Yahoo News DYLAN STABLEFORD December 21st 2017 Outgoing Sen. Al Franken used his final speech as a U.S. senator to thank family, staff and Democratic colleagues — and to excoriate President Trump. Over the course of a 40-minute speech on the Senate floor on Thursday, the Minnesota Democrat, who is stepping down next month following allegations of inappropriate touching made by multiple women, tore into Trump and Republicans over their “attacks” on voting rights, LGBT rights, science, health care and — most recently — the middle class. “During his inaugural address, President Trump vowed that ‘the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer,’” Franken said. “But the Republican tax bill represents a slap in the face to those forgotten men and women. I guess the president forgot about them.” Franken decried what he described as the repeated “lies” of the Trump administration, including the president’s baseless claim that millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 election. “It’s all based on a lie — and not a lie President Trump came up with,” Franken said. “Right-wing conservatives have been raising a false alarm about so-called voter fraud for years despite the fact that no credible evidence has ever been [found] demonstrating that it is a real problem.” The same, Franken said, goes for the administration’s policies affecting the LGBT community. “Lurking behind these policies are lies,” he said. “Lies that the advocates of LGBT rights want to trample on people’s religious freedom. The lie that families led by a gay or lesbian couple don’t provide a safe environment for children. The lie that allowing transgender people to use the appropriate bathroom opens the door to sexual assault. President Trump didn’t invent these lies. But he and his administration proudly repeat them.” Franken also lamented Trump’s “attacks on science,” citing a recent Washington Post report that the Trump administration had prohibited the Centers for Disease Control from using such terms as “evidence-based” and “science-based.” “We now have enough evidence to conclude that climate change is real and it is man-made and it is a threat to our nation’s security and an existential threat to the planet,” Franken said. “President Trump didn’t launch the war on science, but now he’s leading the charge.” Franken, who is stepping down on Jan. 2, praised his replacement, Minnesota Lt. Gov. Tina Smith, as a worthy successor. “I have no doubt Sen. Smith will serve Minnesotans and all Americans well,” Franken said. Franken did not mention the allegations of sexual misconduct that led to his resignation. In a speech on the Senate floor announcing his intention to step down earlier this month, Franken insisted that some of the claims were not true and others he remembered differently. “There is some irony that I am leaving while a man who bragged on tape about his history of sexual assault sits in the Oval Office, and a man who preyed on young girls runs for Senate with the full support of his party,” Franken said then, referencing Trump and Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore. He concluded Thursday’s speech on a positive note. “Politics is about the improvement of people’s lives,” Franken said. “The American people know that to be true. And they fill me with hope for our future.”
A Granddaughter is a wonderful blessing , a treasure from above , she's laughter , she's warmth and special charm, she is thoughtfulness and love . A granddaughter brings a special joy that comes from deep inside as she grows to adulthood . She feels your heart with pride , No words can describe the warm memories , the pride and gratitude too , that comes from having a granddaughter to love and cherish just like you . “I feel very proud to be your poppa for you are a very beautiful and responsible young lady. God sent you to our home to fill it with an incomparable joy. Today you are celebrating your 15 years and I want to tell you that I wish you all the best in the world, I always imagined this moment, always imagine sharing it with you, say that not even started to build. This year my darling Princess I will share it with you in spirit , look into your heart , I am there . "Happy Birthday my sweet princess . “ Poppa ******************************** Happy Birthday Miracle Baby
There is a deeper meaning to why we call you our 'Miracle Baby ,. Nothing in our live matter more than your happiness . Rise above and reach out for everything you want in life .As your parents , brothers and sister we will always be there to help and love you . Happy Birthday Daddy , Mama . Jonny , Jenny , Man
GEOBEATS December 11th 2017 President Trump is now actively campaigning for Roy Moore, the U.S. Senate candidate from Alabama who stands accused of multiple instances of sexual misconduct, some involving teenagers. Politico reports that first daughter Ivanka Trump’s public criticism of Moore is one of the factors that pushed the president toward going all in. The publication also notes the bevy of White House aides and advisers, as well as the initial Moore opposition voiced by key Republicans, further fueled Trump’s decision to give the candidate his full support. While anti-Moore sentiments from many White House staffers and GOP politicians have ranged from nonexistent to irresolute, Ivanka Trump’s rebuke of the candidate was quite forceful. “There’s a special place in hell for people who prey on children,” she told the Associated Press. “I’ve yet to see a valid explanation and I have no reason to doubt the victims’ accounts.” President Trump has, according to Politico, privately questioned the veracity of Moore’s accusers, questioning why they waited until now to come forward. In public, Trump has made his push for the candidate one largely based on simple Senate math and a need for Republicans’ to preserve their slim majority. He used that reasoning in a December 8 push for Moore. “LAST thing the Make America Great Again Agenda needs is a Liberal Democrat in Senate where we have so little margin for victory already,” the president tweeted. “The Pelosi/Schumer Puppet Jones would vote against us 100% of the time. He’s bad on Crime, Life, Border, Vets, Guns & Military. VOTE ROY MOORE!”
Witchy sez : As is obvious to everyone, ( Except the willingly blind sheep supporters ), This is just another example of Trumps juvenile, petulant child behaviors. " No one disagrees with me, No one tells me what to do, you're not the boss of me". No matter who tells him, or how right they may be, Little Donnie will do just the opposite and shoot himself in the foot, because this clown actually thinks he knows more than everyone and will listen to no one. This is just another trait that will lead to his downfall. You supporters can blame your ever feared "Libs", Or the "fake news media", But it's Donald himself who is his own worst enemy.
Business Insider MAXWELL TANI December 10th 2017 Sen. Bernie Sanders said President Donald Trump should consider resigning over sexual misconduct allegations made against him. Several Senate Democrats have called for the president to resign in recent days, though they have stopped short of calling for his impeachment. They spoke up after Democratic Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota resigned over his own sexual harassment accusations. Sen. Bernie Sanders said on Sunday that he thinks President Donald Trump should consider stepping down over his sexual misconduct allegations. In an interview on "Meet The Press," Sanders noted that Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota resigned after several women accused him of sexual harassment. "Al Franken felt it proper for him to resign," Sanders said. "Here you have a president who has been accused by many women of assault, who says on a tape that he assaulted women. He might want to think about doing the same." The Vermont Senator this week joined a number of Democratic Senators who have called for the president to step aside in the wake of Franken's resignation, citing the numerous allegations of sexual misconduct against Trump as well as the president's own boasts about grabbing women without their permission. In an interview with Vice News last week, Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey suggested that the president should follow Franken's example and step down. "I just watched Al Franken do the honorable thing and resign," Booker said. "My question is — why isn't Donald Trump doing the same thing? Who has more serious allegations against him, with more women who have come forward?" On Thursday, Sen. Jeff Merkley of Oregon similarly called on Alabama GOP candidate Roy Moore and the president to step aside, pointing to the allegations of harassment against both men. "The president should resign because he certainly has a track record with more than 17 women of horrific conduct," Merkley told "Meet The Press Daily." For his part, Trump has never made any indication that he would resign willingly before the end of his term, and plans to run for reelection. The president has repeatedly denied all harassment allegations against him, and has asked Democratic leaders who will run against him in 2020. The New York Times reported on Saturday that Trump told the leaders that Sanders would run "even if he’s in a wheelchair." Though 58 Democrats in the House of Representatives voted to impeach Trump this week, Democratic leadership and many Senate Democrats like Sanders have largely avoided the issue. Sanders said he's not prepared to support impeaching Trump yet. "I don't think we're there right now," Sanders said on Sunday, saying special prosecutor Robert Mueller's probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election was working to uncover the Trump campaign's role. "That's what the Mueller investigation is all about."
A former priest was convicted Thursday in the brutal murder of a Texas beauty queen who was raped, beaten, and suffocated more than 57 years ago. A jury found John Bernard Feit, 85, guilty of murdering Irene Garza after more than six hours of deliberations in Hildalgo County on Thursday. Gaza’s family members burst into tears in the courtroom, relieved that justice had been served decades after the 25-year-old teacher and beauty queen was found dead in a canal. In April 1960, Garza disappeared after she went to confession at the Sacred Heart Church in McAllen, where Feit was a visiting priest.
John Feit pictured before the verdict was read for the 1960 murder of Irene Garza. (NATHAN LAMBRECHT/AP) Feit, who was 28 at the time, was taken in for questioning after Garza’s body was found, but officials avoided prosecuting him for fear of harming the church’s reputation, prosecutors told the court. Most elected officials at the time in Hidalgo County were Catholic, and Sen. John F. Kennedy, a Catholic, was running for president that year. The case went cold until 2002, when authorities reopened the investigation and interviewed another priest who said he saw scratches on Feit’s hands shortly after Garza’s disappearance.
Feit (l.), who was 28 at the time, was taken in for questioning after Irene Garza (r.) went to confession and disappeared. Another priest who worked at a Missouri monastery where Feit applied three years later said he confessed to murdering a young woman. Defense attorney O. Rene Flores argued that prosecutors had insufficient evidence to convict Feit, who was living in Arizona at the time of his arrest last year. Feit spent time at a treatment center in New Mexico for troubled priests and became a supervisor who helped clear other priests for assignments to parishes.
A priest said he saw scratches on Feit’s hands shortly after Garza’s disappearance. (BETTMANN/BETTMANN ARCHIVE) Among the men Feit helped keep in ministry was child molester James Porter, who assaulted more than 100 victims before he was ultimately defrocked and sent to prison. Feit left the priesthood in 1972, married and went on to work at the Catholic charity St. Vincent de Paul in Phoenix for a number of years, training and recruiting volunteers and helping oversee the charity’s network of food pantries. He had also been accused of attacking another young woman in a church just weeks before Garza’s death. He eventually pleaded no contest and was fined $500.
Garza's relative Noemi Sigler cries while talking with Texas Ranger Rudy Jaramillo (c.) following Feit's conviction. (NATHAN LAMBRECHT/AP) Feit could be sentenced to up to 99 years or life imprisonment.
Everyone wants to know with the Prez is he for real are putting on an act so the aliens will not take him to their planet to put on display ... HeHe
President Trump provoked a Twitterstorm after his speech on Jerusalem Wednesday in which he appeared to be breathing heavily and slurring some of his words toward the end. “God bless the United States,” he concluded, but the words “States” sounded as if he pronounced it “Shtates” — and scores of viewers noticed. “Trump’s speech just slurred significantly at the end of the speech he just gave. Notice how he says ‘United States,’ but his words were thick before that,” wrote Jon Aravosis, a DC pundit. “Aside from the constant sniffing, there was something seriously wrong with Trump’s speech and mouth during that #Jerusalem announcement. Major slurring. Weirder than usual I mean,” said Marcus Dysch, political editor of the Jewish Chronicle. “Why is Trump slurring his speech?” wondered actress Mia Farrow. “Am I dreaming or was Trump’s speech incredibly slurred?” added Zac Petkanas, a former aide to Hillary Clinton. Others questioned whether the president was on medication — or if he had dentures that possibly came loose. The White House did not immediately return a request for comment.t Donald Trump's newfound lisp sets internet aflame.
Business Insider ELIZA RELMAN December 5th 2017 Vice President Mike Pence and former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus reportedly considered a coup to replace then-candidate Donald Trump on the GOP presidential ticket following the release of the "Access Hollywood" tape last fall. GOP leaders considered drafting former Bush administration Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice to be the party's vice presidential nominee, The Atlantic reported. Republican donors reportedly considered paying Trump to abandon the race. Vice President Mike Pence and former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus considered a coup to replace then-candidate Donald Trump following the release of the "Access Hollywood" tape just weeks before the 2016 presidential election, The Atlantic reported in a lengthy profile of Pence on Tuesday. The tape, in which Trump boasted about sexually assaulting women, sent the Republican Party into a panic as party leaders and donors pressured the Republican National Committee to force the former reality TV star off the ticket. Just hours after the video's publication by The Washington Post on October 8, Pence told the RNC that he was willing and ready to take Trump's place as the party's presidential nominee, several sources told the Atlantic. Priebus told CNN, however, that the coup story is "100% false." "It was never discussed — never contemplated," Priebus said. In the panicked days that followed the release of the "Access Hollywood" tape, the RNC came under intense pressure to replace Trump, and the organization's lawyers reportedly discussed a little-known legal mechanism by which they could force the nominee to step down. Meanwhile, a small group of billionaire GOP donors reportedly asked a Trump associate how much money Trump would need to be paid to abandon the race. According to one source, they were told $800 million, but it is unclear if Trump knew about the discussions or if the offer was made. Priebus, then the chairman of the RNC, told Trump that he could drop out of the race or lose in the biggest electoral landslide in US history, according to a new memoir written by former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. Priebus reportedly told Trump that Pence and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, whom Republican leaders were considering drafting to the ticket, were "ready to step in" to take over the campaign. On a personal level, Pence and his wife, Karen, who are both devout evangelical Christians who have advocated for conservative "family values" for decades, were shocked and disturbed by the video. Karen was reportedly "disgusted" by Trump's "grab them by the p----" comments — and by Trump himself. "She finds him reprehensible — just totally vile," a former Trump campaign aide told The Atlantic. But those close to Pence say the former Indiana governor relied on his faith in God to carry him through the last trying weeks of the campaign. "If you're Mike Pence, and you believe what he believes, you know God had a plan," Ralph Reed, an evangelical religious and political leader and friend of Pence's, told The Atlantic.