Critics clapback saying that Americans deserve a president who isn't afraid to condemn white supremacists and hate groups.
Republican Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump put his foot in his mouth Sunday morning on CNN’s “State Of The Union” when asked about distancing himself from KKK endorsements.
When the show’s host Jake Tapper questioned if Trump would “disavow” recent backing from well-known former Grand Wizard of the KKK and politician David Duke, Trump replied: “Just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke, OK?”
He added, “I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So I don’t know. I don’t know — did he endorse me, or what’s going on? Because I know nothing about David Duke; I know nothing about white supremacists,” he said.
Tapper continued to press this issue and not once did Trump mention the word “KKK” in his answers CNN noted. Trump continued to act ignorant about these hate groups and their existence.
“Well, I have to look at the group. I don’t know what group you’re talking about. You wouldn’t want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I’d have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them and certainly I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong,” he said when asked a second time.
MmmmmmK . If a man running to be the next President of the United States needs to Google the KKK in order to have a better understanding of who they are and what they represent, Houston we have a serious problem.
Trump’s playing dumb routine came a few days after Duke took his own Facebook page publicizing his support for the Republican candidate. He praised Trump for his stances on immigration, breaking up “Jewish dominated lobbies and super PACS that are corrupting and controlling American politics,” and ensuring “that White-Americans are allowed to preserve and promote their heritage and interests just as all other groups are allowed to do.”
Sign .
Clearly, Trump’s big misstep welcomed plenty of backlash, especially from his opponents. Mark Rubio, said these remarks make Trump “unelectable” and that Republicans “cannot be the party that nominates someone who refuses to condemn white supremacists and the Ku Klux Klan.” In addition, Ted Cruz and John Kasich chimed in on Twitter .
It’s unclear as to who Trump is trying to fool, given how often the media reports on his campaign being tied to white supremacist support, the Huffington Posts points out. Clearly, his team is aware. Not to mention, Trump is also lying about not knowing who is Duke is and Duke’s support for him. Last August, a NBC News article quoted Trump saying, “I don’t need [Duke’s] endorsement, I certainly wouldn’t want his endorsement, I don’t need anybody’s endorsement.” Of course Trump backpedalled when he saw he was getting read for filth. A few hours later, he posting this video clip of himself rejecting Duke at a press conference on Friday.
Why couldn’t he just said that when asked on CNN? Why is rejecting the KKK so hard for Trump, but easier for other Republicans? Simple: Given the racist and xenophobic campaign Trump’s been running from day one, to denounce hate would only anger his base. And we all know he cannot afford to make them mad.
The Roving Reporter G.
Celebrity gossip , videos , trailers , movie news , what's happening around the world.
Monday, February 29, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
The Roving Reporter [UPDATE] : Philip Chism Sentenced To At Least 40 Years For Rape, Murder Of Colleen Ritzer
Philip Chism
Colleen Ritzer
SALEM, Mass., Feb 26 (Reuters) - A Massachusetts judge sentenced a teenager convicted of raping and murdering his high school math teacher to serve at least 40 years in prison, and the victim's father called the killer "pure evil."
Colleen Ritzer
SALEM, Mass., Feb 26 (Reuters) - A Massachusetts judge sentenced a teenager convicted of raping and murdering his high school math teacher to serve at least 40 years in prison, and the victim's father called the killer "pure evil."
Philip Chism, 17, was convicted in December of killing Colleen Ritzer, a 24-year-old math teacher at his suburban Boston high school. The sentence of life in prison, with the possibility of release after 40 years, was less than the 50 years prosecutors had asked Essex County Superior Court Judge David Lowy to impose.
"When something terrible happens, people will often say, 'It could always be worse,'" Lowy said. "It is difficult for this court to imagine what could be worse for an individual and family to endure than the brutal murder of Colleen Ritzer."
Chism was a 14-year-old freshman who had just moved from Tennessee when he killed Ritzer, cutting her throat with a box cutter and using a recycling bin to dump her body.
"I will never forgive him. He is evil, pure evil," father Tom Ritzer said. He was one of nine friends and family members of the victim who spoke at the sentencing.
Chism's attorneys had asked the judge to make him eligible for parole when he turned 40.
"Witnesses ... testified that he was nice, respectful, kind," said public defender Susan Oker. "So what happened? We stand here today not understanding."
Chism's mother expressed sympathy for the Ritzer family.
"Words can't express the amount of pain and sorrow these past two and a half years have been," Diana Chism said. "There is no one who has suffered more than the Ritzer family."
Hours after murdering Ritzer, who had stayed late to help students, Chism was found wandering along a state highway carrying a bag containing Ritzer's identification and the box cutter.
During the trial, defense attorneys did not deny that Chism had attacked Ritzer but contended he was not criminally responsible for his actions due to a long-undiagnosed severe mental illness that was aggravated by the move.
The trial was occasionally delayed by Chism, who was once observed beating his head on a floor, and at another point, refused to return to the courtroom, telling his lawyer he was "about to explode."
(Reporting by Ted Siefer; Writing by Scott Malone; Editing by Bernadette Baum and Cynthia Osterman)
The Roving Reporter G .
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Celebrity Grandparents and Their Grandkids

You'd never think Mick Jagger and Whoopi Goldberg would have so much in common, but they do. They're both great-grandparents. "The View" funny lady is great-grandmother to Charlie Rose, the daughter of Whoopi's granddaughter Amarah Skye. Whoopi calls the baby, "My bobo." Too cute.
Here, Goldberg is hanging with another granddaughter, Jerzey Dean, during New York Fashion Week last year.
Blythe Danner
Gwyneth Paltrow's mom is a renowned actress and grandma to Paltrow's two kids, Apple and Moses. But when it comes to being called Grandma, Blythe Danner wasn't having it and asked to be called "Woof."
"My mom's hot and she didn't want to be called Grandma," the actress told talk-show host Chelsea Handler. "So she kept trying to make the 'Woof' thing stick. It's even her email address."
Goldie Hawn
The "Private Benjamin" star is still known for her adorable personality, svelte body and childlike enthusiasm. So when daughter Kate Hudson gave birth to her first son, Ryder Robinson, Hawn wanted to jazz up her moniker.
"My son Oliver decided I should be called 'Glam-Ma,' which I thought was quite brilliant and made us all laugh so hard," Hawn wrote in her memoir, "A Lotus Grows in the Mud."
Here, Hawn is spending the day at Disney's California Adventure with her grandson Wilder, who is Oliver's 8-year-old son.
Kris Jenner
The 59-year-old "momager" is the brains behind the Kardashian clan's empire. But she's also a doting grandma to Mason, Penelope, Reign and North. And with daughter Kim pregnant with a boy, Jenner's soon to be a grandma five times over.
When asked how she feels about the "G" word, Jenner admits to talk-show host Chelsea Handler, "Too many people [are] calling me Grandma!"
Bill Clinton
The 69-year-old former U.S. president became a grandfather for the first time when his only daughter, Chelsea, gave birth to daughter Charlotte in 2014. And if you think a former president is above changing diapers, Bubba's all for it, telling Rachael Ray, "I'd be happy to change diapers. But today, you gotta put all that anti-chafing stuff on their rear. There are more moving parts than there were when I was a dad."
Priscilla Presley
Elvis' ex is a grandma to four, thanks to daughter Lisa Marie. But like other famous grannies, Priscilla prefers not to be called Grandma, saying, "There's just such a connotation with Grandma, and I just liked [Nona] better."
Priscilla definitely didn't look like a grandma on "Dancing With The Stars," did she? Even Elvis would have been impressed.
Here, Priscilla is with her twin granddaughters, Harper and Finley.
Tom Hanks
The "Captain Phillips" star is grandpa to his son Colin's two kids, including 4-year-old granddaughter Olivia pictured here, and brags about the joys of being a grandparent.
"I get to do the thing of come in and have a great time for a few hours or maybe overnight on occasion, but hey, this is like ... parenthood fantasy camp," Hanks tells "Entertainment Tonight." "You have all the fun without any of the long nights."
Who wouldn't want Tom Hanks as their grandpa?

The elastic-faced funny man may seem young to be a grandpa, but when he was 47 daughter Jane gave birth to baby boy Jackson. Carrey tweeted out his excitement along with a picture of his grandson, calling him "California dynomite."
Total score getting Jim Carrey as your grandpa!
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
The only thing bigger than Camille Cosby‘s coat was the giant grin on her face as she walked into her first deposition in one of her husband’s legal battles.
Lawyers for 7 women who’ve filed a defamation suit against Bill Cosby grilled his wife on Monday in a Springfield, Mass. hotel.
Camille — who’s been married to Bill for 52 years — tried to get out of the depo, and even filed an emergency motion late Saturday requesting it be delayed, but the judge said no dice.
Nonetheless, she put on a brave face for the occasion, and just as importantly … smart, comfy footwear.
Despite her best efforts, Camille Cosby, wife of accused serial rapist Bill Cosby, is being compelled to be deposed on Monday in a defamation case filed against her husband led by alleged sexual assault victim Tamara Green.
Camille Cosby was questioned under heavy security at the Springfield Marriott, where hotel staff cordoned off an area near a conference room where she gave her deposition.
Camille Cosby has stood by her husband, comedic legend Bill Cosby, in the wake of dozens of sexual assault allegations.
Cammarata said Camille Cosby's truthful answers to those questions could support his clients' claims, regardless of whether she is sympathetic to her husband.
She also asked the judge to not order her to sit for a deposition in the case because it would be an undue burden on her and invade her rights to privacy and claims her husband has chose to not drag her into his counter-suit to testify.
In December 2014, Camille Cosby released a statement regarding the allegations against her husband, saying those who have accused him of sexual assault have been "given a pass" without their accounts ever being vetted.
Cosby's deposition will resume on March 14.
The deposition is going forward in spite of efforts from Cosby lawyers trying to prevent it from happening. Cosby has countersued the women for defamation. A lawyer for the women, Josepha Cammarata, said she spent about 2-1/2 hours answering questions and the rest of the time was a back and forth between lawyers on what she could or should answer.
"We're hoping to learn about issues important to the case involving his relationship with her and his relationship with other women and his relationship with the business", Cammarata said. Earlier this month, lawyers for Cosby filed a breach-of-contract suit against rape accuser Andrea Constand, her mother, her lawyers and the parent company of the National Enquirer.
In all, there are seven plaintiffs in the MA defamation case that's been filed against Bill Cosby. The compelling of a spouse to potentially provide evidence or information against her husband has some concerned with the precedent such a move could set for spousal testimonial privilege in court, although MA law does not provide this protection in civil disputes.
Despite them attempting to quash the deposition, a judge ruled on Friday that it must still go ahead. And based exclusively on Cosby's own admitted brags about "these romantic sexual things" he's had with other women, you've got to wonder about how long his wife's team thought they could hold up the "sanctity" argument.
Cosby has denied wrongdoing.
Mr.Humble from a man's point of view :
Camille's smile indicates she may be delusional, a symptom of clinical depression. Delusion manifests itself through irrational belief that defies normal reasoning, like when a person remains firm in a belief despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary (40 accusers is overwhelming). Then again, she may be of sound mind (and weak integrity), understanding she must stick by her money dispenser to continue living her high-end life style, no matter what. Camille Cosby is a poor excuse for all women, those less than a lady acting women to stand by their creepy cheating lying pervert husbands send terrible messages to the young women of today.
She should have fried him years ago, but to sit back and allow this to, Camille is as sick as Bill
She turned a blind eye as so many wives of that generation did. Thank god times have changed!Lets see, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Bill Cosby, and Elliot Spitzer....They all lie, say they didn't do it, but all get caught in the end when the truth comes out. And their wives, all stand there next to them with that same stupid,disgusted look on their face, in the public eye, as they listen to them try to wiggle their way out of the disgraceful mess they got in to. You can hear them swallowing their pride as they listen to the one who disgraced them in front of the whole world to see, as he says he's sorry. But, they stand by them.
This country is too obsessed with celebrities. If a movie star, athlete or any other rich man invite you (mostly young white woman) to talk business don't be fools, he is thinking I scratch your back are you going to scratch mine.
She's on her way to a deposition about her husband drugging and raping multiple women,....and they're reporting on her choice of footwear and her fashion sense!?!?
...and everyone wonders whats wrong with this country.
Just my humble opinion !!
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Bill Cosby's wife Camille fights order to testify in sex assault case
Bill Cosby's wife has filed a last-ditch request to avoid sitting Monday for a legal deposition in which she'll be asked questions related to sexual assault allegations against her husband.
A federal judge ruled Friday that Camille Cosby must testify in a civil suit by seven women who claim Bill Cosby defamed them by denying their accusations. But late Saturday night, her lawyers filed an emergency motion to stop the deposition — or at least move it to a venue that is more private than the Massachusetts hotel where the proceedings are supposed to take place.
Holding the deposition at the Springfield Marriott would create a "media circus and personal security threat that serves no purpose other than to harass and embarrass her," the motion says.
Her lawyer, Marshall Searcy, complained that Camille Cosby "will be subjected to a parade through a sea of reporters" and open to "eavesdropping and gawkers."
Camille Cosby's lawyers have also argued that her deposition should be put off until other people related to the case, including those suing him, testify, so that she may respond.
The attorney who is scheduled to conduct the deposition, Joseph Cammarata, declined any interviews.
As the comedian's wife, Camille Cosby is protected against answering questions about personal conversations with him. But because she also served as his business manager, business related conversations are not necessarily protected.
Bill Cosby has repeatedly denied allegations of sexual assault by dozens of women around the country, acts they say took place as far back as the 1960s. He counter-sued the seven women suing him in Massachusetts, claiming they had defamed his character. He also faces a criminal case in Pennsylvania.
Camille Cosby, who married Bill in 1964, has stood behind him. In her last public comments on the issue, in December 2014, she called him kind and generous and "a wonderful husband, father and friend" and accused the media of failing to vet his accusers.
Witchy sez :
Remember...this is a lawsuit that 'BILL COSBY STARTED' due to the defamation from the women. 'SHE' won't testify in 'HIS' lawsuit??? What the hell is that? I guess she doesn't want to have to move out of that nice big house that they live in. She is as much of a pig as he is. They deserve each other.
Camille is an old woman now. If she didn't leave him when she was younger, she certainly is not going to leave him now. For whatever reasons, probably financial, she has put up with his crap for all these years because she wanted to maintain her rich lifestyle and looked the other way.
I'd like them to ask her, during all those years, how often did Cosby have sex with her.
Never mind................she'd lie anyway. She's protected him for years. HeHe
Bill Cosby's wife has filed a last-ditch request to avoid sitting Monday for a legal deposition in which she'll be asked questions related to sexual assault allegations against her husband.
A federal judge ruled Friday that Camille Cosby must testify in a civil suit by seven women who claim Bill Cosby defamed them by denying their accusations. But late Saturday night, her lawyers filed an emergency motion to stop the deposition — or at least move it to a venue that is more private than the Massachusetts hotel where the proceedings are supposed to take place.
Holding the deposition at the Springfield Marriott would create a "media circus and personal security threat that serves no purpose other than to harass and embarrass her," the motion says.
Her lawyer, Marshall Searcy, complained that Camille Cosby "will be subjected to a parade through a sea of reporters" and open to "eavesdropping and gawkers."
Camille Cosby's lawyers have also argued that her deposition should be put off until other people related to the case, including those suing him, testify, so that she may respond.
The attorney who is scheduled to conduct the deposition, Joseph Cammarata, declined any interviews.
As the comedian's wife, Camille Cosby is protected against answering questions about personal conversations with him. But because she also served as his business manager, business related conversations are not necessarily protected.
Bill Cosby has repeatedly denied allegations of sexual assault by dozens of women around the country, acts they say took place as far back as the 1960s. He counter-sued the seven women suing him in Massachusetts, claiming they had defamed his character. He also faces a criminal case in Pennsylvania.
Camille Cosby, who married Bill in 1964, has stood behind him. In her last public comments on the issue, in December 2014, she called him kind and generous and "a wonderful husband, father and friend" and accused the media of failing to vet his accusers.
Witchy sez :
Remember...this is a lawsuit that 'BILL COSBY STARTED' due to the defamation from the women. 'SHE' won't testify in 'HIS' lawsuit??? What the hell is that? I guess she doesn't want to have to move out of that nice big house that they live in. She is as much of a pig as he is. They deserve each other.
Camille is an old woman now. If she didn't leave him when she was younger, she certainly is not going to leave him now. For whatever reasons, probably financial, she has put up with his crap for all these years because she wanted to maintain her rich lifestyle and looked the other way.
I'd like them to ask her, during all those years, how often did Cosby have sex with her.
Never mind................she'd lie anyway. She's protected him for years. HeHe
The Roving Reporter :The most sinful city in the US is... (Hint: It's not Vegas)
Shreveport , Louisiana
New Orleans , Louisiana
When people talk about "Sin City" in the United States, they're most likely referring to Las Vegas. But a new study says America's most sinful city is known by a different nickname: The Big Easy (or the City That Care Forgot, or the Crescent City.)
According to online real estate site Trulia, which recently ranked major U.S. cities based on the seven deadly sins -- or cardinal sins -- New Orleans is America's true "Sin City" while Provo, Utah is the most saintly city.
Here's how Trulia measured each city's sinfulness:
Lust : Number of adult entertainment venues
Gluttony : Rates of obesity, binge drinking and smoking
Greed :Number of racing and gambling venues and residents' reported charitable donations
Sloth : Number of residents who have not exercised in 30 days
Wrath: Per capita violent crime
Envy: Inequality in home prices
Vanity :Number of beauty and tanning salons and plastic surgery offices
"With nearly three times the national rate of adult entertainment establishments and twice the number gambling establishments per household, [New Orleans] scores highly in lust and greed," Trulia explains. "Additionally, above average rates of smoking, binge- and heavy-drinking and obesity, as well as high incidents of violent crime make the Crescent City a great place for those looking to explore gluttony and wrath."
According to Trulia, these are the 10 most "sinful" cities in the country:
New Orleans , Louisiana
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Toledo, Ohio
Tampa, FloridaLouisville, Kentucky
Shreveport , Louisiana
Las Vegas, Nevada
San Antonio, Texas
Columbus, Ohio
On the other hand, these are America's most "saintly" cities:
Provo, Utah
Ogden, Utah
Fort Collins, Colorado
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Raleigh, North Carolina
Claremont, New Hampshire
Boise, Idaho
Asheville, North Carolina
Greeley, Colorado
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Did your city show up on Trulia's sinful or saintly list? What do you think about the rankings?
My state is in red , come on down and do not believed what a real estate agency has to say , check these sin cities out on your on .
The Roving Reporter G.
When people talk about "Sin City" in the United States, they're most likely referring to Las Vegas. But a new study says America's most sinful city is known by a different nickname: The Big Easy (or the City That Care Forgot, or the Crescent City.)
According to online real estate site Trulia, which recently ranked major U.S. cities based on the seven deadly sins -- or cardinal sins -- New Orleans is America's true "Sin City" while Provo, Utah is the most saintly city.
Here's how Trulia measured each city's sinfulness:
Lust : Number of adult entertainment venues
Gluttony : Rates of obesity, binge drinking and smoking
Greed :Number of racing and gambling venues and residents' reported charitable donations
Sloth : Number of residents who have not exercised in 30 days
Wrath: Per capita violent crime
Envy: Inequality in home prices
Vanity :Number of beauty and tanning salons and plastic surgery offices
"With nearly three times the national rate of adult entertainment establishments and twice the number gambling establishments per household, [New Orleans] scores highly in lust and greed," Trulia explains. "Additionally, above average rates of smoking, binge- and heavy-drinking and obesity, as well as high incidents of violent crime make the Crescent City a great place for those looking to explore gluttony and wrath."
According to Trulia, these are the 10 most "sinful" cities in the country:
New Orleans , Louisiana
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Toledo, Ohio
Tampa, FloridaLouisville, Kentucky
Shreveport , Louisiana
Las Vegas, Nevada
San Antonio, Texas
Columbus, Ohio
On the other hand, these are America's most "saintly" cities:
Provo, Utah
Ogden, Utah
Fort Collins, Colorado
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Raleigh, North Carolina
Claremont, New Hampshire
Boise, Idaho
Asheville, North Carolina
Greeley, Colorado
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Did your city show up on Trulia's sinful or saintly list? What do you think about the rankings?
My state is in red , come on down and do not believed what a real estate agency has to say , check these sin cities out on your on .
The Roving Reporter G.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Trump: Would Obama have gone to Scalia's funeral 'if it were held in a Mosque?
'Donald Trump took a shot at President Barack Obama on Saturday for not attending Justice Antonin Scalia's funeral services.
"I wonder if President Obama would have attended the funeral of Justice Scalia if it were held in a Mosque?" Trump tweeted.
The Republican presidential frontrunner added: "Very sad that he did not go!"
Obama visited the Supreme Court on Friday, when Scalia was lying in repose. But the White House suggested that the president's security detail would have been disruptive to the funeral the next day.
Trump has for years stoked rumors about Obama's past, especially the authenticity of his birth certificate. He was criticized last summer for not correcting a supporter at one of his events who accused Obama of being a Muslim foreigner. But he shrugged it off.
Earlier this month, Trump suggested that Obama made his first presidential trip to a mosque because "he feels comfortable there."
Watch : Donald Trump on Opposing Iraq :
Watch : Donald Trump on Opposing Iraq :
Friday, February 19, 2016
Harper Lee, author of 'To Kill a Mockingbird', dies at 89
Harper Lee, who wrote one of America's most enduring literary classics, "To Kill a Mockingbird," about a child's view of right and wrong and waited 55 years to publish a second book with the same characters from a very different point of view, has died at the age of 89.
Mary Jackson, the city clerk in Lee's hometown of Monroeville, Alabama, confirmed to Reuters by phone that Lee had died.
For decades it was thought Lee would never follow up "To Kill a Mockingbird" and the July 2015 publication of "Go Set a Watchman" was a surprising literary event - as well as a shock for devotees of "Mockingbird."
In the first book, Atticus Finch was the adored father of the young narrator Scout and a lawyer who nobly but unsuccessfully defended a black man unjustly accused of raping a white woman. But in "Watchman," an older Atticus had racial a views that left the grown-up Scout greatly disillusioned.
Lee reportedly had written "Go Set a Watchman" first but, at the suggestion of a wise editor, set it aside to tell a tale of race in the South from the child's point of view in the 1930s.
For many years, Lee, a shy woman with an engaging Southern drawl, lived quietly and privately, always turning down interview requests. She alternated between living in a New York apartment and Monroeville, where she shared a home with her older sister, lawyer Alice Lee. After suffering a stroke and enduring failing vision and hearing, she spent her final years in an assisted-living facility in Monroeville.
"Harper Lee" became the top trending term in the United States on Twitter shortly after news of her death broke. Social media users mourned the loss of the legendary author.
"Oh, Harper Lee. What an extraordinary legacy. Thank you for helping us climb into other folks' skin," wrote Emily Bishop (@emilybishop).
Prominent public figures quickly joined the online mourners as well.
U.S. Representative Bradley Bryne (@RepByrne) of Alabama tweeted on Friday, "Heartbreaking news. Harper Lee, from Monroeville, is an Alabama and American literary giant."
Carter had said she came across the "Watchman" manuscript while doing legal work for Lee in 2014 and an investigation by Alabama state officials found there was no coercion in getting Lee's permission to publish.
Lee's literary output had been a matter of speculation for decades before "Go Set a Watchman." She acknowledged she could not top the Pulitzer Prize-winning "Mockingbird" but friends said she had worked for years on at least two other books before abandoning them.
A family friend, the Reverend Thomas Lane Butts, told an Australian interviewer Lee had said she did not publish again because she did not want to endure the pressure and publicity of another book and because she had said all that she wanted to say.
Lee essentially quit giving interviews in 1964 and rarely made public appearances but in November 2007 went to the White House to accept a Presidential Medal of Freedom from President George W. Bush, who called her book "a gift to the entire world."
She also regularly attended an annual luncheon at the University of Alabama to meet with the winners of a high school essay contest on the subject of her book.
Nelle Harper Lee was born April 28, 1926, in Monroeville, the youngest of four children of A.C. and Frances Finch Lee and a descendant of Civil War General Robert E. Lee. Like Scout, Lee grew up a tomboy.
Lee had studied law at the University of Alabama but, six months before finishing her studies, she went to New York in the early 1950s to pursue a literary career while working as an airline reservation clerk.
In 1956 friends Michael and Joy Brown gave Lee a special Christmas gift, a year of financial support so she could work full time on "To Kill a Mockingbird."
The book was published in 1960, shortly after the dawn of the U.S. civil rights movement, and would sell an estimated 30 million copies. It would become required reading in many American schools but the American Library Association said it was frequently challenged by those who did not like its subject matter.
Lee also played a key role in researching another great American book by Truman Capote, her childhood friend and the inspiration for the frail, precocious Dill in "To Kill a Mockingbird."
In 1959 she accompanied Capote to Holcombe, Kansas, to work on "In Cold Blood," the chilling account of the murders of a farming family. Her mannerly, down-home approach undoubtedly smoothed the way for the flamboyant Capote.
There was speculation that Capote helped her write "To Kill a Mockingbird" the book but in his 2006 biography, "Mockingbird: A Portrait of Harper Lee," Charles J. Shields disputed that. He also saidLee's contribution to Capote's "In Cold Blood" was greater than believed.
Lee's sister said the authors eventually fell out because Capote was jealous of Lee's Pulitzer.
The movie version of "To Kill a Mockingbird also became an American classic. It won the Academy Award for best picture in 1963 while Gregory Peck, who played Atticus, was named best actor and screenwriter Horton Foote won for his adaptation of the book.
In 2006 Lee wrote a piece for O magazine about developing a childhood love of books, even though they were scarce in Monroeville.
"Now, 75 years later in an abundant society where people have laptops, cell phones, iPods, and minds like empty rooms, I still plod along with books," she wrote.
(Reporting and writing by Bill Trott; Additional reporting by Letitia Stein; Editing by Grant McCool)
Mary Jackson, the city clerk in Lee's hometown of Monroeville, Alabama, confirmed to Reuters by phone that Lee had died.
For decades it was thought Lee would never follow up "To Kill a Mockingbird" and the July 2015 publication of "Go Set a Watchman" was a surprising literary event - as well as a shock for devotees of "Mockingbird."
In the first book, Atticus Finch was the adored father of the young narrator Scout and a lawyer who nobly but unsuccessfully defended a black man unjustly accused of raping a white woman. But in "Watchman," an older Atticus had racial a views that left the grown-up Scout greatly disillusioned.
Lee reportedly had written "Go Set a Watchman" first but, at the suggestion of a wise editor, set it aside to tell a tale of race in the South from the child's point of view in the 1930s.
For many years, Lee, a shy woman with an engaging Southern drawl, lived quietly and privately, always turning down interview requests. She alternated between living in a New York apartment and Monroeville, where she shared a home with her older sister, lawyer Alice Lee. After suffering a stroke and enduring failing vision and hearing, she spent her final years in an assisted-living facility in Monroeville.
"Harper Lee" became the top trending term in the United States on Twitter shortly after news of her death broke. Social media users mourned the loss of the legendary author.
"Oh, Harper Lee. What an extraordinary legacy. Thank you for helping us climb into other folks' skin," wrote Emily Bishop (@emilybishop).
Prominent public figures quickly joined the online mourners as well.
U.S. Representative Bradley Bryne (@RepByrne) of Alabama tweeted on Friday, "Heartbreaking news. Harper Lee, from Monroeville, is an Alabama and American literary giant."
Carter had said she came across the "Watchman" manuscript while doing legal work for Lee in 2014 and an investigation by Alabama state officials found there was no coercion in getting Lee's permission to publish.
Lee's literary output had been a matter of speculation for decades before "Go Set a Watchman." She acknowledged she could not top the Pulitzer Prize-winning "Mockingbird" but friends said she had worked for years on at least two other books before abandoning them.
A family friend, the Reverend Thomas Lane Butts, told an Australian interviewer Lee had said she did not publish again because she did not want to endure the pressure and publicity of another book and because she had said all that she wanted to say.
Lee essentially quit giving interviews in 1964 and rarely made public appearances but in November 2007 went to the White House to accept a Presidential Medal of Freedom from President George W. Bush, who called her book "a gift to the entire world."
She also regularly attended an annual luncheon at the University of Alabama to meet with the winners of a high school essay contest on the subject of her book.
Nelle Harper Lee was born April 28, 1926, in Monroeville, the youngest of four children of A.C. and Frances Finch Lee and a descendant of Civil War General Robert E. Lee. Like Scout, Lee grew up a tomboy.
Lee had studied law at the University of Alabama but, six months before finishing her studies, she went to New York in the early 1950s to pursue a literary career while working as an airline reservation clerk.
In 1956 friends Michael and Joy Brown gave Lee a special Christmas gift, a year of financial support so she could work full time on "To Kill a Mockingbird."
The book was published in 1960, shortly after the dawn of the U.S. civil rights movement, and would sell an estimated 30 million copies. It would become required reading in many American schools but the American Library Association said it was frequently challenged by those who did not like its subject matter.
Lee also played a key role in researching another great American book by Truman Capote, her childhood friend and the inspiration for the frail, precocious Dill in "To Kill a Mockingbird."
In 1959 she accompanied Capote to Holcombe, Kansas, to work on "In Cold Blood," the chilling account of the murders of a farming family. Her mannerly, down-home approach undoubtedly smoothed the way for the flamboyant Capote.
There was speculation that Capote helped her write "To Kill a Mockingbird" the book but in his 2006 biography, "Mockingbird: A Portrait of Harper Lee," Charles J. Shields disputed that. He also saidLee's contribution to Capote's "In Cold Blood" was greater than believed.
Lee's sister said the authors eventually fell out because Capote was jealous of Lee's Pulitzer.
The movie version of "To Kill a Mockingbird also became an American classic. It won the Academy Award for best picture in 1963 while Gregory Peck, who played Atticus, was named best actor and screenwriter Horton Foote won for his adaptation of the book.
In 2006 Lee wrote a piece for O magazine about developing a childhood love of books, even though they were scarce in Monroeville.
"Now, 75 years later in an abundant society where people have laptops, cell phones, iPods, and minds like empty rooms, I still plod along with books," she wrote.
(Reporting and writing by Bill Trott; Additional reporting by Letitia Stein; Editing by Grant McCool)
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Celine's house finally sells
Celine Dion's lavish $25.5M property on a private island has finally sold
The former home of Celine Dion that has been on the market for more than two years has reportedly sold. The asking price for the property on a private island in Laval, Que., was $25.5 million.

The home has been sadly vacant for some time, since Celine's husband Renee became so seriously ill and it probably holds too many memories for her to face in her time of grief.
You may think it was pretty expensive just for a private getaway but you do get your own beautiful island too. We hope Celine and her sons are doing well and finding some peace and solace. The PICs
Monday, February 15, 2016
Betty White Says Goodbye To Hollywood Due To Her Age!
At 93 years old, Betty is looking better than ever. Ever since the producers of the show asked her to step out because of her age, she has been looking younger and more stunning each time we see her! Many have tried to discover her secret: Is it botox, facelifts, or just good lighting? Critics say she's too old to be on tv.. But boy were they wrong!
After poking around the story and keeping our ears open, we can reveal the exclusive scoop detailing what she's staying silent about... or trying to, at least! Read on to find out.
It recently was a celeb secret until Amy Davis, a 54 year-old mother of three from Los Angeles, California was featured on the Dr. Oz Show. Amy's testimonial revolutionized the industry. A perfect example of how a little smart-thinking and ingenuity can help you avoid unnecessary health risks and save you thousands of dollars in doctors' bills.
Like most women, Amy didn't have the extra cash to try out every celebrity-endorsed anti-aging "miracle cream" out there, let alone splurge on expensive elective medical procedures, like plastic surgery or facelifts.
Betty stumbled upon a shocking skin secret - one that's changing her life (and her face!) each and every day. Upon more research, we've discovered that it's one clever women around the world - and many Hollywood actresses - have been secretly using too...
The Best Skin Solution You’ve Never Heard Of :
Dr Oz had always kept this wrinkle secret reserved for his high paying celebrity clients until recently. He said he felt like he had to let his viewers know because he was tired of hearing the countless stories of his viewers throwing away thousands of dollars on expensive anti aging products or dangerous surgical procedures that make big promises that often do far more harm than good. As a result, a few weeks ago he shared the simple solution he had previously only shared with his celeb clients to everyone watching his show!
He actually discovered this anti aging miracle when multiple celebrity friends and clients were constantly reaching out to him hoping for a solution to look younger to prolong their career without going in for surgery.
“I looked 10 years younger in literally weeks! Dr. Oz literally saved my acting career!”
On his show he said he was thrilled when after months and months of pain staking tests and research, his team came across 2 products that when combined literally took 10 to 20 years off women’s appearance in just a month. More shockingly it is safe, and cost next to nothing! The two products he mentioned on his show are Purella Skin Cream and Purella Eye Cream.
Witchy sez :
Be sure to read the label to check the ingredients to see if you are allergic to them ... don't throw caution to the wind .... Nuff said .
After poking around the story and keeping our ears open, we can reveal the exclusive scoop detailing what she's staying silent about... or trying to, at least! Read on to find out.
It recently was a celeb secret until Amy Davis, a 54 year-old mother of three from Los Angeles, California was featured on the Dr. Oz Show. Amy's testimonial revolutionized the industry. A perfect example of how a little smart-thinking and ingenuity can help you avoid unnecessary health risks and save you thousands of dollars in doctors' bills.
Like most women, Amy didn't have the extra cash to try out every celebrity-endorsed anti-aging "miracle cream" out there, let alone splurge on expensive elective medical procedures, like plastic surgery or facelifts.
Betty stumbled upon a shocking skin secret - one that's changing her life (and her face!) each and every day. Upon more research, we've discovered that it's one clever women around the world - and many Hollywood actresses - have been secretly using too...
The Best Skin Solution You’ve Never Heard Of :
Dr Oz had always kept this wrinkle secret reserved for his high paying celebrity clients until recently. He said he felt like he had to let his viewers know because he was tired of hearing the countless stories of his viewers throwing away thousands of dollars on expensive anti aging products or dangerous surgical procedures that make big promises that often do far more harm than good. As a result, a few weeks ago he shared the simple solution he had previously only shared with his celeb clients to everyone watching his show!
He actually discovered this anti aging miracle when multiple celebrity friends and clients were constantly reaching out to him hoping for a solution to look younger to prolong their career without going in for surgery.
“I looked 10 years younger in literally weeks! Dr. Oz literally saved my acting career!”
On his show he said he was thrilled when after months and months of pain staking tests and research, his team came across 2 products that when combined literally took 10 to 20 years off women’s appearance in just a month. More shockingly it is safe, and cost next to nothing! The two products he mentioned on his show are Purella Skin Cream and Purella Eye Cream.
Witchy sez :
Be sure to read the label to check the ingredients to see if you are allergic to them ... don't throw caution to the wind .... Nuff said .
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Has Died at Age 79: Texas Governor

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the bench's ideological conservative known for his fiery comments in and out of the courtroom, has died, Texas' governor said Saturday. He was 79.
"Justice Antonin Scalia was a man of God, a patriot, and an unwavering defender of the written Constitution and the Rule of Law. He was the solid rock who turned away so many attempts to depart from and distort the Constitution," Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said in a statement Saturday.
"We mourn his passing, and we pray that his successor on the Supreme Court will take his place as a champion for the written Constitution and the Rule of Law," the governor added.
A cause of death was not immediately confirmed by NBC News.
Chief Justice Roberts said that he and his fellow justices were saddened to learn of his death.
"He was an extraordinary individual and jurist, admired and treasured by his colleagues. His passing is a great loss to the Court and the country he loyally served," Roberts said in a statement.
The court's most influential conservative, Scalia was nominated in 1986 under President Ronald Reagan, who named him as associate justice. A lawyer by trade, Scalia entered public service in the 1970s as general counsel for President Richard Nixon and as the assistant attorney general.
At the time of his Supreme Court nomination, Scalia was confirmed unanimously — 98 to zero — after telling senators he had no plans to reshape the law.
"I am not going onto the court with a list of things I want to do. My only agenda is to be a good judge," he said.
But he quickly became one of the court's most outspoken conservatives, serving as a steadfast opponent of gay rights and affirmative action in hiring and school admissions, and abortion rights. The landmark case of Roe v. Wade, he said, was wrongly decided, declaring rights that the founding fathers never intended.
"Abortion, homosexual conduct ... Nobody ever thought that they had been included in the rights contained in the Bill of Rights," he said once.
The nation's first Italian-American justice, Scalia didn't sugarcoat his often blunt dissents.
Most recently, in December, he came under fire from civil rights attorneys and black lawmakers after suggesting African-American students might fare better in a "slower-track school" while hearing a case about race-based admissions.
But it was his comments over the years on gay rights that often caused the biggest waves: When the high court legalized gay marriage nationwide last June, Scalia said in his dissent: "Who ever thought that intimacy and spirituality [whatever that means] were freedoms?"
"And if intimacy is, one would think that Freedom of Intimacy is abridged rather than expanded by marriage. Ask the nearest hippie," he wrote.
His candor wasn't limited to the four walls of the high court. During a 2012 visit to Princeton University, a gay freshman asked Scalia about a comparison he had drawn in the past between banning sodomy and banning bestiality and murder.
"If we cannot have moral feelings against or objections to homosexuality, can we have it against anything?" Scalia said in response to the question, according to The Daily Princetonian.
Though generally unsympathetic to criminal suspects, he led the court in expanding the rights of defendants to confront their accusers in court and limiting a judge's power to use evidence in sentencing unless it was proved during a trial.
And he wrote the ruling that said the Second Amendment guarantees an individual's right to own a firearm, the court's most important gun case ever.
The last Supreme Court justice to die while serving was Chief Justice William Rehnquist, 80, in September 2005. Rehnquist was the first to die in office since Justice Robert Jackson in 1954 and the first Chief Justice since Fred Vinson in 1953.
Scalia was slated to teach in Paris this summer for the San Diego-based Thomas Jefferson School of Law. He and his wife, Maureen, have nine children.
Zsa Zsa Gabor rushed to hospital after experiencing difficulty breathing
Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor was rushed to a hospital with a nasty infection Monday and will need surgery to replace her feeding tube, her worried husband told the Daily News.
The "Moulin Rouge" star — who turned 99 on Saturday — is on antibiotics at UCLA Medical Center and won't have the procedure until later in the week, Frederic Prinz von Anhalt said Tuesday.
"She is stabilized. But with an infection, you never know. It's up and down right now, so we have to wait," he said.
"I can talk to her a little bit. I tell her it's all okay. She's able to squeeze my hand. She knows when I'm there. I tell her it's just a checkup and routine and don't worry and that keeps her happy."
Zsa Zsa Gabor was taken to the hospital on Monday after experiencing breathing issues.
The 72-year-old German businessman said he's most worried about the anesthesia that doctors plan to use for the surgery.
"That always is something that scares me, especially at her age. Lots of people don't wake up, and that always gives me a bad feeling,” he said.
“When she goes and then wakes up that will be perfect. But anyhow, we have to do it.”
Gabor has been married to Frederic Prinz von Anhalt since 1986.
Prinz von Anhalt said he had to call for help Monday when Gabor had trouble breathing. She had mucus in her throat that he was unable to remove on his own, he said.
"When it is in her throat I usually can soak it out. But I can only go so deep and then it has to be done with a doctor. If she breathes it in, it goes into her lungs," he said.
"The main thing now is her feeding tube. It's infected."
Gabor (right) seen here with her famous sisters, Magda and Eva, and mother Jolie.
"Hopefully they'll get everything done and then get her home by the weekend,” he added.
The Hungary-born actress has had a series of medical issues over the past decade.
She received last rites from a Catholic priest in 2010 after a broken hip left her in very serious condition, and she had her right leg amputated in 2011 to prevent an infection from spreading to the rest of her body.
Gabor earned a tremendous following early in life, as much for her stunning good looks and flamboyant personality as for her talent on camera and the stage.
She also is notorious for having been married nine times, most recently to Prinz von Anhalt in 1986.
She once famously summed up her extensive romantic life by saying: "Men have always liked me and I have always liked men. But I like a mannish man, a man who knows how to talk to and treat a woman — not just a man with muscles."
Gabor is currently in stable condition.
Her two late sisters, Magda and Eva, were similarly famous, with the latter notably starring on the mega-popular, farm-based sitcom "Green Acres" for six seasons from 1965 to 1971.
Despite her many marriages, Gabor only had one daughter — Francesa Hilton, who died early last year following a stroke.
Gabor hasn't been seen publicly in several years.
Zsa Zsa , hope your recovery is fast and speedy .... our prayers go out to you and your family ... The PICs
Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor was rushed to a hospital with a nasty infection Monday and will need surgery to replace her feeding tube, her worried husband told the Daily News.
The "Moulin Rouge" star — who turned 99 on Saturday — is on antibiotics at UCLA Medical Center and won't have the procedure until later in the week, Frederic Prinz von Anhalt said Tuesday.
"She is stabilized. But with an infection, you never know. It's up and down right now, so we have to wait," he said.
"I can talk to her a little bit. I tell her it's all okay. She's able to squeeze my hand. She knows when I'm there. I tell her it's just a checkup and routine and don't worry and that keeps her happy."
Zsa Zsa Gabor was taken to the hospital on Monday after experiencing breathing issues.
The 72-year-old German businessman said he's most worried about the anesthesia that doctors plan to use for the surgery.
"That always is something that scares me, especially at her age. Lots of people don't wake up, and that always gives me a bad feeling,” he said.
“When she goes and then wakes up that will be perfect. But anyhow, we have to do it.”
Gabor has been married to Frederic Prinz von Anhalt since 1986.
Prinz von Anhalt said he had to call for help Monday when Gabor had trouble breathing. She had mucus in her throat that he was unable to remove on his own, he said.
"When it is in her throat I usually can soak it out. But I can only go so deep and then it has to be done with a doctor. If she breathes it in, it goes into her lungs," he said.
"The main thing now is her feeding tube. It's infected."
Gabor (right) seen here with her famous sisters, Magda and Eva, and mother Jolie.
"Hopefully they'll get everything done and then get her home by the weekend,” he added.
The Hungary-born actress has had a series of medical issues over the past decade.
She received last rites from a Catholic priest in 2010 after a broken hip left her in very serious condition, and she had her right leg amputated in 2011 to prevent an infection from spreading to the rest of her body.
Gabor earned a tremendous following early in life, as much for her stunning good looks and flamboyant personality as for her talent on camera and the stage.
She also is notorious for having been married nine times, most recently to Prinz von Anhalt in 1986.
She once famously summed up her extensive romantic life by saying: "Men have always liked me and I have always liked men. But I like a mannish man, a man who knows how to talk to and treat a woman — not just a man with muscles."
Gabor is currently in stable condition.
Her two late sisters, Magda and Eva, were similarly famous, with the latter notably starring on the mega-popular, farm-based sitcom "Green Acres" for six seasons from 1965 to 1971.
Despite her many marriages, Gabor only had one daughter — Francesa Hilton, who died early last year following a stroke.
Gabor hasn't been seen publicly in several years.
Zsa Zsa , hope your recovery is fast and speedy .... our prayers go out to you and your family ... The PICs
Friday, February 12, 2016
The Roving Reporter :Edgar Latulip: Ontario Man missing for 30 years suddenly ‘found’
Edgar Latulip of Waterloo went missing 30 years ago and was presumed dead, but it turns out it was only his memories that vanished.
Edgar Latulip was reported missing in 1986 from Waterloo region, Niagara Regional Police say.
Edgar Latulip was 21 when he took a bus to the Niagara region, where he suffered a head injury that robbed him of much of his memory, Const. Phil Gavin said.
Latulip went on to live in the area for the next 30 years, but recently began having memory flashes that made him believe he was living under the wrong name.
In January, Latulip revealed suspicions of his past identity to a social worker, who did a search online and discovered that he was the subject of a long-standing missing person’s investigation.
Det.-Const. Duane Gingerich, one of the Waterloo Regional Police officers who investigated Latulip’s disappearance, is thrilled to close the case. A reported sighting in Hamilton in 1993 gave him hope that Latulip might still be alive, but he knew the odds of a happy ending were slim.
“I had hopes that he was out there somewhere,” he said. “For us as investigators, this is great, this is awesome. It’s satisfying because most of these cases don’t turn out this way. You expect the worst when a person is missing for that period of time.”
“It was only recently that these lapses in his memory started to come back,” Gingerich said. “There was enough about it that we thought, ‘There’s something to this.’ ”
In January, Latulip came to the St. Catharines police station and provided a voluntary DNA sample. This week, it was revealed that sample matched a family member’s DNA on file with the Waterloo Regional Police.
If he wants to meet his family, he’ll get that chance.
“He’s been informed that match is there and now we’re working toward reunification with his family in the near future,” Gavin said.
Latulip’s mother could not be reached for this story. But police say they want to help her see her son again. In the meantime, there are so many questions about what happened to Latulip after he went missing all those years ago.
He told police he left Kitchener by bus after he left his group home. At the time, investigators suspected he might have gone to the falls to end his life and his body had simply never been recovered.
“I think he got on a bus, and the bus took him to Niagara Falls, and then he wandered on to St. Catharines. That’s when he suffered the head injury. When he kind of woke up, things were a lot different,” Gavin said. “This is a new one for me. I’ve never seen anything like this before.”
In a 2014 interview, his mother said her son’s disappearance left a painful hole in her life that couldn’t be healed.
“This is always at the back of my mind. Having an answer would mean closure,” she said at the time. “When Edgar disappeared, I became quite sick. I had to take a leave of absence from work. I was near a nervous breakdown.”
Latulip spoke to a social worker Jan. 7
On Jan. 7, Latulip met with a social worker and told her he thought he was somebody else, Gavin said. The social worker found his missing persons case file and police were then called in. Latulip volunteered to have a DNA test done and on Monday, the results came back indicating he was Latulip.
Gavin said it is an unusual, but happy resolution to the case.
"When someone goes missing for an extended period of time, they don't want to be found and they're off the grid and we don't find them," Gavin said. "Or the other option, sadly, is sometimes people are deceased. I've never heard of something like this where someone's memory has come back and their identity is recovered.
"It is absolutely a good news story," Gavin added. "I try not to only think about his mother's side, but also Mr. Latulip's side where for 30 years you've learned a certain way and someone tells you and confirms to you that's not who you are. That's a lot to take in, personally, right, so there's interesting pieces for him as well."
'Now it's up to him what happens'
According to Holtom, who spoke with Latulip's mother on Wednesday, the missing man has yet to be reunited with her.
"I'm sure [it's] very overwhelming for both of them, for his mom and himself, and I'm sure they're planning a reunion in the coming days," she told CBC News.
"Now it's up to him what happens, and his family what happens from here, so we don't have any part of that. Our investigators, I know there were quite a few who handled the case, are glad to know he's OK."
The Roving Reporter G .
Edgar Latulip was reported missing in 1986 from Waterloo region, Niagara Regional Police say.
Edgar Latulip was 21 when he took a bus to the Niagara region, where he suffered a head injury that robbed him of much of his memory, Const. Phil Gavin said.
Latulip went on to live in the area for the next 30 years, but recently began having memory flashes that made him believe he was living under the wrong name.
In January, Latulip revealed suspicions of his past identity to a social worker, who did a search online and discovered that he was the subject of a long-standing missing person’s investigation.
Det.-Const. Duane Gingerich, one of the Waterloo Regional Police officers who investigated Latulip’s disappearance, is thrilled to close the case. A reported sighting in Hamilton in 1993 gave him hope that Latulip might still be alive, but he knew the odds of a happy ending were slim.
“I had hopes that he was out there somewhere,” he said. “For us as investigators, this is great, this is awesome. It’s satisfying because most of these cases don’t turn out this way. You expect the worst when a person is missing for that period of time.”
“It was only recently that these lapses in his memory started to come back,” Gingerich said. “There was enough about it that we thought, ‘There’s something to this.’ ”
In January, Latulip came to the St. Catharines police station and provided a voluntary DNA sample. This week, it was revealed that sample matched a family member’s DNA on file with the Waterloo Regional Police.
If he wants to meet his family, he’ll get that chance.
“He’s been informed that match is there and now we’re working toward reunification with his family in the near future,” Gavin said.
Latulip’s mother could not be reached for this story. But police say they want to help her see her son again. In the meantime, there are so many questions about what happened to Latulip after he went missing all those years ago.
He told police he left Kitchener by bus after he left his group home. At the time, investigators suspected he might have gone to the falls to end his life and his body had simply never been recovered.
“I think he got on a bus, and the bus took him to Niagara Falls, and then he wandered on to St. Catharines. That’s when he suffered the head injury. When he kind of woke up, things were a lot different,” Gavin said. “This is a new one for me. I’ve never seen anything like this before.”
In a 2014 interview, his mother said her son’s disappearance left a painful hole in her life that couldn’t be healed.
“This is always at the back of my mind. Having an answer would mean closure,” she said at the time. “When Edgar disappeared, I became quite sick. I had to take a leave of absence from work. I was near a nervous breakdown.”
Latulip spoke to a social worker Jan. 7
On Jan. 7, Latulip met with a social worker and told her he thought he was somebody else, Gavin said. The social worker found his missing persons case file and police were then called in. Latulip volunteered to have a DNA test done and on Monday, the results came back indicating he was Latulip.
Gavin said it is an unusual, but happy resolution to the case.
"When someone goes missing for an extended period of time, they don't want to be found and they're off the grid and we don't find them," Gavin said. "Or the other option, sadly, is sometimes people are deceased. I've never heard of something like this where someone's memory has come back and their identity is recovered.
"It is absolutely a good news story," Gavin added. "I try not to only think about his mother's side, but also Mr. Latulip's side where for 30 years you've learned a certain way and someone tells you and confirms to you that's not who you are. That's a lot to take in, personally, right, so there's interesting pieces for him as well."
'Now it's up to him what happens'
According to Holtom, who spoke with Latulip's mother on Wednesday, the missing man has yet to be reunited with her.
"I'm sure [it's] very overwhelming for both of them, for his mom and himself, and I'm sure they're planning a reunion in the coming days," she told CBC News.
"Now it's up to him what happens, and his family what happens from here, so we don't have any part of that. Our investigators, I know there were quite a few who handled the case, are glad to know he's OK."
The Roving Reporter G .
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Has Liam found love once more?

Liam and wife Natasha
The 63-year-old refused to name his new partner, but admitted that she is “incredibly famous”.
Speaking in a new interview, Liam revealed: “I’d embarrass her if I said her name, she’s incredibly famous. I’ll have to do my best for her.
"It’s amazing how far a simple bunch of freshly picked flowers will go in a lady’s life, I find.”
How adorable.
Despite moving on, the actor admitted that he was still grieving the loss of his wife, sharing that Natasha’s death in a skiing accident aged just 45 was a “touchy subject”.
He added to Ireland’s Sunday Independent: “Of course the grief is still there. You do your best. I had many little letters, beautiful cards scrawled from people after her death. I still have them and they are very meaningful. It is really touching.
"In your soul you know that there are people out there caring for you. That means a hell of a lot to me.”
Liam previously revealed that he still understandably struggles to process or accept his loss, explaining in an old interview: “It hits you. It’s like a wave. You just get this profound feeling of instability, the Earth isn’t stable anymore and then it passes and it becomes more infrequent, but I still get it sometimes.
He's a lovely man and he deserves some happiness after all these years alone. We wish him the very best. Witchy and Genie
The Roving Reporter : Donald Trump blasts 'worthless' Daily News after paper mocks his 'zombie' supporters
Real-estate developer Donald Trump slammed the New York Daily News after the tabloid's Wednesday cover mocked him and his supporters.
Trump said Wednesday on Fox News that the newspaper was a "totally failing paper" trying to use his name to try to prop up its business.
"It's going to be closing soon I'm pretty sure," he said.
The Daily News unveiled the cover shortly after Trump became the projected winner in Tuesday's New Hampshire primary. The tabloid, which frequently depicts Trump as a clown, did so again.
"Dawn of the brain dead," its headline blared in all capital letters. It added below: "Clown comes back to life with N.H. win as mindless zombies turn out in droves."
Trump also responded Wednesday morning on Twitter. The Republican presidential front-runner said the paper was "worthless" and its owner, fellow billionaire Mort Zuckerman, had "a major inferiority complex."
Trump said Wednesday on Fox News that the newspaper was a "totally failing paper" trying to use his name to try to prop up its business.
"It's going to be closing soon I'm pretty sure," he said.
The Daily News unveiled the cover shortly after Trump became the projected winner in Tuesday's New Hampshire primary. The tabloid, which frequently depicts Trump as a clown, did so again.
"Dawn of the brain dead," its headline blared in all capital letters. It added below: "Clown comes back to life with N.H. win as mindless zombies turn out in droves."
Trump also responded Wednesday morning on Twitter. The Republican presidential front-runner said the paper was "worthless" and its owner, fellow billionaire Mort Zuckerman, had "a major inferiority complex."
The Roving Reporter G.
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