Monday, February 26, 2018

Randy Rainbow Interviews The Prez's Women



  1. Hahahaha!!
    Randy is a riot ... love him .
    I see tRUMP has taught Melania how to lie , she said tRUNP is a rock ... WELLLL Melania I have news for you , Shadow has the only rock and she is not sharing so little gold digging hussy your man is name 'ORANGE MONKEY Hahaha I am so bad ,

    Now for Ivanka what's wrong with a smile once in a while or have you had so many face lifts at such a young age you are scared your face will crack , Ivanka , I feel sorry for you because I know you daddy piss you off because he don't have any respect for you or your familt .
    Great videos .
    Love Witchy

  2. I don't know why this guy breaks me up so much but I think he's hilarious and good at what he does. In his own way he points out a lot of truths that we should take note of.
    Thank you
    Love Shadow

  3. ALL HAIL the Orange Monkey !! Orange is Brian's favorite color
