Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mel Gibson : Why I Want To Make A Jewish Hero Movie

Mel Gibson has a passion for the story of Judah Maccabee , one of the greatest Jewish heroes of all times , but is not doing  the movie as an act of contrition.

Sources very close to Mel says .... Gibson does not feel the need to bridge the gap between himself and the Jewish community , because he doesn't believe a gap exsists. They say Mel is adamant ... he does not hate Jews , noting that his lawyers are Jewish , his publicist is Jewish , and  he has many Jewish friends  and employees .

As for Mel's anti-Semitic rant during his 2006 DUI arrest , Mel has written two public letters of apology and also met with numerous leaders in the Jewish community to discuss where he went wrong .

As for the movie , Mel has wanted to produce it for a decade , telling cources it's actually a statement against corrupting in  the church . Mel believes Maccabee's story parallels the modern church , and he thinks the movie will help force a change.

What's your opinion ?

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