Friday, October 21, 2011

John Travolta : Refuse Table At "KFC" WTF

John Travolta  reportedly got his wings clipped  ... at a KFC.

The British press says the actor , in England for a scientology confar, had one of his people call over to one of the chain's locations to make a reservation for him and his group , but was told he'd have to stand in line at the fast food restaurant like everyone else.

The employee who received the request  explained , "The lady who called didn't give me her name . She just said it was for Mr . Travolta  ... that threw me a little bit . I thought it might be a load of nonsense ."

A KFC spokeman later said , "In hindsight , of course , we would have reserved a table for him . It's not everyday you get a Hollywood star eating in your restaurant .

No comments from Travota's camp .

What you think , do Travolta need any more fast food , I think not . HeHeHe


  1. He is just a chubby self indulgent gay man headed for a heart attack.

    Hi PIC, How are the girls hangin??

  2. I laughed so hard at the fat gay man .

    They are hanging good ... but they do need some attention ...
