Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pollapalooza ! Dating Dish --- In The Closet And Out !

We never get tired of hearing who's dating whom in hollywood  , and we certainly jump at the opportunity  to predict the next hot romance , fake or not ! Problem is , we can't really decide , ultimately , just what kind of romancing  James Franco and Oprah Winfrey perfer .

And what about Jake Gyllenhaal ? We know he has a thing for blondes , but if Franco turns to the other team ...would they  just not make the most perfect couple ? Of course we'd have talk to talk to Jake about it , 'dammit.'

Here's who else is creating a sexy uproar :
Over half of you were convinced Oprah ranks a big zero on the gaybar , and you felt that Piers Morgan should stick to other topics .

Just because Oprah runs the world  doesn't mean she must be a lesbian , right ?  Now all that's left to question is whearter Steadman will ever put a ring on it ...

But what if hottie James Franco came out of the closet ?  We asked you whether a homosexual card would change your opinion of the hunky actor .

More than 90 percent said that you will continue to love J.P. , gay or straight  , and a lot of you are on the same page  . This is the 21st century , after all . There is no need for some kind of heartfelt disclosure interview on Ellen if  Franco switches to men . Nonstory , as it should be .

Now to poor Jake Gyllenhaal ... With Jaylor long gone  and Franco possibly down for dudes  , just need to ask you whether Gyllenhaal should hunt for a brunette or simply make Brokeback Mountain his reality .

More than 30 percent suggested Jake should stay put onthe heter-bandwagon and settle down with  Anna Hathaway . The two worked side-by-side in  'Love and Other Drugs  and Brokeback Mountain,' so the chemistry must be there . They also agreed that Anne could use a nice guy like Jake , especially after her last guy ended up behind bars . What rotten luck !

But then , close behind sweetie Anne for Jake's next proposed honey was Mila Kunis  and Mr. Franco , both tied at 25 percent  in second place , and everyone was happy to agree that Jake choose a darker mate (those blondes have been such trouble for him), and heck , both are  uber-attractive possibilities .

Let's take a look : I don't get it , why is it the  'WE' must know who's gay or not ? Your sexually does not define who you are . It only  defines who you SCREWED ... and that is not one's business  !  it is fun to find out who's been hiding in the closet or under the bed  ...lets just except  them as they are  .

Not to worry girls .... Jake is still into gals .  

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