Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Arnold Schwarzenegger & Sylvester Stallone

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone pose shirtless in the hosiptal after surgery .
Having a friend with you always makes things a little easier.

Just ask Arnold Schwarzenegger .

The actor-turned-politician-turn-actor seemed positively delighted to run into pal Slyvester Stallone while both were hosipitized for procedures .

Schwarzenegger even posted a photo on his WhoSay account Wednesday showing the pair smiling and chatting whilr shirtless and laying in their hosiptal beds .

Stallone can be seen with an IV in his hand , while Schwarzenegger has his right arm in a sling .

"After all the action, stunts and physical abuse shooting 'The Expandables 2' and 'The Last Stand', it was time for a little tuneup on my shoulder ," Schwarzenegger explained in the photo caption .

He added , "Look who was coincidentally waiting in line behind me for his shoulder surgery . Now we're ready for another round of great times and action when we shoot "The Tomb."
The PICs with both of you a speedy recovery !


  1. Ahhhh, ain't they cute and cuddly. Gotta hand it to these two, they have always done a lot of their own stunts. It gave their fans a lot more excitement and gratification for the price of their ticket.

    Hey PIC, how's it goin?
