Saturday, April 7, 2018

Happy "14th Birthday" Jenny

On your  birthday  and forever  I will love you ,  Poppa.
I knew  I  were in the presence of an angel when you were born, and you have lived up to that promise. On your birthday, dear granddaughter, know that  I am  proud of what you have made of yourself.I am constantly amazed as I watch you grow. You uplift and inspire others with your compassion and thoughtfulness.  The world is yours to rule, and I am confident that you will do a better job than the generations before you.
May your wishes and aspirations become your destiny. You deserve it all, my darling granddaughter . If they were handing out awards for “Best Granddaughter of all Time,” I am certain that you would win hands down. You are an inspiration to us all.
I remember that joyful day when you arrived. Since then, you have multiplied  my  joy  and enriched  my  live. Granddaughters like you are the reason the world keeps on going. You have the passion, the courage and the wisdom to make this a better place for the generations that will come after you.
I was always  amazed at the person you have become. You are dedicated, compassionate and smart beyond your years. May your life be defined by dreams fulfilled.
 If I was given the chance to live my life all over again, I would want to live it the exact same way so that I can become a grandfather to you again. 
Happy birthday cuteness.
Daughters are like the warm rays of sunshine on a chilly morning, a cool breeze in a humid afternoon and a soft wrap of chocolate trickle on a skewer of strawberry! Who wouldn't want a lovely daughter like you?

Happy Birthday  our dear angel!
Daddy  , Mama , Jonny , Sha , Man 


  1. My dear Poppa,
    I had a lovely party , one thing was missing , I didn't get to dance with you , Man stepped up to the plate in your place ,poppa he can dance like you .
    You may be gone but you will never be forgotten , I do miss you so very much I remember you telling us everyone has to go to a higher plane when their work is done and we will meet again to start our journey to the next high plane . Sometime I can feel your presence close by and it makes me feel so safe .
    Thank you poppa for the gift and my last letter , when I need your advice poppa I will read my letter , I know an answer will come to me . Thank you for being my poppa and giving me my daddy , he is so much like you .
    Love you forever
    Your Princess Jenny

    1. Hello Little Woman,
      Poppa hear you loud and clear .
      The main thing sweetheart is to remember you guys meant the world to poppa .
      I am also happy poppa made it possible to be your daddy .
      Poppa is watching over you .

  2. Daddy , Mama , Jonny , Sha , Man (mini poppa) ,
    Thank all of you so very much for the wonderful party and love you bestowed on my special day .
    It was a very happy party , aunt Mae was very happy , she said she knew poppa was there smiling at the happiness .What a beautiful and wonderful letter poppa wrote me .
    Thank all of you for loving me .
    My sister , thank you for making it possible for me to be here .
    Love , love , love

    1. Little Woman,
      You are most welcome , this was also one of my special days , I was with mama when you were born to see my kids happy is what makes me wake up each day .
      You will always have all our love .
      Your very humble daddy
