Monday, February 6, 2012

M.I.A. Flips Bird During Halftime Show; NBC Apologizes

Madonna's Super Bowl halftime show has gotten a lot of attention (because it was the Super Bowl halftime show), but it pretty much went off without controversy .
Until people pointed out that guest performer M. I. A. had given viewers the middle finger .
Even though most viewers probably didn't consider it a big deal , flipping the bird is always a source of media hyperventilation .
Plus, ever since Janet Jackson's nipple made a surprise appearence for a half-second during the 2004 halftime show , Super Bowl observers ( and politicians , advocacy groups , the FCC , etc.) always seem primed to declare controversy .
[UPDATE] NBC is now apoligizing .
"We apologize for the inappropriate gesture that aired during halftime ," said the  network in a statement . "It was a spontaneous gesture that our delay system caught late ."
Do you think M.I.A.'s fin ger warrants controversy ?

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