CSI : Investigation - Season Finale -5/12 , 9/8c, CBS
Whether it's burying someone alive or having a shoot-out in the lab ... CSI is famous for its frenetic finales . When season 11 comes to a close , though , exec producer Carol Mendelsohn has something different in mind . This time "it's going to be emotionaally explosive ." Those internal fireworks start sparking in the next to last episode on may 5 , when the team travels to Los Angeles to follow a tip that a serial killer Nate Haskell (Bill Irwin ) is up to his old tricks , says Mendelsohn , "They'll find evidence that will call into question whether or not Nate Haskell is Nate Haskell . They'll uncover who hi is and how he was c reated ." Ever since replacing Grissom (William Petersen) on the CSI team , Ray Langston (Laurence Fishburne ) has been on a collision course with Haskell , and in the season finale , he'll finally taken matters into his own hands . Mendelsohn won't say what exactly those hands do to his nemesis , but she does add that Langston's decision leaves the whole team at odds with each other ."The finale won't end with a clean slate . It'll be a cliff-hanger , but more for the team in terms of their relationalship and dealing with the aftermath of what Langston does.
CSI:Miami ..Season Finale ..5/8 ,10/9c .CBS
It's a turbulent finale for Horatio (David Caruso) and the gang , who are on the hunt for a dangerous excapee from the prison break that happened in Epsiode 4 earlier this season . Horatio and Tripp fly to Arizona , where they've apprehanded Jack Toller ."But unbeknowst to us , Jack has a different plan than for us to land at Miami International and take him back to prison ," says Rex Linn , who plays Det. Frank Tripp. The crew members are a part of this scheme , and our prisoner finds a way to escape. "Once back on the ground , the team will comb the streets for their fugitive , with the help of undercover agent Renee Locklear (guest star Natasha Henstridge) , who may set Horatio's heart aflutter . But thats not all for naught if the boss doesn't survive the season finale . According to coexec producers Barry O'Brien and Marc Dube ,"We have a shocking ending in which Horatio is in jeopardy as you're never seen him before . He is force to make a choice between his own survival and savin his colleague."*******************************************************************************************************
Criminal Minds ...5/18 , 9/8c CBS
It's been a traumatic year for the Behavior Analysis Unit , laving lost two team members (Paget Brewster's Emily Prentiss and A.J.Cook 's JJ Gareau , who's announced she will return ) and the season finale won't be any easier for them . Since some cast members' contracts are expiring , "We don't know who's going to be here next year , so we're writing to that ," says exec producers Erica Messer . "The clift-hanger is not an SUV blowing up , but BAU itself is facing changes." And the finale case is one of the series most intense : It concerns human trafficking and murder as sport . "Our heroes uncover an ongoing conspiracy," reveals Messer . "We 're diving into the darkest of the dark . And because of that , it becomes important how they deal with the darkness."
NCIS: Los Angeles...5/17 , 9/8c CBS
Can claire Forani really step into Linda Hunt's shoes ? And just what kind of extreme toe-crunching would that entail , anyway ? We'll find out on NCIS:Los Angeles when Forani's newly introduced special agent takes over as operations manager ... temporarily we assume , lest the Hunt-loving fan base becomes even further enraged by the possibility of the mother hen's exile. "You don't see Hetty (Linda Hunt) sitting behind her desk in the last eposide ," reveals exec producer Shane Brennan . "It's quite schocking for everyone to look accross and instead of Hetty's head , they see Lauren Hunter . And she's giving the orders . It's very unsettling ." Besides Hetty , the finale will focus on Callen (Chris O'Donnell) , who'll "discover a lot about the mystry of his past in a very short time over this last episode and the first episode of next season . "Overall , Brennan promises an NCIS -worthy cliff-hanger . "We'd expect no less.
House..5/23 , 8/7c FOX
This season , Huddy (Lisa Edelstein and Hugh Laurie) splintered and House cracked . Taub(Peter Jacobson) caught wifey messing around on line and moved in with Forman (Omar Epps) . Thirteen (Olivia Wilde) returned from medical leave , oops, prison . The finale will tie up loose ends , though not necessarily for the guy who needs it most . "House has been on a razor's edge ever since breaking up with Cuddy , so the finale is really an internal drama for him ," says creator David Shore . "He's making sense of what it meant to fail after trying so hard to be normal and striving to be happy this season." Don't expect him to solve life's grumbly mysteries , though . "Like we always say , House never really changes."
BLUE BLOODS : 5/13 , 10/9c ..CBS
It's payback time for the Blue Templars when the Reagans close in on the cabal of rogue cops . Violence hits the family as police commissioner Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck) , aided by son Jamie (Will Estes), gets closer to finding out which Templar was responsible for the death of his own son, Joe. It's been a rough time for Jamie , who was pulled in by the FBI to infiltrate the group , then was targeted for assassination himself . "That adversity only strengthened his resolve ," says Estes , who plays the newly minted police officer driven to find the killer of his beloved sibling. "WE don't find out until the very end what went down and who was responsible for Joe," he says . "It's a huge finale with some big surprises . A lot of major story lines will be resolved ." And one may be beginning . For the first time since his fianc`ee dumped him , Jamie has a new love interest . "Her name is Laura and we meet because she's the damsel in distress ," Estes says . "Jamie likes damsels in distress ."
BONES ...5/19 . 9/8c ...FOX
Bones will be delivering a season finale guaranteed to bowl you over . Literally . The action begins when a corpse appears in a bowling ally's pin-setting machine , leading Booth (David Boreanaz) and Brennan (Emily Deschanel) to dress up like a pair of old married league members . But the team will also welcome new life , with the doctor boy-friend of Camille (Tamara Taylor) delivering Angela (Michaela Conlin) and Hodgins (TJ Thyne) baby. "This will alter everyone's lives ," says exec producer Stephen Nathan , hinting at the possibility that the child could be born blind . With Nathan adding that "Brenan and Booth are deeply affected by the birth ," could that mean that Emily Deschanel's real-life pregnancy may be written in to season 7? Teases Nathan . "Everybody will have a little game-changer in their relationalships that will alter the course of the series next year.