Saturday, April 7, 2018

New species of moth named after Trump

Evolutionary biologist Vazrick Nazari has identified a new 1 centimetre- wide moth
It has a silky head of bright yellow scales, which the moth develops in adulthood, and its head has been described as orange-yellow in colouration, the body is white and the wings are brown or greyish.
Also an important detail - its genitalia is “comparatively smaller” than that of the Neopalpa neonata, its close relative.
Nazari has therefore named it thusly:

Neopalpa donaldtrumpi:

Oh yes, he did: the evolutionary biologist named the moth with the white-blonde tresses and tiny penis, after Donald Trump.


And where can you find this new species? Mexico.

Donaldtrumpi has been found in Southern California and all the way along the coast to Baja California, in Mexico. How appropriate.
Doctor Nazari said, "I hope that the president will make conservation of such fragile ecosystems in the U.S. a priority. These ecosystems still contain many undiscovered and undescribed species, and deserve to be protected for future generations."
Good luck with that Doctor !
Of course, an amused reader commented:
" Henceforth, known as the 'grabus vaginus' moth.

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