the MPAA. We acted immediately to correct the mistake and removed the trailer from screens," Warner Bros. said in a statement.

While no comment was released by the MPAA or Warner Bros. as to what exactly they might have found to be inappropriate within the trailer, a source told NTV News that it was probably the final scene in which Zach Galifianakis' character puts a water bottle under an elderly man's pants and a monkey puts his mouth on it."When the monkey nibbles on the weenie, it's funny in any language," Galifianakis giggles.

While you won't be able to see it in theaters just yet, you can check out the clip here.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Jennifer Aniston's "Cancer Drama !" Is Just Tabloid Scare Tactic

'Jennifer Aniston's cancer drama !' Screams the headline of a misleading National Enquirer story that promises to reveal the 'shocking reason' behind her decision to direct a movie about the disease .

Gossip Cop reported the actress  along with Demi Moore , Alicia Keys along with others  ... will direct a short film as part of Lfetime's Project Five anthology series looking at breast cancer impact.

Apparentedly , the Enquirer didn't think taht was sufficiently newsworthy , because the tabloid opts to use the sensitive topic to cook up some phony alarm.

By calling the reason behind Aniston's Project Five involvement  "shocking"  and then writing about the actress  terrifying breast cancer nightmare ," the clear implication is that Aniston herself has the disease.

She does not !

It turns out the not -so-shocking  reason for Aniston's interest in the topic is that her friends  Sheryl Crow and Christina Applegate both dealt with breast cancer  , and their diagnoses brought the disease  into Aniston's life .

Crow and Applegate  were very public about their health struggles , and , fortunately , the two women or now healthy.

That's the good news.

The bad news is the  Enquirer feeling compelled to spin Aniston's admirab le work on behalf of her friends  and others as the resulf of some "shocking" scare that never existed .

Just a thought :  You just can't believe  half of what you read anymore ... what happen to good journalism .

Friday, April 8, 2011

Victoris Gotti : Picks Lindsay Lohan To Play Her In Upcoming Film

 Victoria  Gotti                                                                            Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan was selected to play Victoria Gotti by  Victoria herself beating out a number of other actresses rumored for the role .

"I know her," Lohan says.

John Travolta is set to star as  mobster  John Gotti (Victoria's father)  in a upcoming  film about the infamous family.

Sienna Miller and Blake Lively were among the stars supposedly up for Victoria's role before Lindsay snagged it .

Nothing has been sighed yet , but Gossip Cop will monitor the final casting.

Stay tune , updates as they become available.

Politician Blasts "Degenerate" Snooki And Proposes New Speaking Fees Law

Snooki's recent Q&A event at Rutgers University has engaged at least one New Jersey polition , who calls her a "degenerate," and is now proposing a new law to make it harder for celebrities to collect huge similar speaking fees.

State Senator Joe Kyrillos wants to require student groups at public colleges to get approval from the administration before paying for ev ents that some might "find objectionable."

Snooki received $32,000 to appear at Rutgers , and the money came from mandatory  students fees  paid with tuition.

Kyrillos called the "jesery Shore" personality  "a degenerate reality television star who offers neighter useful advice nor any appreciable talents."

"Students ought not be forced to fund entertainment  or events that they find objectionable ," explained the senator . "There were a great deal of Rutgers students who I am certain were uninterested or flat out outraged by [Snooki's] appearance  on campus."

The Republican lawmaker plans to sponsor a legislation that would , in part , allow students the choice on whether to want to "opt in  " on contributing to an activities fund .

What do you think ???

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kendra & Hank Not "Torn Apart By Another Woman"

In Touch's cover story is particularly shameless this week , featuring a bait-and-switch that implies Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett's relationship is unraveling  thanks to  infidelity.

"They've been torn apart by another women ," declares the tabloid , which claims that Playboy Playmate  Jessica  Hall has forced a "humiliated Kendra" to leave Baskett .

The clear insinuation is that Baskett and Hall were 'caught'  together .

In actually , the magazine story alleges that Wilkinson was the one  whose (supposed) liaison with Hall has pushed her marriage to "its most vulnerable point ever."

A so-called "witness" tells In Touch that 'Kendra and Jessica  really started getting crazy ' while partying together at the MGM Grand's Wet Republic in Las Vegas  . There supposed  "full-on, raunchy makeout session " left patrons staring  and Baskett when he heard  about it , not amused ."

The football player was "still steaming over [Wilkinson] escapades in Vegas" when he declined to show up at her  "Dancing  with the Stars "  results show after she returned from her vacation  .

According to In Touch , Wilkinson's PDA with Hall is part of a larger pattern of wild behavior that's driving Baskett crazy .

As a tab "source" explains , " the more Hank tries to control Kendra , the more she wants to escape ...that, of cource , leads to more fights , as Hank tries to lay down the law."

All this is fascinating but totally bogus  ... just like the In Touch cover story screaming about the couples' alleged "divorce drama ' more than three months ago.

Despite the magazine's best efforts to drive Wilkinson and Baskett apart , an insider close to the couple tells Gossip Cop they remain perfectly happy .

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Nick Cannon :Regrets Taking "Nasty" Nude Pictures With Mariah Carey

Nick Cannon talked today about having posed nude in a series of photos with his wife  'Marish Carey', and now he fels it wasn't such a good idea.

On his "Rollin with Nick Cannon" radio show , he said , "my children are going to see these pictures" hanging in their home , and " it's going to be a little weird ."

Cannon admitted , "it's a little nasty," and reason , "I mean. have you ever seen your parents naked?"

Though they wanted to document Carey's pregnancy , Cannon's not sure now everyone needs to see his posterior .

"When [the kids] get older and their friends come over , they will see the pictures and say , "your daddy is buck naked ....I don't want my naked booty out there for everyone  to see!"

What do you think of their ideas to take naked pictures  ???
Du-uh ... You're a big boy Nick , tahe them down , put them away or destroy them  if you're afried someone will see them . How stupid can you get ???  "But hey , that's just me ."

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sheen Booed off Stage - One Man Show

Actor Charlie Sheen was booed off stage by fans on the first night of his Violent Torpedo Of Truth: Defeat Is Not An Option one-man show in Detroit. The former Two And A Half Men star had initially been greeted with rapturous applause, but fans reportedly began to walk out within 15 minutes. Sheen had promised to tell "the real story", but critics said he instead gave "a series of nonsensical rants". The show ended after an hour when Sheen failed to return after a musical break.

Entertainment Weekly described the show as an "unmitigated disaster". "The padded and disjointed show was a hodgepodge of video clips and Sheen-isms that felt hastily assembled and misjudged the patience of even the hardest of hardcore fans," it said. The Hollywood Reporter said: "Call it 'tiger blood' or 'Adonis DNA' if you will. Just don't call it entertainment."

Sheen opened with a monologue saying: "I am finally here to identify and train the Vatican assassin locked inside each and every one of you." Unhappy fans walked out of Sheen's show early After talking about his "napalm dripping brain" and describing himself as "a giant and leaky bag of mayhem", he added: "Is anybody else as confused by this as I am?" He also showed film clips including one he wrote, produced and directed entitled RPG, but was abruptly halted after more booing from the audience.

The 45-year-old responded to one heckle by saying: "I already got your money, dude."  He later told the crowd the show was "an experiment" adding: "You paid your hard-earned money without knowing what this show was about

" Fans walked out chanting "Refund!" and were quick to express their disappointment outside.
"I was hoping for something. I didn't think it would be this bad," said Linda Fugate from Detroit, who said she paid $150 for two tickets. "I expected him to at least entertain a little bit. It was just a bunch of ranting," said Rodney Gagnon, who travelled from Ontario in Canada for the show.

Others blamed the audience: "I thought it was good. It was what I expected," Lori Caputo of Battle Creek, Michigan, told USA Today.  "I was disappointed in everybody booing."  The Detroit performance was the first of 22 sold-out planned shows in 20 US and Canadian cities. Sheen's publicist Larry Solters declined to comment after the show.
 Well, c'mon! What did you expect?? Shakespeare??

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Snooki : Paid nore than Pulitzer Awardee Toni Morrison for College Speech

                            Snooki          *****************************Toni Morrison
Snooki was paid more money to speak at Rutgers University in New Jersey than Pulitzer Prize-winning author 'Toni Morrison' will receive for delivering the school's commencement speech in may , leaving some people a bit dismayed.

The 'Jersey Shore" star bagged $32,000 for headlining an event at the school yesterday  called "Inside the Nicole 'Snooki' Polizzi Studio," where she talked about her life as a reality satr and self-proclaimed "guidette."

Her advice to students ?

"Study hard , party harder."

Morrison , who undoubted will have different advice for the graduates , is being paid $30,000 to give the school's graduation speech next month ...$2.000 less than Snooki.

What do you think about this discrepancy?
Share your thoughts with us !