Sunday, November 27, 2016

Could recount efforts in 3 states flip the 2016 presidential election results?

Mic    CHRIS WALKER    November 27th 2016
Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein initiated a recount request in the state of Wisconsin this week, just hours before the deadline to do so was about to expire. Stein raised more than $4.6 million online to initiate and fund recounts in Wisconsin, as well as in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Stein hopes that doing so could expose voting irregularities (and possibly hacking of ballots) in those states, potentially flipping the results of the presidential election to favor Hillary Clinton.
Votetotal irregularities discovered

Some mathematical discrepancies were discovered after counties in Wisconsin had shown more votes than ballots cast for president, resulting in nearly 5,000 votes being removed from President-elect Donald Trump's totals in the state.

Trump's Electoral College lead currently sits at 290 electors to Clinton's 232, a result that doesn't currently include Michigan's electors because that state is still too close to call for either candidate. But if Pennsylvania's and Wisconsin's results were to change (and Michigan went into Clinton's column) through a recount that showed Clinton actually won those contests, it would also flip the Electoral College in favor of Clinton, who would then have 278 electoral votes to Trump's 260.

Several computer scientists urged Clinton to initiate a recount herself after they analyzed the results of the election in these three states. But could the race actually be flipped?


Wisconsin actually had a statewide recount in the spring of 2011 in what was one of the closest contests the Badger State had ever seen. A state Supreme Court race between conservative incumbent Justice David Prosser and liberal candidate JoAnne Kloppenburg showed the race was decided by just 7,316 votes out of nearly 1.5 million votes cast. A recount was initiated at that point because state law at the time allowed for recounts to occur if the difference of votes between two candidates was less than 0.5% of the total votes cast in an election.

Even with that slim result, Kloppenburg ended up losing the recount challenge. She gained only 310 more votes in her favor after the statewide count was said and done.


Republican candidate Donald Trump is the projected winner of the 2016 presidential election.
Source: Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images
Trump is currently ahead of Clinton in Wisconsin by 22,525 votes, a margin that is more than three times as large as what Kloppenburg faced in 2011. Trump's lead in Pennsylvania is similarly seen as insurmountable, where he's ahead by 68,030 votes.
Hang in there  Hillary , the battle ain't lost yet ... 

Canada PM's positive Castro remarks spark ire, humor

Thomson Reuters
TORONTO, Nov 26 (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, whose family's ties with the late Cuban leader Fidel Castro go back decades, mourned the loss of a "remarkable leader" on Saturday, sparking a flurry of criticism and humor at his favorable tone.

Castro, who died on Friday aged 90, won support for bringing schools and hospitals to the poor but also created legions of enemies for his ruthless suppression of dissent.

Trudeau's comments on Castro were markedly more positive than most Western leaders, who either condemned the revolutionary leader's human rights record or tip-toed around the subject.

Instead, Trudeau warmly recalled his late father's friendship with Castro and his own meeting with Castro's three sons and brother - Raul, Cuba's current president - during a visit to the island nation earlier this month.
"While a controversial figure, both Mr. Castro's supporters and detractors recognized his tremendous dedication and love for the Cuban people who had a deep and lasting affection for 'el Comandante'," Trudeau said in the statement.

He called Castro "larger than life" and "a legendary revolutionary and orator."

Fidel Castro was an honorary pall bearer at the 2000 funeral of Trudeau's father, former prime minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. In 1976, the senior Trudeau became the first NATO leader to visit Cuba since its revolution, at one point exhorting "Viva Castro!"

"I know my father was very proud to call him a friend and I had the opportunity to meet Fidel when my father passed away," the Canadian prime minister said on Saturday.
Trudeau did not see Fidel Castro during his official visit to Cuba in November

His statement was met with puzzlement and derision by some Americans, including U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, who is of Cuban descent.

"Is this a real statement or parody? Because if this is a real statement from the PM of Canada it is shameful and embarrassing," Rubio tweeted.

The statement spawned the Twitter hashtag #TrudeauEulogies, which quickly began trending as people emulated Trudeau's upbeat tone and lack of criticism.

"While controversial, Darth Vader achieved great heights in space construction and played a formative role in his son's life," tweeted @markusoff, riffing on the Star Wars movie villain.

Canada, long one of Cuba's closest Western allies, hosted secret talks between Cuba and the United States, brokered by the Vatican, that led to the resumption of diplomatic ties between the two foes last year. 
Thanx  (Reporting by Amran Abocar; Editing by Bill Rigby)

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Happy Birthday to a wonderful Son & Brother

Today you have added another year
to your age , 
may it come with hope ,
joy and enormous wishes of life for you .

We can hardly believe 
that our little boy & brother 
has grown up to be 
a wonderful young man .

Wishing you success , 
joy and happiness always .

Happy Birthday 

Daddy , Mama , Sha , Jenny ,Man
Grand-poppa  , MeMa 
Caranos , Landrieus and all the family and friends to numerous to mention .

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Obama hosts Trump at White House for first meeting after election

After their first face-to-face meeting, President Barack Obama and President-elect Donald Trump pledged to work together, with the sitting president saying he wants to make Trump and his family "feel welcome as we prepare to make this transition."

Obama and Trump met in the Oval Office for an hour-and-a-half, and the president told reporters they had a "wide-ranging" conversation about domestic and foreign policy issues. Trump said he looked forward to working with Obama in the future and would seek his counsel.

"Mr. President, it was a great honor being with you, and I look forward being with you many, many more times," Trump said with Obama sitting by his side.

The private White House meeting had the potential to be awkward after the two men sniped at each other throughout the bitter presidential campaign: Trump, a central figure in the so-called "birther" movement, spent years railing against Obama and challenging the legitimacy of his 2008 election. Obama, who campaigned heartily for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, repeatedly slammed Trump as unfit for office.

The men have had virtually no personal contact. They were in the same room at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Association dinner — the night Obama pilloried Trump in a scathing comedy routine.

As Obama huddled with Trump for their closed-door meeting, White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough strolled along the South Lawn with Trump's son-in-law and confidant, Jared Kushner.

Obama had congratulated the president-elect in a statement in the Rose Garden on Wednesday, pledging to do his part in a cordial handover — just as President George W. Bush did for him eight years ago.

"It is not secret that the president-elect and I have some pretty significant differences," Obama said. "The peaceful transition of power is one of the hallmarks of our democracy."

Trump has threatened to undo much of Obama's policies and programs. At stake is the president's legacy on health care initiatives, immigration, a global climate change pact and a nuclear deal with Iran.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Wednesday that Obama is hoping to impart to Trump the benefits of his policies.

"There is a tradition, particularly with regard to executive agreements, of successive presidents preserving some element of continuity," Earnest said. "I don't know whether or not that will fly in this case."

A White House official told NBC News that the president wants to ensure a "seamless transition" and let Trump know that White House staff remains committed to a new administration.

Obama will touch on the responsibilities of the office and how they differ from what happens in a campaign, the official added.

Trump on Thursday was joined at the White House by wife, Melania, who was meeting in the residence with first lady Michelle Obama.

Vice President Joe Biden will also visit Vice President-elect Mike Pence later Thursday afternoon.

Trump departed for Washington in his Trump-branded airliner out of New York's LaGuardia Airport, where water cannons sprayed the jet in a ceremonial sendoff.

His swearing in would take place Jan. 20. But the next several weeks could prove tumultuous following a contentious election that has sparked street protests throughout the country. On Wednesday night, thousands in Chicago, New York and cities in California held signs and chanted, "Not my president," in reference to Trump.
Witchy opinion :

I was never a Trump supporter, but I'm very glad the meeting went well. There were lot's of immature and naive comments all over the Internet hoping that Trump would stick it to Obama or Obama would whine to Trump. Not going to happen. Like or hate Obama or Trump, they both seem to respect the peaceful transition of power and I hope it stays that way. And the ironic thing is that if Trump did stick it to Obama like some of his supporters wanted, that would only reinforce the belief that he isn't right for the job. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Boss Baby ... Official Trailer

The Boss Baby

In Theaters March 31, 2017

DreamWorks Animation and the director of Madagascar invite you to meet a most unusual baby. He wears a suit, speaks with the voice and wit of Alec Baldwin, and stars in the animated comedy, DreamWorks' The Boss Baby. The Boss Baby is a hilariously universal story about how a new baby's arrival impacts a family, told from the point of view of a delightfully unreliable narrator, a wildly imaginative 7 year old named Tim. With a sly, heart-filled message about the importance of family, DreamWorks' The Boss Baby is an authentic and broadly appealing original comedy for all ages.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Exclusive: White House Readies to Fight Election Day Cyber Mayhem

The U.S. government believes hackers from Russia or elsewhere may try to undermine next week's presidential election and is mounting an unprecedented effort to counter their cyber meddling, American officials told NBC News.

The effort is being coordinated by the White House and the Department of Homeland Security, but reaches across the government to include the CIA, the National Security Agency and other elements of the Defense Department, current and former officials say.

Russia has been warned that any effort to manipulate the actual voting or vote counting would be viewed as a serious breach, intelligence officials say.

"The Russians are in an offensive mode and [the U.S. is] working on strategies to respond to that, and at the highest levels," said Michael McFaul, the U.S. ambassador to Russia from 2012 to 2014.

Officials are alert for any attempts to create Election Day chaos, and say steps are being taken to prepare for worst-case scenarios, including a cyber-attack that shuts down part of the power grid or the internet.

But what is more likely, multiple U.S. officials say, is a lower-level effort by hackers from Russia or elsewhere to peddle misinformation by manipulating Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms.

For example, officials fear an 11th hour release of fake documents implicating one of the candidates in an explosive scandal without time for the news media to fact check it. So far, document dumps attributed to the Russians have damaged Democrats and favored Trump.

The Russians "want to sow as much confusion as possible and undermine our process in ways they've done elsewhere," said a senior Obama administration official. "So this is to make sure that we have all the tools at our disposal and that we're prepared to respond to whatever it is that they do."

"We need to be prepared on every front, not just technical but messaging, and so on," the official added, saying the details were classified. "Because any reporting irregularity could be incredibly disruptive. … They can cause tremendous chaos, and by the time we are able to attribute, the damage may have already been done."

Officials were reluctant to discuss how they might be respond to such "influence operations," other than to say they will make efforts to counter misinformation and keep open communication nodes.

The U.S. intelligence community and the Department of Homeland Security assess that it would be extremely difficult for even a nation-state actor to alter actual ballot counts or election results by cyber-attack, a second senior administration official told NBC News.

PlayIs Russia a third party in the 2016 race? Facebook Twitter Google PlusEmbed
 Is Russia a third party in the 2016 race? 6:46
"This assessment is based on the decentralized nature of our election system in this country and the number of protections state and local election officials have in place," the official said. "States ensure that voting machines are not connected to the Internet, and there are numerous checks and balances as well as extensive oversight at multiple levels built into our election process."

However, a Department of Homeland Security official said, other possible hacks pose "the potential for causing confusion and misperception" around the election.

For example, "Somebody could tamper with voter registration information or unofficial election night reporting."

DHS Official: October Attack "Had All the Signs of ... A Drill"
While multiple intelligence officials told NBC that they have no specific warning about an Election Day attack, they also say they consider the massive and sophisticated internet disruption of Friday, Oct. 21, a potential dry run.

The "distributed denial of service" attack on equipment provided by the company DYN, which took down popular internet sites like PayPal and Amazon for hours, "had all the signs of what would be considered a drill," said Ann Barron-DiCamillo, former director of Homeland Security's computer emergency readiness team.

If a similar attack began unfolding on Election Day, DHS would work with big internet providers such as Comcast (owner of NBC Universal) and Verizon to try to mitigate it, Barron-DiCamillo said. Since most of the internet is owned by private companies, the government relies on the private sector to help stop attacks, she said.

PlayPutin: 'Is the U.S. a banana republic?' Facebook Twitter Google PlusEmbed
 Putin: 'Is the U.S. a banana republic?' 0:35
As is standard for major national events, all six federal cyber centers will be up and running, closely monitoring network traffic and hunting for malware.

"Given (the Russians') past behavior in other contexts, we understand the way they like to go about potentially causing confusion and so we want to make sure that we are mitigating that potential," the DHS official said.

A current Obama administration national security official said that a White House working group has been watching Russia's apparent intervention in other foreign elections with growing concern.

A recent case study, the official said, was the October 16 parliamentary election in Montenegro, a small Balkan nation straddling East and West.

The incumbent Democratic Party of Socialists narrowly won, but fell short of an absolute majority after facing stiff and well-financed opposition from a pro-Russian coalition that opposes the country's proposed membership in NATO — a position also held by Putin.

In the run-up to the election, U.S. officials believe Russia secretly funneled money to opposition parties and either set up or co-opted friendly media outlets and "influencers" to undermine the pro-West party and highlight the risks of joining NATO, the official said.

During the election, Russia launched a coordinated disinformation campaign using traditional and social media to allege widespread voting irregularities, including that dead people had been registered to vote, according to the Obama national security official. Social media networks were so bombarded with complaints and accusations that Montenegro ordered telecom operators to temporarily shut down WhatsApp, Viper and similar messaging apps, creating even more questions about the election, the official said.

A network of anti-censorship bloggers also reported that the website of Montenegro's top election observation NGO, the Center for Democratic Transitions (CDT), was knocked out for part of Election Day, raising concerns among U.S. officials about Russian interference.

PlayOfficials Confident WikiLeaks Participated in Russian Hacking Scheme Facebook Twitter Google PlusEmbed
 Officials Confident WikiLeaks Participated in Russian Hacking Scheme 2:38
Montenegro's state election commission released the final results Oct. 29 — and certified the pro-NATO party's win — despite protests by the pro-Russian opposition party, which cited the very irregularities the U.S. blames on Russia as reason to doubt the vote totals.

"It's the kind of thing that we are anticipating that they will try here," the official said. "But they will target whatever they can — voting infrastructure, putting out false stories about the Democratic Party intentionally manipulating the results. That's what they do."

Montenegro's leaders publicly accused Russia of meddling in the election. Russian officials and opposition party members denied any interference, but Russia's foreign minister said NATO was being "irresponsible" for supporting admission for Montenegro, which could come as soon as Spring 2017.

Russia has also denied any involvement in recent hacks of U.S. political groups and operatives. 
Witchy  sez : Wake us folks  , we are great  Vote Hillary so we will be able to  stay great . ... The 'Great Orange One" must go . 

The US government is launching a massive effort to stop Russia from hacking the election

Business Insider       MARK ABADI                 November  4th 2016 
The US government is launching a massive effort to stop Russian hackers from interfering with the results of next week's presidential election, according to a major report from NBC News.

The White House and the Department of Homeland Security are leading the effort against Russian cyber-meddling, government officials told NBC News. The CIA, National Security Agency, and other US intelligence entities are also involved, the officials said.

One "worst-case scenario" the officials envision is a cyber-attack that shuts down part of the internet. Such an attack could mirror last month's hack that temporarily knocked out a number of popular websites including Twitter, Spotify, and PayPal — an attack some security experts think was conducted by Russia as a "dry run" for an Election-Day hack.

Other less-severe operations could include the release of fake documents that could damage one of the candidates without giving the media a chance to fact-check them. In October, the US government accused Russia of hacking Democratic Party organizations, leading to the release of thousands of illegally-obtained emails that have damaged Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Clinton has said that Russia is trying to get Republican nominee Donald Trump elected, and called Trump a "puppet" of Russian president Vladimir Putin.

"Given [the Russians'] past behavior in other contexts, we understand the way they like to go about potentially causing confusion and so we want to make sure that we are mitigating that potential," a Department of Homeland Security official told NBC News.

As for actually altering the vote count on Election Day, that task would be extremely difficult for hackers, the officials said, because of the "decentralized nature" of US elections.

"States ensure that voting machines are not connected to the Internet, and there are numerous checks and balances as well as extensive oversight at multiple levels built into our election process," an senior administration official told NBC News.

Man claiming to be Bill Clinton's son asks Monica Lewinsky for former president's DNA

Inside Edition            JOHANNA LI            November  2nd 2016 
An Arkansas man claiming to be Bill Clinton's illegitimate son has appealed to Monica Lewinsky for access to her infamous blue dress to provide a sample of the former president's genetic material for a paternity test.
Danney Williams, 30, of Hot Springs, has claimed for years that Clinton is his biological father, saying he was born as a result of a sexual relationship between the former president and his mother, Bobbie Ann Williams, who used to be a prostitute. She claims to have had sex with Clinton 13 times.
"I deserve to know who I am," he told "I feel in my whole heart he is my father. I am [Hillary Clinton's] stepson, and Chelsea's stepbrother. I'm their only son in the world."

In a letter addressed to Monica Lewinsky and provided to, Williams asks for Clinton's DNA sample that he believes is on her preserved blue dress.

That dress, which Lewinsky turned over to the FBI in 1998, was said to have Clinton's semen stains on it. Williams wrote that he would use it to "establish the truth, and perhaps earn the love of my father."

Star magazine confirmed with a DNA test in 1999 that Williams is not the biological son of Clinton. Williams, however, said he continues to dispute the results since he claims the publication only ran one of the two possible DNA tests available.

When asked how he might react if a future test came out negative, Williams told, "Impossible. He is my dad. It's not that I'll have an adverse reaction. I know he is."
He also wrote in his letter that he believes Clinton is his biological father, because he allegedly provided monetary support to him as a boy.

Now a father of five himself, Williams told, "I promised my kids they could meet him one day. I would want them to know their grandfather. They have to know he's a part of our lives."

Williams says he is now prepared to engage in a paternity lawsuit against Bill Clinton and is attempting to raise $100,000 on GoFundMe for legal fees.

When asked at a Monday press conference whether the open letter and lawsuit are part of an attempt to sabotage Hillary Clinton's campaign for presidency, he responded: "I've been doing my social media for two years and a half before she started running... I've been fighting my whole life."

Williams went on to tell he hopes Hillary Clinton will also pressure her husband to acknowledge him: "They're married. They're going to be the most powerful couple in the world when she becomes president. I know she has the power to have him submit a DNA sample."

Williams says neither the Clinton's nor Monica Lewinsky have reached out to him.
This rumor  has been around since former  President Bill Clinton  was Governor of Arkansas .

A lot of nasty mud slinging  to take  our eyes off  the ORANGE one .
Bill isn't  running for office ... Hillary is ... get real people  ...

Washington mom accused of injecting 3 kids with heroin, calling it 'sleep juice'

SPANAWAY, Wash. (PIX 11) -- A Washington mother faces multiple counts after allegedly injecting heroin into her three children, calling it "sleep juice" and "feel good medicine."

Ashlee Hutt, 24, pleaded not guilty to charges of second-degree child assault, child endangerment and delivery of a controlled substance to a person under 18. The children's father, 25-year-old Leroy McIver, also pleaded not guilty to the same charges in September.

During the arraignment Monday, chilling details from the affidavit emerged, KIRO reports.

"Some of the statements (the children) made were very disturbing about how they would get sleeping juice to go sleep," said Ed Troyer, spokesperson for the Pierce County Sheriff's Office.

The 6-year-old son said "his mom and dad (gave) him and his sisters the 'feel good medicine,'" which he described as a white powder mixed with water. The boy said his parents "used a needle to inject the 'feel good medicine' into him and his sisters" before bedtime, according to the document.

Child Protective Services launched an investigation in 2015 after getting a call from a witness who allegedly watched Hutt injecting her children -- ages 2, 4, and 6 -- with heroin.

CPS investigators also said they found discarded needles and rat feces in the home during their investigation, which lasted from May to November, 2015.

Tests revealed trace amounts of heroin in the blood of two of the children, but not the third. Investigators reported that the children had bruises and marks on their bodies that were consistent with needle injections.

As soon as the investigation concluded, CPS placed all three children in foster care.
Witchy is  giving  her thoughts : 
 Devastating! This is heartbreaking and it is going on all over our country! People complained about the photo recently showing a mom on heroin with a needle in her hand passed out in her car while her baby cried in the back seat? A picture is worth a thousand words, and there are no doubt so many pictures unseen!
I'm guessing there's gonna be some "feel good " medicine waiting in prison for these people, even in jail they have a code of ethics when it comes to kids
The drug epidemic is raging across this country.  People are overdosing daily and dying.  The supply needs to be stopped.  Yet, it seems like no one is talking about it.  Children are suffering at the hands of drug addicted parents. 
Kids will go to sleep on their own, if they are on a routine schedule. No need to give them heroin to go to bed. Obviously, no need to give it to them at all!!! 
We  spade  or  neuter  animals  so  they  can't  bear  any  more... That's  what  needs  to  be  done  to  people  such  as  this  woman   and  the  woman  that  was found passed out in  her  car  with  a crying 10 month  baby and lets not forget the woman passed out in the aisle in Walmart with her toddler crying trying to wake her up . They  should  not  be  allowed  to bring  children into  the  world...  They  only   have  them   to  get  that welfare money...costing  us  taxpayers   $$$$$$   with  their  addictions..   I  hope they  find, decent and loving  homes  for those children....
This is exactly what "white trash" looks like , do you not agree?
Nuff said  , but hey , that's just me and the way I roll .

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Roving Reporter :Reno-based Eldorado Resorts buying Isle of Capri Casinos

                                             Silver Legacy ---Reno Nevada
                                         Properties locations
Updated :Tuesday, September 20, 2016
RENO, Nev. (AP) — Eldorado Resorts has agreed to buy Missouri-based Isle of Capri Casinos for $1.7 billion in combined stocks and cash, a move that will add 13 casino-resorts to the Reno-based company's portfolio.
The deal announced (Monday  September 19 ,2016) includes $929 million of long-term debt held by Isle of Capri Casinos. The company based in the St. Louis area operates 14 casino properties in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and Pennsylvania.
Eldorado Resorts chairman and CEO Gary Carano told the Reno-Gazette Journal ( the deal will help spread his company's risk across 20 casinos in 10 different states.
"In in our business, like in any business, you like to be in as much control as you can of your risk factors," Carano said. "It's truly a transformational deal for us."
Eldorado's expanded property portfolio will include about 20,800 slot machines and video lottery terminals, more than 560 table games and 6,500 hotel rooms. The company said in a news release it received the $2.1 billion in financing from J.P. Morgan.
We're acquiring a great company, one that was founded by the Goldstein family," Carano said. 'They built the first riverboat casino in America."
Isle of Capri Casinos will move its headquarters from Creve Coeur, Missouri, to Reno as part of the transaction unanimously approved by the boards of directors of both companies.
The purchase is subject to approval by stockholders and gambling regulators in both states. It's expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2017.
Bernie Goldstein ,who died in 2009, opened the first riverboat casino in Bettendorf, Iowa, in 1991 and founded what became Isle of Capri when he opened a riverboat casino in Biloxi, Mississippi, in 1992. His family members remain on the board of directors at Isle of Capri, which owns or operates casino properties primarily under the Isle and Lady Luck brands.
Eldorado, founded in  in Reno is family own , which includes the Eldorado, Silver Legacy and Circus Circus hotel-casinos in Reno, as well as properties in Louisiana, West Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Update soon :

The Roving Reporter         G.