Monday, December 11, 2017

Ivanka Trump's anti-Roy Moore Stance

GEOBEATS       December 11th 2017 
President Trump is now actively campaigning for Roy Moore, the U.S. Senate candidate from Alabama who stands accused of multiple instances of sexual misconduct, some involving teenagers.

Politico reports that first daughter Ivanka Trump’s public criticism of Moore is one of the factors that pushed the president toward going all in. 

The publication also notes the bevy of White House aides and advisers, as well as the initial Moore opposition voiced by key Republicans, further fueled Trump’s decision to give the candidate his full support.

While anti-Moore sentiments from many White House staffers and GOP politicians have ranged from nonexistent to irresolute, Ivanka Trump’s rebuke of the candidate was quite forceful. 

“There’s a special place in hell for people who prey on children,” she told the Associated Press. “I’ve yet to see a valid explanation and I have no reason to doubt the victims’ accounts.” 

President Trump has, according to Politico, privately questioned the veracity of Moore’s accusers, questioning why they waited until now to come forward.

In public, Trump has made his push for the candidate one largely based on simple Senate math and a need for Republicans’ to preserve their slim majority.

He used that reasoning in a December 8 push for Moore. 

“LAST thing the Make America Great Again Agenda needs is a Liberal Democrat in Senate where we have so little margin for victory already,” the president tweeted. “The Pelosi/Schumer Puppet Jones would vote against us 100% of the time. He’s bad on Crime, Life, Border, Vets, Guns & Military. VOTE ROY MOORE!” 

Witchy sez :
As is obvious to everyone, ( Except the willingly blind sheep supporters ), This is just another example of Trumps juvenile, petulant child behaviors. " No one disagrees with me, No one tells me what to do, you're not the boss of me". No matter who tells him, or how right they may be, Little Donnie will do just the opposite and shoot himself in the foot, because this clown actually thinks he knows more than everyone and will listen to no one. This is just another trait that will lead to his downfall.
  You supporters can blame your ever feared "Libs", Or the "fake news media", But it's Donald himself who is his own worst enemy.


  1. Ivanka has the right sentiments but is too afraid to speak out very often against her daddy. I think she opposes a lot more of his shit than she admits.
    He really is his own worst enemy Witchy. Good post
    Love Shadow

  2. I thank you are so right on this one . Ivanka is a mother and her daddy is a damn fool if he thanks she will take a different stance.
    tRUMP can't expect Ivanka to support him in his stupidness , I hope tRUMP's time is growing near .
    Thank you
    Love Witchy
