Thursday, May 9, 2013

Charles Ramsey : My Auto-Tuned Interview is Awesome

Sometimes a caricature just comes together quick as in the case of Cleveland Hero Charles Ramsey. He was the neighbor of the guy that kept three women captive in Cleveland for 10 years. So I figured he deserved his own cartoon tribute along with this classic line he told the reporter interviewing him after the rescue.
I knew something was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man’s arms…either she’s homeless or she’s got problems.
This is what I love about not having a set schedule as I can pull these things off quickly to react to news of the day. Must have struck a cord because I shared this on Facebook last night and actually got some shares from that damn site. Seemed to be a hit on G+ too
DEAD GIVEAWAY!!! Ohio abduction hero Charles Ramsey tells TMZ, he absolutely LOVES the viral auto-tuned remix of his post-rescue interview.

In case you haven't seen it, the same guys who famously auto-tuned Antoine Dodson's "Intruder Alert" video gave Charles' interview the same treatment.

And Charles tells us, he was blown away by the creativity put into the song, adding, "I couldn't have ever done something like that ... I'm gonna bump it like I'm Tupac!"

And speaking of rap -- Ramsey says he's now kickstarting a career in hip hop, managing a local rapper named Mike Feez. Ramsey says he's helping him promote his new upcoming song out later this year called "Dance Lyke U Humpin."


  1. You are the man , may all your days be blessesd.

  2. Thank you Carla for the shoutout.

