Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Brad Pitt : He and Angelina Jolie Would "Actually Like" to Get Married

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie may not wait until gay marriage is legalized to have their wedding after all .

"We'd actually like to [get married] , and it seems to mean more and more to our kids ," he says in a wide-ranging cover interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

He adds , "We made this declaration some time ago that we weren't going to do it til everyone can .But I don't think we'll be able able to hold out .It means so much to our kids , and they ask a lot ."

As for adding to their brood , Pitt says he and Jolie "haven't closed the book on it."

"There's a really nice balance in the house right now , but if we see the need and get the lightning bolt that says, 'We can help this person , we could do something here ,' then absolutely ," explains the Moneyball star .

Pitt also reflects on a past that was not always so personally fulfilling.

He recalls , "I got sick of myself at the end of the 1990s ; I was hiding out from this celebrity thing ; I was smoking way to much dope ; I was sitting on the couch and just turning into a doughnut ; and I really got irritated with myself ."

The actor got his second wind ... and mostly dropped pot ... after an eye-opening visit to Morocco . "[I] decided to get off the couch ," he says .

In terms of politics , Pitt is in President Obama's corner , although he's been following the Republican debates . "I'm an Obama supporter , no question ," says Pitt . "But it doesn't mean there's nothing to learn from the other side ."

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