Monday, January 6, 2014

Shia LaBeouf Had to Send 'Nymphomaniac' Produces a Picture of His Penis "WTF"

Long before Shia Labeouf was generating controversy for plagiarizing a Daniel Clowes comic for a short film about online film critics, he was talking about his role in "Nymphomaniac."

LaBeouf , who was first cast in the Lars Von Trier project ... a five hour , two-part film that will see release in North America later this year ... back in August of 2012 ,Had originally told Chelsea Handler he sent a sex tape to producers as part of the casting process. As it turns out , however , it was merely a photo of his penis .

"The first info we got ... and I will never forget this , because my entire team reacted with such fear ... the first request from the production end , not from Lars , but from production , was pictures of his penis ," Labeouf said in a new interview that Zentropa Productions , the company behind "Nymphomaniac," released to YouTube . Labeouf, who is missing a tooth in the clip , perhaps a leftover bit of Method acting from his work on David Ayer's untitled World War II film , explained that the penis photo was a test to see how committed he was to the production .

"Lars goes , 'Send him the [offer] letter . The letter was ,'Are you game ?" Labeouf recalled . "I guess the test was , 'Let's time how long it takes this motherf**ker  to send his dick over the internet .' It was like 20 minutes . They was like , 'All right , kid's ready."After LaBeouf was cast in "Nymphomaniac," he relayed the sex scenes were going to be real . "It is Lars von Trier , making a movie about what he is making ," Labeouf told MTV in August 2012 . "For instance , there's a disclaimer at the top of the script that basically says we're doing it for real .Everything that is illegal , we'll shoot in blurred images . Other than that , everything is happening ." In fact , Von Trier used body doubles and visual effects for the film's graphic scenes , many of which can be glimpsed in the first "Nymphomaniac" trailer .

The full interview with LaBeouf is fascinating , offering a glimpse into not just his current career mindset , but also Von Trier's filmmaking process . (His scripts , for instance , aren't written in English .) Watch Labeouf discuss the film below . Part one of "Nymphomaniac " is out in the U.S. on March 21 , with part two set for an April bow .

Lets hear it from Witchy ;
Where did that damn thing go ... Huh ...Huh ...
Did He not understand what a head shot meant ? Imagine the feeling had they rejected him .

Oh the world of actors , where did that damn dangle go , gonna flush it down the toliet ... HeHe


  1. Hahahaha! Poor Witchy. Apparently pictures of penises get her all riled up. Hollywood wasn't always like that Witchy. A head shot used to mean from the shoulders up.

    Frozen Genie

  2. I bet she beat the crap out it first Hahahaha .
    What this guy got between the ears ... on I know ...air Hahaha
