Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Baby Mama 'Mildred Baena' Breaks Her Silence

Mildred Baena , the housekeeper with whom Arnolrd Schwarzenegger has a 13-year-old  love child , has broken her silence.

In an interview with  Hello  magazine , Baena decribes realizing Schwarzenegger was her son's father .

"It was as Joseph  grew and I started to see the resemblance that I wondered ... but it became more apparent as time went on" she says.

"I knew Arnold was the father , and maybe as Joseph got  older , and began to look like him [Schwarzenegger]  would wonder  if he was his, but he never said anything to me ."

Baena also opens up about the moment  Maria Shriver  confronted her.

"She asked [about Joseph] point blank ," recalls Baena , who says Shriver "cried  with me and told me to get off my knees."

"We held each other and I told her it wasn't Arnie's fault ," recalls the housekeeper , explaining , "It took two."

Baena still have affection and good wishes for Schwarzengger and Shriver , who separated after 25-years of marriage  just days before the scandal broke.

He's a good man and I know he's hurting too . He loves Maria . I hope with time they work things out .

Just a thought :  The whole situation is sad , but really , does she now have to "speak out" and continue the pain test ?  Then again , everyone involved made their own decision and we shouldn't judge .
 Just remember people , if you throw a stone into water , the ripple touch everything  so we all need to be careful of our decisions . But hey , that's just me .

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