Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Two and a Half Men Implies That Charlie Sheen Is On A Death Run

The executive producer and co-creator of  'Two and a Half Men' ,Chuck Lorre , is speaking out again about his wayward star , Charlie Sheen , via the  unique medium   of the vanity card .

Following  Monday night's airing of two Chuck Lorre-produced  shows (Men and Mike & Molly) , vanity cards penned by Lorre appeared on screen  , the first of which  explicitly addressed the Charlie Sheen chaos vortex  , and the second of which seemed to refer to Sheen's  troubles without mentioning him by name .

However , there was no castigating  , no chastizing and no shaming in these statements , nor was there an intervention-style supplication begging the star to get help .  Read for yourself what Lorre said , and decide if you think Lorre might be deflecting the situation a bit  .

Chuck Lorre Productions, # 329 ( Feb .14 , 2011)
I exercise regularly . I eat moderate amounts of healthy food . I make sure to get plenty of rest . I see my doctor once a year . I floss every night . I've had chest x-rays , cardio stress tests , EKG's and colonoscopies . I see a psychologist and have a variety of hobbies to reduce stress . I don't drink . I don't smoke . I don't do drugs . I don't have crazy , reckless sex with strangers .

If Charlie Sheen outlives me , I'm gonna be really pissed.

Chuck Lorre  Productions , #329 (Feb. 14 , 2011)
He felt dead inside .
No matter how hard he partied , he could never escape that simple fact - inside , dead .
And that was his life.
Running from a feeling .
At least until he could run no more .
Exhausted , spent and beaten , when the end finally come , he welcomed it .
With life ebbing from his wasted body , he was suddenly swept up in a transcendent state of joy that was pure and complete .
Moments later he felt dead inside.

What do you thin k ? Lorre has a  default vanity card that he posts when he doesn't have anything else to write about , which he credits with granting  "freedom from the obessive and relentless need to end each vanity card with a joke." He certainly ended the above two Valentine's Day cards with a punchline  , but does his reliance on humor seem to easy ? Is there some other aspect of the situation you think he should speak out about ? Or is he going to far as he dares without topedoing his entire show  and thus sending the hundred-plus employers of the series straight to the breadlines ? What kind of message is appropriate for the somewhat passive =-aggressive split-second medium of the vanity card ?

We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments !


  1. I almost did this post. I thought it was very interesting. The guy was really snarky about Charlie.

  2. Yes he was ...Lorre is the co-creator and producer.
    Wonder what will happen next.
