Monday, March 26, 2018

American Airlines pilot reports UFO with 'big reflection' 40,000 feet ovPilots on two separate aircraft reported an unidentified flying object high over southern Arizona last month.

Mar . 15, 2918 
 One of them, a commercial pilot flying a passenger jet for American Airlines, said the object was above 40,000 feet and “had a big reflection.”

The Feb. 24th incident began when the pilot of a Learjet reported an object to Albuquerque Center air traffic control while flying over the desert in southeastern Arizona. 

“I don’t know what it was. It wasn’t an airplane but it was, the path was going in the opposite direction,” the pilot said. 

Air traffic controllers asked the pilot of a nearby American Airlines passenger jet traveling from San Francisco to Dallas to let them know if anything passes over the aircraft. 

“If anything passes over us?” the pilot asked, somewhat incredulously. 

A few minutes later, he saw it ― whatever “it” was. 

“Something just passed over us, like a, don’t know what it was, but it was at least two, three thousand feet above us,” he said. “Yeah it passed right over the top of us.”

The American Airlines pilot said he couldn’t make out what the object was but it “had a big reflection” and was going in the opposite direction.

“Was it a Google balloon?” a voice asked.

“Doubtful,” the pilot replied.

“UFO,” someone responded matter-of-factly.

Audio of the mysterious aircraft encounter was first posted on The Drive.

Two months later, it’s still not clear what was up there. 

“We don’t have any comment beyond what you hear,” FAA spokesperson Lynn Lunsford told KOB, the NBC station in Albuquerque. “Other than the brief conversation between two aircraft, the controller was unable to verify that any other aircraft was in the area.”

The reported altitude would put the UFO well above the range of consumer drones. Yet the vague nature of the sightings doesn’t completely rule out balloons or experimental aircraft. 

The sightings occurred near the Davis–Monthan Air Force Base, and about 100 miles from Luke Air Force Base. Several other bases are within 500 miles. However, Lunsford implied that air traffic controllers would likely know if there was military aircraft in the air. 

“We have a close working relationship with a number of other agencies and safely handle military aircraft and civilian aircraft of all types in that area every day, including high-altitude weather balloons,” Lunsford was quoted as saying. 

The location of the sightings was also about 500 miles west of one of the most famous UFO incidents in U.S. history: The 1947 UFO “crash” at Roswell, New Mexico. The federal government later said the object was a high-altitude balloon sent up to look for signs of a possible Soviet nuclear test. 

What's up Witchy  ???
It was probably Trump in his jet. He looks like a orange alien. 👽
If they are from another planet, those in the UFO would probably shake their heads in utter disgust and amazement at how we're destroying our planet and each other and high tail it out of here!
Maybe they have had enough of Donald Trump. They realized that they made an error when they initially dropped him off on earth, and have decided to return and yank him outta here before he blows up the world. Hahahaha!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Aubrey O'Day hinted at Donald Trump Jr. affair after 2016 election

Us Magazine          KARLA RODRIGUEZ           Mar 20th 2018 
After multiple sources confirmed that Donald Trump Jr.cheated on his wife, Vanessa Trump, with Aubrey O’Day, an old cryptic tweet from the singer has resurfaced — and it seems to be hinting at their affair.

Sources confirmed to Us Weekly on Monday, March 19, that Trump Jr., 40, and O’Day’s affair started toward the end of taping for season 5 of the Celebrity Apprentice. When Donald Trump was elected president in November 2016, the Famously Single star, 34, slammed the United States for electing him. “I’m embarrassed to be an American,” the former Danity Kane singer tweeted at the time.

Her followers questioned her for not speaking out against Trump, 71, back when she was on the reality show in 2012, to which O’Day responded: “No. my story I didn’t tell is worth millions now … this doesn’t hurt me, it hurts America.”

 Aubrey O'Day

I'm heartbroken. Every beautiful piece of progression that our country could have moved toward is now gone.

She also continued to share how disappointed she was with the election’s outcome. “I’m heartbroken. Every beautiful piece of progression that our country could have moved toward is now gone,” she tweeted. “You can be a lying, abusive piece of trash that is personally and publicly racist, sexist & homophobic and run our country.”

O’Day added: “I don’t feel there is any value to being a smart, ambitious successful woman anymore. You get nowhere. This country is a joke.”

A source told Us that their relationship began at the end of 2011 and continued until March 2012. Things ended between the two after Trump Jr. called things off after his then-wife found emails between her husband and the singer. “When it started, they were very serious all of a sudden,” a source close to O’Day said to Us. “He told her it was over with his wife, that they were separated and he didn’t love her — all of that stuff … Aubrey fell for him hard. She thought they were going to be together for real.”

As previously reported, Vanessa filed for divorce from Trump Jr. on March 15. “After 12 years of marriage, we have decided to go our separate ways,” they said in a statement to Us. “We will always have tremendous respect for each other and our families. We have five beautiful children together and they remain our top priority. We ask for your privacy during this time.”

The former couple married in 2005 and share five children together — Kai, 10, Donald Trump III, 9, Tristan, 6, Spencer, 5, and Chloe, 3.

Witchy sez : 
So Vanessa knew about the affair and is only now divorcing Don the Con Jr.  I think she's worried that all their assets will be confiscated by the government and wants to get her share out of it before that happens.Some one is going to jail.And it's not Hillary, Obama and etc etc.
I bet Junior's affair and demise of his marriage is somehow Hillary and Obama's fault .  
SOoooo   it wasn't all about twitter              HeHe

Monday, March 19, 2018

Jim Carrey criticized for portrait believed to be White House press secretary

 By MICHAEL ROTHMAN    New York — Mar 19, 2018
Jim Carrey   getting slammed online for a caricature he shared that looks to be inspired by White House press secretary Sarah Sanders.

On Saturday, the actor shared a sketch of an angry-looking woman with the caption, "This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked. Monstrous!"

Carrey's rep confirmed the sketch was the actor's artistic work, but there was no comment on whether it was in fact the White House press secretary.

Many Twitter users, however, thought it shared her likeness and immediately clapped back at "The Truman Show" star.

Jim Carrey

This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked. Monstrous!
One Twitter user wrote, "Apparently you misunderstand the definition of Christian. It's certainly not what #Hollywood thinks!"

Another added, "This is one more reason that I'm done with Hollywood. It's ok to be mean and hurtful as long as it's to someone you disagree with, right?"

A request for comment from Sanders and the White House was not immediately returned to ABC News. Sanders' father, Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas, defended his daughter on social media.

"Pathetic BULLY, sexist, hater, bigot & "Christaphobe" @jimcarrey attacks @PressSec for her faith; what would be hypocritical Hollywood reaction if he called someone a 'so-called Muslim' or 'so-called Jew?' #classlessCarrey," he wrote.

Gov. Mike Huckabee
Pathetic BULLY, sexist, hater, bigot & "Christaphobe" @jimcarrey attacks @PressSec for her faith; what would be hypocritical Hollywood reaction if he called someone a "so-called Muslim" or "so-called Jew?
"People can paint whoever or whatever whenever they want. Don't like it, don't look at it. Good for you Jim Carrey artistic expression is a wonderful thing no matter what the form," one person said.

The portrait isn't the first Carrey has shared on his Twitter feed. He posted a flattering one of the late Stephen Hawking last week, praising the physicist after his death.

"Cheers to you Stephen Hawking, the greatest mental athlete of our time. You are all that is! See you around, buddy! ;^)," he wrote.

 Jim Carrey
Cheers to you Stephen Hawking, the greatest mental athlete of our time. You are all that is! See you around, buddy! ;^
Jim Carrey painted a portrait of the late Stephen Hawking.
Professor Stephen Hawking  love his caricature  , he's smiling down at you Jim  .........

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Donald Trump Jr. and wife Vanessa are divorcing

USA TODAY           Maria Puente
Donald Trump Jr., President Trump's eldest child and the father of five himself, is being sued for divorce by his wife Vanessa.

Vanessa Trump, 40, a former model and actress who married Trump Jr. in 2005, filed late Thursday in New York for an uncontested divorce, according to the court docket. Uncontested means there likely won't be a fight over custody or assets, according to the reports. 

The New York Post was first to report the news. The Post's Page Six gossip column also reported Wednesday the two were struggling with marital problems due to Trump Jr.’s heavy travel schedule and his controversial tweets, mostly related to defending his father from all criticism.

They are the parents of five of President Trump's grandchildren; theirs range in age from 3 to 10.

Trump Jr., 40, was drawn into the Trump administration's ongoing problems with a sprawling investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election after he admitted to meeting a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower to discuss  his father's 2016 rival, Hillary Clinton.

In September, Trump Jr. talked about the meeting to the Senate Judiciary Committee staff investigating Russian interference. "I did not collude with any foreign government and do not know of anyone who did," Trump Jr. said, according to Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., a member of the committee.

This week, The New York Times reported special counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed the Trump Organization, which Trump Jr. helps run, to turn over documents, including some related to Russia, in the first known instance of the special counsel demanding records directly related to President Trump’s businesses. 

Trump Jr. in Pennsylvania: ‘it's a small race'
Trump Jr., followed his father in stumping for a Republican candidate in a congressional special election in Pennsylvania, hoping to stave off defeat for state Rep. Rick Saccone at the hands of Democrat Conor Lamb. Lamb won anyway.

It's not clear what effect if any a divorce might have on Trump Jr.'s involvement in the Russia investigation if Vanessa Trump is no longer covered by spousal privilege, according to Joshua Forman, a celebrity divorce attorney and partner at Chemtob, Moss & Forman in New York.

“In theory, Vanessa could talk about what Donald Trump Jr. knew about the Russia investigation if spousal privilege doesn’t apply, but that would take the divorce into a dark place," Forman says. "However, she may have signed a prenuptial agreement with a confidentiality clause and would thus be precluded from speaking during or after marriage.

"If there isn’t a confidentiality clause and there isn’t a prenup in place, then once the divorce is complete, she could, if allowable by the law in the jurisdiction she is called to testify in, be compelled to testify.”

However, notes Neena Tankha, a celebrity divorce lawyer and partner at Warshaw Burstein LLP in New York, Vanessa Trump "could still refuse to answer questions about their private communications during the marriage under the marital communications privilege, which survives the marriage." 

She may request, as part of the divorce settlement, a clause saying she can maintain those marital communications as private after the divorce, Tankha added.

Trump Jr. and his brother, Eric Trump, have been running the Trump Organization since their father became president in 2017 and their sister Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, joined the White House staff in Washington.

All three are the children of Trump and his first wife, Ivana Trump. The president himself has been divorced twice and is now married to his third wife, first lady Melania Trump.  

Don Jr. and Vanessa were recently unnerved in February when Vanessa opened an envelope addressed to her husband but sent to her mother's New York apartment, and white powder spilled out. She was taken to a New York hospital as a precaution. 

The envelope also contained a typewritten note reading, "You are an awful, awful person. I am surprised that your father lets you speak on TV. You make the family idiot, Eric, look smart. This is the reason why people hate you, so you are getting what you deserve...."

On March 1, the FBI arrested Daniel Frisiello, 24, of Beverly, Mass., in connection with the envelope. He is charged with sending multiple letters containing "suspicious white powder" and threatening messages to elected officials, authorities said.

National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster speaks during a White House press briefing last year.Trump decides to remove security adviser McMaster, and others may follow.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

A porn star who accused Trump of sexual misconduct is said to have 'confidential information' about his relationship with Stormy Daniels

An October 2016 nondisclosure agreement indicates that the porn star Jessica Drake has "confidential information" about an alleged sexual relationship years ago between Trump and another porn star, Stormy Daniels.
Drake and Daniels both say they met Trump at a July 2006 celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe.
Days before Daniels signed the $130,000 agreement negotiated by Trump's lawyer, Drake accused Trump of forcibly kissing her and offering her money for sex.

An October 2016 nondisclosure agreement indicates that Jessica Drake, a porn star who has accused President Donald Trump of sexual misconduct, has "confidential information" about an alleged sexual relationship years ago between Trump and Stormy Daniels, another porn star.

Drake was listed in the agreement — included in a lawsuit filed by Daniels' lawyer this week — under an alias. Her attorney, Gloria Allred, confirmed to CNN on Thursday that the "Angel Ryan" mentioned in the document was Drake.

"Jessica Drake is still my client. She is Angel Ryan and the one whose name is in the settlement agreement," Allred said.

Drake and Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, both say they met Trump at a July 2006 celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe. Clifford says she and Trump, who was married, began a yearlong affair.

A week before Clifford signed the agreement, Drake publicly accused the Trump of kissing her without permission and offering to pay her for sex at the 2006 golf tournament. Trump has called the allegations "total fiction."

The development is the latest twist in an increasingly public story about Trump's relationship with Clifford.

Clifford sued the president on Tuesday, arguing that the nondisclosure agreement she says was designed to conceal the affair is invalid because the president never signed it. The suit says Trump "purposely did not sign the agreement so he could later, if need be, publicly disavow any knowledge of the Hush Agreement and Ms. Clifford."

On Wednesday, the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said the president denied having any relationship with Daniels and did not know about a $130,000 payment to Daniels from Trump's lawyer in October 2016 to keep her silent. The lawyer, Michael Cohen, has said the money was his own.

In January, In Touch Weekly, a celebrity-gossip magazine, published the transcript from a lengthy 2011 interview with Daniels in which she detailed her relationship with Trump. She told the outlet that he nicknamed her "honey bunch" and said she was "beautiful and smart just like his daughter."

Top GOP congressman: Trump's lawyer's payment to porn star Stormy Daniels looks like 'hush money' and is 'troubling at many different levels'

Listen up :  How do it feel Melania  to have  some  women do to you as you did to  the Orange Monkey's second wife    HeHe

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Stormy Daniels sues Trump, says agreement invalid because he never signed

NBC News           SARAH FITZPATRICK          Mar 6th 2018 
Donald Trump never signed the nondisclosure agreement that his lawyer arranged with adult film star Stormy Daniels, according to a lawsuit filed by Daniels in Los Angeles Tuesday and obtained by NBC News.

The suit alleges that her agreement not to disclose her "intimate" relationship with Trump is not valid because while both Daniels and Trump's attorney Michael Cohen signed it, Trump never did.

Stephanie Clifford, known professionally as Stormy Daniels, signed both the agreement and a side letter agreement using her professional name on October 28, 2016, just days before the 2016 presidential election. Cohen signed the document the same day. Both agreements are appended to the lawsuit as Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2.

The "hush agreement," as it's called in the suit, refers to Trump throughout as David Dennison, and Clifford as Peggy Peterson. The side letter agreement reveals the true identities of the parties as Clifford and Trump.

Each document includes a blank where "DD" is supposed to sign, but neither blank is signed.

According to the lawsuit, Clifford and Trump had an intimate relationship that lasted from summer 2006 "well into the year 2007." The relationship allegedly included meetings in Lake Tahoe and at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Trump: Tariffs will 'come off' only if there's a 'fair' NAFTA agreement

 Geobeats      Mar 5th 2018 
President Trump on Monday tweeted that his recently declared tariffs on steel and aluminum could be removed if nations agree to a “fair” North American Free Trade agreement. 

“We have large trade deficits with Mexico and Canada. NAFTA, which is under renegotiation right now, has been a bad deal for U.S.A. Massive relocation of companies & jobs. Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum will only come off if new & fair NAFTA agreement is signed,” Trump wrote on Twitter. 
Donald J. Trump

We have large trade deficits with Mexico and Canada. NAFTA, which is under renegotiation right now, has been a bad deal for U.S.A. Massive relocation of companies & jobs. Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum will only come off if new & fair NAFTA agreement is signed. Also, Canada must..

“Also, Canada must treat our farmers much better. Highly restrictive. Mexico must do much more on stopping drugs from pouring into the U.S. They have not done what needs to be done. Millions of people addicted and dying,” the president continued. 
Donald J. Trump

...treat our farmers much better. Highly restrictive. Mexico must do much more on stopping drugs from pouring into the U.S. They have not done what needs to be done. Millions of people addicted and dying.
The comment comes days after he took most by surprise in declaring that he will be instituting a 25% tariff on steel and a 10% tariff on aluminum imports.

Shortly after his remarks, the stock market dropped over 400 points over fears of a trade war. 

While Trump appears to be willing to negotiate, White House National Trade Council Director Peter Navarro has stressed that, for now, the tariffs stand.

“I understand if we get a great NAFTA agreement, and (US Trade Representative Robert) Lighthizer is trying to do that, that would be a great thing for the American people, but at this point in time, 25% on steel, 10% on aluminum, no country exclusions, firm line in the sand,” he told Fox news Monday morning.
Donald J. Trump

.@FLOTUS Melania and I were honored to welcome Argentina President @MauricioMacri and First Lady Juliana Awada to the @WhiteHouse today🇺🇸🇦🇷

Oh for goodness sake .... have mercy , get rid of this lier , cheater and nut job .  HeHe

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Eric Holder Predicts Mueller Already Has Charges Prepared Against Trump

Eric Holder Predicts Mueller Already Has Charges Prepared Against Trump
By      CHRIS WHITE                    Energy Reporter
Former Attorney General Eric Holder believes special counsel Robert Mueller already has plans to charge President Donald Trump with obstructing justice.

Mueller is holding back on charging Trump until he can make sure he has the president dead-to-rights, Holder, who served under former President Barack Obama, said Friday night on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher.” He has made similar arguments in the past regarding Trump’s behavior.

“I’ve known Bob Mueller for 20, 30 years; my guess is he’s just trying to make the case as good as he possibly can. So, I think that we have to be patient in that regard,” Holder said. He has long-suggested that Trump should be held criminally liable for ousting former FBI Director James Comey during the midst of an investigation into Russian meddling.

“You cannot charge a president with obstruction of justice for exercising his constitutional power to fire Comey and his constitutional authority to tell the Justice Department who to investigate, who not to investigate,” Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz said last year.

Trump has recently chided Attorney General Jeff Sessions for going out of his way to ensure the investigation into collusion lingered in the public. The president even suggested at one time that Holder defended Obama from accusations of wrong-doing.

Holder pushed back against Trump’s characterization of his role as AG. “The difference between me and Jeff Sessions is that I had a president I didn’t have to protect,” he told Maher, adding that Sessions should consider stepping down to avoid taking any more barbs from his boss.

“At some point, though, you would hope that you would have the intestinal fortitude or the pride to simply say, you know, ‘I wanted this job all my life, but it’s not worth it, and I’m not going to take that kind of abuse, and I’m simply going to tell you, you know, go screw yourself, and I’m out,'” Holder said.

Friday, March 2, 2018

President Trump May Be Secretly Undermining Jared and Ivanka, Too

Daily Intelligencer logo
Daily IntelligencerIn recent days Jared Kusher’s security clearance was downgraded and his right-hand man revealed he intends to resign. Meanwhile, reports emerged that Kushner’s family business won around $500 million in financing from two U.S. firms after he met with them at the White House, Special Counsel Robert Mueller is looking into Kushner’s talks with overseas investors, and at least four foreign government plotted to manipulate the princeling.

It all left Kushner with the sneaking suspicion that someone – maybe everyone – might be plotting against him. CNN reported on Wednesday:

Kushner also feels that he has come under fire from his own West Wing colleagues recently, with the notion that “everyone is out to get him,” a source said. This person noted that Kushner remains exasperated by Kelly’s decision to overhaul the security clearance process, feeling that it is mainly directed at him. He has been asking others, “Why is John Kelly doing this?”

Privately, some aides have expressed frustration that Mr. Kushner and his wife, the president’s daughter Ivanka Trump, have remained at the White House, despite Mr. Trump at times saying they never should have come to the White House and should leave. Yet aides also noted that Mr. Trump has told the couple that they should keep serving in their roles, even as he has privately asked Mr. Kelly for his help in moving them out.

Jared and Ivanka seemed to shrug off Scaramucci’s instantly legendary exit, and were said to be pleased at the prospect of Kelly bringing order to the Trump administration. However, any chief of staff – let alone one trying to impose military precision – would be irked by Jared and Ivanka’s roles as presidential advisers/family members. It’s now apparent that Kelly sees them as part of the problem.

During Kelly’s tenure, Kushner saw his absurdly large portfolio whittled down to mainly Middle East peace and China policy. Their simmering feud seemed to hit a breaking point with the Rob Porter scandal. The revelation that an alleged domestic abuser was working as staff secretary with an interim security clearance raised questions about why Kushner and others still didn’t have proper clearance – and in turn led to calls for the chief of staff to step down. As Vanity Fair’s Gabriel Sherman notes, by downgrading Kushner’s clearance, Kelly expertly flipped the situation, using the uproar over security clearances to neutralize his foe. Even if Trump overrode the decision, he’d have to explain why he was letting his family members view classified information, but not the dozens of other staffers who had their clearance revoked.

While the focus has been on her husband, Ivanka has seen her own share of controversy in recent weeks. Kelly has privately remarked that she is just “playing government,” according to CNN, and dismissed her child tax credit as “a pet project.” He an others in the White House were said to be annoyed that she led the U.S. delegation to the Olympic closing ceremony, though she has no expertise in the sensitive situation on the Korean Peninsula.

Ivanka got a scandal to match her husband’s on Thursday night when CNN reported that the FBI has been looking into the negotiations and financing surrounding the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Vancouver, which may be delaying her full security clearance. It’s possible the property – which opened a month after Trump took office – came up as part of the routine scrutiny of foreign contacts that’s part of any background check investigation. However, there may be a connection to larger concerns about Trump’s Russia ties. While the Trumps only license their name and manage the property, the Russian-Canadian developer who built the tower had recently done business with the Russian bank Vnesheconombank, which is now subject to U.S. sanctions.

While the idea that the president himself may be secretly plotting to oust his daughter and son-in-law from the White House is quite a juicy plot twist, it’s also one of Trump’s more astute staffing decisions. Not the part where he’s incapable of firing them himself, of course, but his recognition that Jared and Ivanka are massive liabilities who contribute very little to the success of his administration. Why didn’t anyone try to tell him that the president shouldn’t hire his own family members?

President Trump on Thursday at the White House."Trump’s Chaos Theory for the Oval Office Is Taking Its Toll".

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Putin confirms Russia has a 'doomsday' nuclear weapon in a wild speech to the nation

 Business Insider            ALEX LOCKIE           Mar 1st 2018 
Russian President Vladimir Putin boasted about Russia's nuclear might at his annual state of the nation address in Moscow on Thursday.

In doing so he seemed to confirm the existence of a long-feared Russian doomsday device.

The weapon is an underwater torpedo that has been reported to have a nuclear warhead.

The radiation is spread could render large swaths of earth uninhabitable for years.

Russia has previously let images of this device leak, and the US seemed to know about it, but Putin confirmed it himself on Thursday.

Russian President Vladimir Putin boasted about Russia's nuclear might at his annual state of the nation address in Moscow on Thursday — and seemed to confirm the existence of a long-feared Russian doomsday device.

Putin turned towards offensive nuclear-capable systems near the end of a wide-ranging speech, where he also admitted that Russia needs to spend heavily on improving conditions for average Russians.

Putin described at least five new weapons systems, and each time emphasized how they can defeat US missile defenses, and that they're almost all nuclear-capable.

But, in typical fashion, Putin's descriptions contained wild, scientifically unimaginable claims about how great the weapons were.

A computer-generated animation accompanied each announcement of new weapons, which may reveal how conceptual or far from realization the systems are.

First, Putin mentioned a new intercontinental ballistic, which he claimed had unlimited range and could get past all US missile defenses.

An animation showed the missile taking two trajectories towards the West. Despite not having much real video of the actual product, Putin declared that "our defense companies have launched mass production of this new system."

Next, Putin announced what he called a "global cruise missile," which he claimed had unlimited range and was nuclear-capable.

An animation showed the missile fired from Russia's north, flying north of Europe into the Atlantic, weaving through US air defense zones, and the inexplicably traveling south the entire length of the Atlantic ocean before wrapping around Argentina and ending up near Chile.

Typically, all missiles have a finite range, as their propulsion relies on burning fuel.

The doomsday device

Then, Putin seemed to confirm a long-feared "doomsday" weapon: an unmanned, undersea vehicle capable of carrying a nuclear weapon across oceans at high speeds.

Previous reports of the weapon have stated it may be a dirty bomb, or a nuclear weapon with additional metal in its core to keep radiation in the atmosphere for years to come.

The undersea weapon's concept has been mocked as an over-the-top, insane system with little purpose other than destroying massive swaths of human life.

Russia may have intentionally leaked images of it in 2015, because it's suspected that a major purpose of this weapon would be to deter attacks on Russia. The animation of the system showed it striking both US Navy formations and a coastal city.

Putin said the undersea weapon was successfully tested in December 2016, and the US intelligence community seems to have been aware of it, as the weapon was mentioned in President Donald Trump's nuclear posture review.

Other crazy weapons

Putin then discussed a hypersonic plane-launched, nuclear-capable missile, and showed it hitting US Navy ships.

The US, Russia, China, and others are working on hypersonic weapons that can defeat all current defenses by flying at many times the speed of sound.

Finally, Putin talked up Russian laser weapons, and showed a brief video of an electronic system with lenses pivoting on the back of a truck. He provided little detail about the system.

For many of the systems, Putin asked Russian citizens to send in suggestions for their names. He used the opportunity to stoke Russian pride by saying the systems were not reworkings of Soviet designs, but recent within the last few years.

"They kept ignoring us, nobody wanted to listen to us, so listen to us now," said Putin to a standing ovation, referring to the Western world.
In a nut shell :
But, but, but let's focus on North Korea.  Putin is playing Donnie like a fiddle.  Had Kim made those same statements,  tRUMP  would be  tweeting like crazy.
tRUMP  wasn't elected, he was Put-in.
I wish all these world so called leaders would just grow up

Thanx  Alex Lockie