Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Billy Bob Thornton on Angelina Jolie

Billy Bob Thornton should get an award for his reaction to his ex-wife Angelina Jolie undergoing a most likely lifesaving double mastectomy.

Billy, who was married to Angelina from 2000 to 2003 ... said she "deserves absolutely the best in every way. She always has, she always will in my book."

Billy has more kind and totally appropriate words for Angie -- but it's impressive because he has the greatest respect for Jolie ... "Have you talked to Angie since the double vasectomy?"

An honest mistake, but still ... kudos to Billy.

Billy Bob Thornton tells ABC Nightime why he blew it with Angie. He says: "I didnt think I was good enough for her. I was just too insecure." Back when he was married to Angie from 2000 to 2003, he says he "felt like the Phantom of the Opera hiding in the shadows. People have actually said that I didn't deserve to be with her." Billy Bob explains that when they got hitched, he was the more famous celebrity and then she became this big thing


  1. Billy Bob was right about one thing. He was never good enough for her. The reason they divorced is because he was envious of her success and because she wanted to adopt kids and he stated unequivocally, he did not want to do that.

    luv ya lots

  2. So true ...he was big enough to admit it .

    luv ya lots
