Friday, February 8, 2013

Anderson Cooper : Christopher Dorner Sent Me Bullet-Riddled Coin

Before his shooting spree ... Christopher Dorner sent CNN anchor Anderson Cooper a parcel, containing a note, a DVD, and a coin riddled with bullet holes -- so says Cooper.

Cooper just tweeted about the package, saying he only learnedtoday the package was sent to him.

According to CNN, the package was delivered to Cooper's assistant on February 1st -- and contained a hand-labeled DVD with a sticky note that read "I never lied." Wolf Blitzer said the note appeared to refer to when Dorner was fired from the LAPD in 2008.

It also contained a coin wrapped in duct tape, which was inscribed with "Thanks but no thanks, Will Bratton." Bratton served as the LAPD Chief until 2009. The coin was also inscribed with the initials "IMOA," which typically stands for "Imagine a More Open America."

Wake Up America .... the boogie-man is coming :
Rambling message? How was that rambling. It read clearly and to the point.

Sounds like he was merely telling the truth in how Law Enforcement operates. Why call it a ramble? It rambles your bogus idea of law enforcement if anything.

This story reminds me a little of that movie starring Michael Douglas called "Falling Down" except it involves an ex-military former LAPD cop instead of a laid off nerdy guy from LA who got totally ticked off at "the system" and society, etc.


  1. Of Course there's no excuse for Chris Dorner's act of killing people (particularly innocents), but can one appreciate the BS he has had to go through...the Courts (at the Superior Court level and Court of Appeals level) had the opportunity to fix LAPD's "mistakes" against Mr. Dorner, but in true form it seems they chose to ignore and manipulate the law and the facts to serve their own agendas (i.e. maintaining the status quo and eliminating any who opposes the status quo/inappropriate behavior, etc), in part because someone with the appropriate power/connections decided they no longer wanted Dorner to be part of the LAPD (for reasons that seem unacceptable)....The Court's more often than not are unfortunately are not interested in justice, and often the law and facts do not dictate the outcome of the case, and instead the judges' politics, self preservation (i.e. keeping their high paying jobs), biases and prejudices dictate the outcome of the case...any good lawyer will tell you anyone can manipulate the law to justify anything, and unfortunately this happens far to often in our courts at all levels (from state court to the high court), because they think the average person can't fight them/the system, and because they think no one cares about the average person, particularly when the people in charge have all the "right connections ."

    Hopefully one day we will be able expect that all people can expect and receive justice in our courts, and that justice is not just for those that are well connected and rich...this is America after all.

  2. I really hope Anderson understands the nature of this in alignment with the issues surrounding Postal service. Basically the police want to filter what information the media and reporters get and try to control information, which in effect, in my opinion, is not a good idea.

    An isolated rare incident that is something awful does not constitute a threat from everyone that sends mail.

    I try to remain open minded and receptive because news and relationships are all about people.

    How come no one is asking about what led to all this, which in and of itself is problematic.

    They have all these profilers who are tossing around rhetoric with nothing to base it upon. It will be interesting to see how it develops. It is a rather unusual manifesto, but I'm trying to figure out whether the media sees it as a manifesto or whether those were his words and intentions. How come no one is talking more about the victims?

    A lot of people are going crazy, the bad kind.
    I sure hope Anderson doesn't spin it.

    Got to ask .How many bullets? On a coin,
    Anyone wondering how large this coin is if it's large enough to be"riddled" with bullets?

  3. Thank you for your input , I also read Chris Dorner file and to be truthful I do feel sorry fior him , saying that do not mean I condone his actions , just sorry that the system let him fall through the cracks like so many others .

  4. Dad ... you are a man of few words and come right to the point .It is an unusual menifesto from what I read of Dorner trial when he was fired from the police force in 2009 .
    Sounds like Dorner was up against the well connected , the rich and politics as usual .
    As for the coin being riddled with bulletrs ... that's just how media reports the news to get more publicity and people scared .

