Thursday, September 29, 2016

Whoopi Goldberg relentlessly grills Trump campaign manager in fiery exchange

 Business Insider          OLIVER DARCY
'Where are his damn tax returns?'
Donald Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway found herself in unfriendly waters Thursday when she appeared on "The View" and was pressed repeatedly over her candidate's refusal to release his tax returns.

Whoopi Goldberg, a co-host on the ABC daytime program, grilled Conway on the issue for several minutes.

"Where are his damn tax returns? And why don't we know what he spent? Where is it?" Goldberg asked, claiming Hillary Clinton had been more transparent than Trump.

Conway said Golberg's characterization of Clinton as transparent was not true, saying she wanted to know what Clinton "was hiding in the 30,000 emails she deleted."

Goldberg moved the conversation back to Trump.

"What is Donald Trump hiding by not releasing that information?" she asked.

"So there is a 140-page financial disclosure form you can access," Conway replied
Conway responded with Trump's usual talking points, saying the tax returns were "under audit" and that it would be legally unwise to release the documents as the Internal Revenue Service reviews them.

"That's bull! It's bull!" Goldberg erupted. "What is he hiding? What is he hiding? What is he hiding?"

"He's not hiding anything," Conway insisted.

"I think he is," Goldberg quipped.
While Trump won't release his tax returns for the public to examine, the Associated Press reported on Wednesday that the real-estate tycoon has turned the documents over in the past when it benefited him, such as for a loan.

Every GOP presidential nominee since Richard Nixon has released his tax returns.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Jim Carrey Wrongful Death Lawsuit Just Got Uglier

A lawsuit that alleges the actor had involvement in the death of Cathriona White was amended Thursday. It claims Carrey gave White multiple sexual transmitted diseases, including herpes
By  SAMANTHA ALLEN      09.23.16 2:20 PM ET

The wrongful death lawsuit against Jim Carrey just went from strange to stranger.
In an amended complaint filed Thursday, Mark Burton, the estranged husband of Jim Carrey’s late ex-girlfriend Cathriona White, is claiming that the Liar, Liar star gave White a sexually transmitted disease over two years prior to her suicide by overdose.
Carrey’s attorney, Martin Singer, is firing back with allegations that Burton’s marriage was an “illegal sham” intended to help White, a makeup artist who came to the United States from Ireland, “evade immigration laws.”

But in order to understand this new volley of allegations, some background is in order.
On Monday, Burton, who met and married White in 2013 while working as a camera operator, filed a complaint against Carrey in Los Angeles Superior Court alleging that the Hollywood actor provided White with the pills she used to commit suicide last September.

The original complaint also alleged that Carrey tried to cover up his “complicity in her death” after the fact with a “bogus text message” in which he pretended that “he had misplaced the drugs.”

In a statement Monday night, Singer slammed the allegations against his high-profile client, calling the civil suit “completely meritless,” “an outlandish shakedown,” and “an abhorrent money-grab scheme.” He added that it was “despicable” for Burton, who “never lived with [White] and did not even reside in the same state she did,” to sue Carrey for financial damages.
A few days later, the already-complex case took an unexpected turn.

On Thursday, Burton filed an amended complaint (PDF), attaching several exhibits including a purported letter from White to Carrey and alleged text messages between the pair, who dated intermittently between 2013 and 2015. The New York Daily News also published that correspondence in full on Friday morning.

“I am damaged. I am disgusting,” White allegedly wrote to Carrey in the handwritten letter. “When I shower, I feel sick. Getting turned on… what’s that? Definitely not something that happens to me anymore. I will always be damaged goods and have a stigma attached.”

If authentic, the letter also suggests that White considered but ultimately decided against taking legal action against the actor, writing that she simply “wanted an apology, to be acknowledged and to respect be [sic] enough to take responsibility.”
White’s alleged description of the sought-after apology continues: “To say, ‘I give you this intentional or not. I gave it to you. I understand that this is something that will affect you for the rest of your life, your future relationships (or lack of because of this). What can make this right?’”

The purported text messages, dating from January to March 2013, depict an escalation tension over “bumps” that the woman identified as “Cat” suggests she found on her body.
“Aggrivated folacles [sic] or bumps are normal when you shave or have vigorous sex,” the contact stored in “Cat’s” phone as “Jim Carrey” wrote in a message dated January 2013.
“I hope your [sic] ok, hun,” the person identified as Jim continues in February. “It could be from someone before me.”

“I was tested right before we were together,” White allegedly wrote back.
The text of Burton’s complaint was changed to include new allegations that Carrey “knowingly gave Ms. White sexually transmitted diseases without any regard for her safety and well-being” and that he “lied about the fact that he had given her the diseases,” all before leveraging his “powerful lawyers and handlers” to “shame and threaten [White] into staying quiet” (PDF).

The amended complaint also claims that White received three STDS from her ex-boyfriend: herpes type 1, herpes type 2 or genital herpes, and gonorrhea, and that shortly after she discovered the “bumps,” the Truman Show star “began pressuring [her] to sign an agreement releasing [him] from any and all liabilities associated with anything that had transpired in their relationship.”

In a statement, Singer called these new STD-related allegations “a desperate, bogus claim made by the ‘husband’ of the sham marriage,” which he believes was only made official “so [White] could stay in the country.”

Singer further claimed that “numerous witness have confirmed that Ms. White held a phony ‘wedding’ with another man before Mr. Burton went through with the sham marriage, after which Ms. White and Mr. Burton lived in different states.” People noted after White’s suicide that “few people, including some relatives, were even aware she had a husband.”

Singer also alleged that Burton took the “significant monies in [White’s] bank accounts at the time of her death” and “kept it for himself” instead of giving it to her family.
“My client will not pay money to end this opportunist’s transparent shakedown lawsuit, and this malicious case will be dismissed,” Singer wrote. “Mr. Carrey has suffered a great deal in the last year with the suicide of the woman he dearly loved, and it is outrageous that he should be subjected to this predatory lawsuit.”
In a statement Friday, Carrey said: “Is this the way a ‘husband’ honors the memory of his ‘wife?’  The real disease here is greed, shameful greed!”

Stay tuned folks , this  getting very interesting indeed ... 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Video shows mom suffering from apparent overdose in toy aisle at store

Published September 23, 2016

A chilling video of a Massachusetts woman apparently overdosing in the toy aisle of a store as her toddler daughter tries to wake her is making headlines. Police released the video to raise awareness about the dangers of drug abuse, Fox 5 Atlanta reported.

The unidentified 36-year-old woman overdosed in a Lawrence, Mass., Family Dollar store on Saturday, the news station reported. Police say it took two doses of Narcan, the brand name of naloxone, to revive her. Naloxone helps reverse opioid overdose.
Although the woman wasn’t charged with any drug-related violations due to a lack of evidence, her 2-year-old daughter is reportedly now in protective custody of the Department of Children and Families. 
Witchy asks :
Due to a lack of evidence? Are you kidding me. Just how much "evidence" do you need?

How freaking sad. No kid should see such a thing or be exposed to such people parent or otherwise. 


Mel  Gibson's  having a baby ... for the 9th time ... with his 26-year-old girlfriend.

Mel and Rosalind Ross, his GF of 2 years, are expecting the newborn sometime early next year ... according to Mel's reps. 
60-year-old Mel is an old pro -- he had 7 kids with his ex-wife, Robin, and one more with Oksana Grigorieva. This will be Rosalind's first baby. 

People first reported the pregnancy.

Couple fun numbers: 36 and 6 ... the ages of Mel's oldest and youngest kids, as of today.

Let's see what;s on 
Witchy's mind  :
She gets to change diapers for both Mel and the new baby.
What a rusty, racist, irresposible, catholic but not nice catholic, woman abusing tool. He really needs to go back to Australia. Another baby without a father. Everyone know where Mel's brain is  Hahahaha!! it's in his dangle   . HeHe

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

EXCLUSIVE: Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt divorce a 'long time coming' -- here's what went wrong

ET Online     ANTOINETTE BUENO     September  21st 2016 

Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt on Monday, but their split has been a "long time coming," a source tells ET.

Jolie, 41, and Pitt, 52, tied the knot in August 2014, but according to the source, the two have been having problems for the last year.

"They haven't slept in the same bed for a big chunk of that," the source says. "When they were in New York City the last time together, they had separate rooms and were on their own schedules."

WATCH: Angelina Jolie Files for Divorce From Brad Pitt After Two Years of Marriage
The last time Pitt and Jolie were together in New York City was at the 2015 WSJ Magazine Innovator Awards on Nov. 4, 2015.
According to another source, Pitt has also been more "carefree" in recent months. During his visit to NYC in July, people who worked with the A-list star commented that "the old Brad is back," the source says.

" ... They said [that] because 'he was back to being totally carefree and easygoing. Back to the aloof Brad,'" the source says. "It was a working trip but he was making the most out of his free time. He was going out to lunch, walking around. It's almost like he didn't care about anything. He wasn't your classic, uptight A-list celebrity walking around with a big entourage."

"Angelina runs a tight ship, and for years, Brad followed her orders," the source further claims. "She always called the shots and he went along with it. In recent months, he hasn't been and has been living his life how he wants to live it."

According to another source, Jolie and Pitt also struggled with issues when it came to agreeing on a parenting style for their six kids -- 15-year-old Maddox, 12-year-old Pax, 11-year-old Zahara, 10-year-old Shiloh, and 8-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox.

"Brad has traditional parenting skills -- thinks the kids need structure [like] bed times, consistent schooling," the source says. "Angelina's parenting style is much more freeform. She's not into setting boundaries."

Most recently, Pitt took a solo trip to Croatia on Sept. 1, where he met with investors and toured a real estate development. A source tells ET that Pitt "seemed fine" during his recent stay.

As for Jolie, she was last spotted in Syria on Sept. 12, making her fourth visit to the refugee camps in Jordan since the conflict in Syria began.

The last sighting of Pitt and Jolie together before their bombshell divorce announcement was in July, when they took Knox and Vivienne out for a birthday breakfast at the Griddle Café in West Hollywood, California.

Jolie lists their separation date as Septrmber 15 in her divorce filing, and is asking for physical custody of their six children.

Witchy is back with a new hair style  ... talking trash  and telling it like it is  ...HeHe

It makes sense when you understand that it is "her way or the highway."  No compromise. She believes children can set their own limits and and boundaries. Brad believes parents teach children how to set limits, follow instructions and rules and what lines you do not cross.  It is hard to get along when you cannot agree on how to raise your children. This is too important an issue. I am sure there are other problems too.
On a lighter side :
Once upon a time there was a lot of love between Brad and Angie, it was so clear to see and feel when you saw them.  Thru all her health problems, Brad stood by lovely and supportive.  They had children together and adopted children.  They married after a decade together.  But so much love could not keep them together.   Brad was the down to earth type of guy, while Angie was the free spirit, perhaps that was what bought them together their differences in life.  Now sadly it's over.  May they each go forward with love and happiness for their children.

Husband And Wife Die Holding Hands Together So They Can Walk In Heaven Together

A couple that had been married for over five decades died last month while holding hands in their hospital room, just a year shy of their 60th anniversary.

Don and Margaret Livengood had something most couples dream of having. Don, 84, and Margaret, 80, spent most of their lives together; through thick and thin, their love had prevailed. Which is why the workers at the Carolinas Healthcare North East had mixed emotions when they learned of their passing. They were both incredibly saddened by their deaths and inspired by the life they had lived.

Nurses at the caring facility even positioned their beds so that the couple could face each other while holding hands days prior to their deaths. Unfortunately Margaret passed on August 19; Don passed several hours later after telling his children and grandchildren that he’s looking forward to meeting her in heaven.

Their story was so inspirational that days before the couple’s death, doctors pulled some strings and arranged for them to be put in the same room, just so they can spend their last few days together. They haven’t been apart for 60 years, it was only fitting that they spend their last moments on this world in the company of one another. “When we get to heaven, we can walk in together, just like we’re getting married again. Another honeymoon,” Don said, according to his daughter Pattie.
Pattie, along with her husband, moved in with her parents late last year, when they suddenly fell ill. According to the doctors, Don had pulmonary fibrosis and pneumonia when he passed away, while her mom found out she had cancer in May of last year. The Rowan County natives met while working for the Stanback Company and married on June 15, 1957 – Margaret’s birthday.

Don struggled for air during his last few days, but managed to hold out, because he did not want to abandon his beloved wife. He was the first one to be admitted to the hospital, but he was soon joined by Margaret, who was admitted on August 8. Their daughter was the one that drove them there. According to family members, the couples held on just so that their grandchildren, who were stationed in Italy at the time, could make the trip and visit them one last time.

The managed to arrive 12 hours before the death of Margaret. “It was normal for them to be holding hands, their love was so precious. But it was the sweetest, most precious thing you can imagine to see them holding hands in the hospital,” their daughter said of the picture of the two holding hands.

Their death touched everyone at the hospital, including the doctors and the nurses that took care of them, who were moved to tears when they heard of the news. “This is one of those cases I don’t think any of us is ever going to forget. Seeing these two people who had spent their lives together, together in the same room as they took their last breaths, none of us are ever going to forget this,” Dr Randy Schlister said.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Angelina Jolie Files For Divorce From Brad Pitt After 2 Years Of Marriage

Tuesday, September 20, 2016  by Alyssa Norwin 
OMG, it’s over — Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are getting a divorce. Angie filed legal documents on Sept. 19, citing irreconcilable differences and listing the date of separation as Sept. 15.
Angelina Jolie, 41, filed for divorce from Brad Pitt, 52, on Sept. 19, just less than one month after their two year wedding anniversary, TMZ reports. The actress is seeking physical custody of her and Brad’s six children, asking that her ex only have joint legal custody. She is not asking for spousal support.

The reason for the divorce is cited as ‘irreconcilable differences’ in Angie’s divorce documents, but specifically has to do with the way the actor was parenting their children, sources tell TMZ. The site reports that Angelina wasn’t agreeing with her husband’s parenting methods, and that a third party — i.e. cheating — wasn’t involved.

Angelina and Brad famously met on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith in 2004 while he was still married to Jennifer Aniston. They publicly got together just one month after his divorce in 2005, and he adopted her two children, Zahara and Maddox, the next year. Together, welcomed a daughter, Shiloh, in May 2006, adopted a son, Pax — Angie in 2007 and Brad later on in Feb. 2008 — and twins, Knox and Vivienne, in July 2008.

Rumors that these two were ending their marriage have been circulating for months, with jealousy and cheating allegations among the reasons why. It was also reported that they were discussing adopting a seventh child amidst the drama, although that obviously has not happened. We haven’t seen the two out in public together since July, when they were joined by the Knox and Vivienne for a birthday breakfast in California. Love is officially dead, you guys!

HollywoodLifers, are you shocked by Brad and Angelina’s split? Or did you totally see this coming? Do you think Angie will get full physical custody?

Monday, September 19, 2016

Why Donald Trump Avoids Talking About His Daughter Tiffany

  Get to know the potential next president of the U.S. with this gallery of  things you didn’t know about Donald Trump’s kids – 
 Meet Donald Trump Jr…

Donald is 38 years old, is married with 5 kids and works as Executive Vice President of the Trump Organization. He is Trump’s oldest child from his first marriage to former model Ivana Zelníčková. He has been in a number of controversies including gun control. The recent controversy surrounding gun control in the U.S. clearly hasn’t got as far as Donald Trump Jr’s house – he recently said in an interview that he has “a thousand rounds of ammunition in [his] vehicle at all times.”
Meet Barron Trump
10-year-old Barron is Donald’s son with current wife Melania. 
If Donald does become president, young Barron will become the nation’s first First Son in the White House.
According to mother Melania, the 10-year-old will not have any kind of childish patterns on his bedspreads, insisting instead that they are “clean and white”.
Meet Ivanka Trump
Ivanka is Trump’s second born child with first wife Ivana. She is 34 years old and is married with 3 kids.
Trump has said some pretty creepy stuff about his pretty oldest daughter, including this quote during a 2015 interview with Rolling Stone: “Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father …”
Meet Eric Trump
32-year-old Eric is Trump’s third child with first wife Ivana. He is married to Lara Yunaska and lives in New York City.
He set up the Eric Trump foundation which has donated nearly $30 million to the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in California.
Meet Tiffany Trump
22-year-old Tiffany is Trump’s only child with second wife Marla Maples. Guess it’s the first time you’ve heard about this gal!
 ..well, she hasn’t really made up her mind yet. She’s probably taking more time to think things through. But who cares? She’s got a daddy who can probably take care of whatever she wants… Even throwing out cash!  Trump says  Tiffany is lazy  , just wants to party!

Friday, September 16, 2016

In passionate rebuke, Michelle Obama rips Trump for years of birtherism --- tRUMP don't have a clue

Business Insider     MAXWELL TANI      September 16th 2016 
Michelle Obama slammed Donald Trump on Friday over his previous questions about President Barack Obama's birthplace.

In a speech at George Mason University, the first lady criticized the Republican presidential nominee's assertions that her husband was not born in the US, despite evidence to the contrary.

"Then, of course, there were those who questioned, and who continue to question for the past eight years, and up to this very day, whether my husband was even born in this country," Obama said, alluding to Trump's questions. "Well, during his time in office, I think Barack has answered those questions with the examples he set, by going high when they go low. And he's answered these questions with the progress we've achieved together."

Obama's comments came several hours after Trump announced that after years of publicly questioning Obama's birthplace, he now believes Obama was born in the US.

During Friday's speech, the first lady laid into Trump's temperament, calling the real-estate magnate "erratic" and "threatening," and telling the audience that "a president can't just pop off."

The first lady lauded Hillary Clinton, arguing that she is one of the most qualified people to ever seek the presidency, but also acknowledged that many voters feel pessimistic about the way the election has played out in the media.

"As you are working your heart out for Hillary, if you start to feel tired or discouraged by all the negativity in this election. If you want to hide under the bed until it's all over, I want you to remember what's at stake," Obama said, rattling off numerous Obama administration positions that Trump has promised to roll back.

She also attempted to counter Trump's vision of a worsening America, echoing her comments at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in which she touted herself and her husband as examples of American economic opportunity.

"We live in a country where a girl like me from the South Side of Chicago whose great-great-grandfather was a slave could go to some of the finest universities on earth. We live in a country where a biracial kid from Hawaii named Barack Obama, the son of a single mother, can become president," Obama said, citing the ability for immigrants to come to the US and achieve economic success.

Obama's speech came as the Clinton campaign deployed high-profile surrogates to key battleground states amid the Democratic presidential nominee's sinking poll numbers.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Hillary Clinton leaves 9/11 memorial event early after feeling 'overheated'

AOL.COM EDITORS   September  11th 2016 

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Sunday became "overheated" at a Sept. 11 memorial ceremony in New York City and departed the event early, according to a campaign spokesman.

Clinton left the New York event and went to daughter Chelsea Clinton's apartment and was "feeling much better," according to her spokesman Nick Merrill.

News of a "medical episode" started to appear shortly after Clinton departed from the ceremony. According to FOX News, the former secretary of state stumbled off the curb, her "knees buckled" and one of her shoes fell off as she was helped into a van as she made her "unexpected early departure."

After her departure, reporters following the Democratic nominee on the campaign trail were prevented from leaving the media area for a period of time.

Temperatures were in the high 70s and low 80s Sunday morning in New York City during the event.

Following the incident, the presidential candidate told reporters she was "feeling great" upon leaving her daughter Chelsea's home in Manhattan, where she was taken after departing the memorial service.

The episode comes amid concerns from some critics who suggest the 68-year-old presidential candidate may be suffering health issues, citing repeated coughing spells on the campaign trail. Republican nominee Donald Trump has echoed such concerns, but has yet to comment on Clinton's health following the 9/11 event.
Clinton's personal physician released a letter in July describing her as being in "excellent health" and "fit to serve."

Would-be Reagan assassin released from psychiatric hospital 35 years after attack

Would-bNEW YORK, Sept 10 (Reuters) - 
Would-be presidential assassin John Hinckley Jr. was released from a psychiatric hospital on Saturday, media reports said, 35 years after he shot U.S. President Ronald Reagan in an attack prompted by a deranged obsession with the actress Jodie Foster.

Hinckley, 61, is moving in with his elderly mother in a gated community in Williamsburg, Virginia, where he has been making increasingly long furlough visits in recent years under the watchful eyes of the U.S. Secret Service.

A federal judge in July ordered Hinckley's release from St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington, finding that he no longer posed a danger to himself or to others. Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of insanity at a 1982 trial and was diagnosed with depression and psychosis, both of which are now in remission, according to his doctors.

Local media, including The Washington Post, reported that Hinckley was officially released from St. Elizabeth's on Saturday, when he had been scheduled to be freed. A hospital employee who answered the phone on Saturday said she could not comment on patients to the media.

Residents of the town have seemed largely unfazed by the prospect of Hinckley's release, though some have expressed wariness.

As a 25-year-old college dropout, Hinckley had grown fixated upon Foster and the Martin Scorsese film "Taxi Driver," in which she played a teenage prostitute.

Inspired by the film's main character, who plots to kill a presidential candidate, Hinckley opened fire on Reagan outside a Washington, D.C., hotel on March 30, 1981, in a misguided effort to win Foster's affections.

Reagan suffered a punctured lung but recovered quickly. His press secretary, James Brady, was left permanently disabled and eventually died of his injuries in 2014.

The shooting left its mark in a number of ways. The Brady shooting helped launch the modern gun control movement, and a 1993 bill named after him imposed background checks and a waiting period.

Hinckley's verdict, mean while, led several states to rewrite their laws to make insanity defenses more difficult, and the Secret Service toughened its security procedures following the assassination attempt.

Hinckley's release has dozens of conditions attached, including a requirement that he work or volunteer at least three days a week, limit his travel, allow law enforcement to track his movements and continue meeting with a psychiatrist.

The Reagan family issued a statement in July strongly opposing Hinckley's release. Foster has declined to comment on Hinckley since 1981.

 (Reporting by Joseph Ax; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama)

Friday, September 9, 2016

Does the brother of JonBenet Ramsey hold the key to finding her killer ?

INSIDE EDITION         September  9th 2016 

The brother of JonBenet Ramsey is shedding more light on what he says happened the night his 6-year-old sister was found murdered in the family home nearly 20 years ago.

Speaking to Dr. Phil McGraw, Burke Ramsey, now 29, recalled the horrifying moment his mother discovered JonBenet was missing on Christmas Day 1996.

"The first thing I remember is my mom bursting into my room really frantic saying: 'Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh,' looking for JonBenet," Burke told Dr. Phil.

"I remember her [his mother] saying: 'Where's my baby? Where's my baby?'
The anniversary has reawakened America's fascination with the murder case, as well as TV specials on CBS, NBC and Dr. Phil's exclusive interview with Burke, which will air in three parts beginning on Monday.

Dr. Phil told Inside Edition: "I ask him straight up: 'Burke, did you murder your sister JonBenet?' He answers in a forthright fashion about what he did see and he does know."

Burke can be seen smiling throughout the interview, even when talking about horrific memories.

Dr. Phil says Burke is socially awkward and a loner.

"He now works as a computer consultant and in computer security, but he works off site, he doesn't go into work every day," Dr. Phil told Inside Edition.

Burke is shown video of him during an interrogation, conducted 13 days after his sister's murder inside their Boulder, Colorado, home. Apparently, the interrogation was done without his parent's knowledge.

He told investigators at the time that someone came in through a window and beat his sister.

In another interrogation, conducted three years later, Burke, 12 at the time, talked about his mother, Patsy Ramsey.

"I just heard mom, like, going psycho," he told investigators.

The investigator said: "Going psycho? Did you go down and see what was going on?"

"No, I just stayed in bed," he replied.

Parents John and Patsy Ramsey, along with Burke,all came under suspicion at one point. They have all since been exonerated. Patsy Ramsey died of ovarian cancer in 2006.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Bill Cosby is blind, according to his lawyers

Business Insider     JETHRO NEDEDOG     September  7th 2016 

Bill Cosby will stand trial for the 2004 felony sexual assault of Andrea Constand in her Philadelphia home on June 5, 2017, a Pennsylvania judge ruled Tuesday.

But even with all the maneuvering by his attorneys to avoid the trial, the bigger, more surprising news arrives in their declaration to the judge that the comedian and former TV star is completely blind.

That declaration led to the judge promising that the court would accommodate any special needs for the defendant.

The loss of one's eyesight isn't a small sidenote, especially in a trial that will undoubtedly require Cosby to identify those testifying for and against him. The prosecution is hoping that at least 13 women will testify about their alleged sexual assaults at the hands of Cosby.

There's also the potential that his advanced age of 79 years, coupled with the blindness and extra accommodations furnished by the court, could create some sympathy for the defendant.

The most recent reports surrounding Cosby's eyesight came in July when The New York Post's Page Six quoted unnamed sources claiming Cosby was not only "completely blind," but also homebound as a result. It went on to say: "Cosby reportedly has a degenerative eye condition called keratoconus, a condition that causes the eye's cornea to bulge." The comedian's attorneys didn't comment on that story.

Before that, there was another round of reports that mentioned his eyesight. In December 2015, Cosby's mugshot was released to the public and the appearance of his eyes quickly became a point of discussion. His right eye, especially, looked discolored.

The next month, Cosby lawyer Monica Pressley appeared on CBS News and was asked to explain the appearance of Cosby's eyes in his mugshot and whether it would be used as part of his defense.

"He's a 78-year-old blind man who they've chosen to charge. That's not a defense to a charge, that's just a fact," Pressley said.

We'll have to see if Cosby's blindness indeed plays into his defense.

Watch Bill Cosby enter the courthouse recently to cries of support:

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The little girls who sang Donald Trump's praises are now suing him --- USA Freedom Kids -- WTF !!

Newsy   MATT PICHT    September 6 , 2016 
Remember the kids who were singing about Donald Trump?

"President Donald Trump knows how to make America great," they sang.

They are the USA Freedom Kids, and they seem to be less enamored of Donald Trump these days.

The juvenile dance troupe, which gained viral fame after opening for the GOP nominee during a January rally in Pensacola, Florida, is now officially suing Trump's campaign.

Jeff Popick, manager of USA Freedom Kids, says the Trump campaign broke verbal agreements made to the group on two separate occasions and refused to compensate them for travel expenses.
Popick says the campaign didn't plan to compensate the group for their performance in Pensacola, but agreed to let them set up a merchandising table inside the rally. That apparently didn't happen — instead, event security wouldn't let them bring the merch into the building, and Popick says all of it ended up being stolen after the group left it behind in their car.

USA Freedom Kids also says they were scheduled to perform during Trump's debate protest rally in Iowa, but the performance was canceled at the last minute. The group accuses the campaign of stiffing them on travel expenses and barring them from speaking to the media at the event.The group's lawsuit is demanding up to $15,000 in damages from the campaign. Popick told The Washington Post in July he wasn't sure if he still supported Trump's presidential bid.

Popick told The Daily Beast, "This is not an opportunistic thing where we're suing Donald Trump. ... We're not suing for emotional distress and all that other stuff. ... This is tangible dollars I spent under false pretenses.
Can you believe  this man and there are  people that  want him to lead us ...lead us where you ask ... my friends  Trump will lead us into   World War  III  and beyond .  Mark my words  ... vote  carefully . 
Thanx   Matt