Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Jennifer Aniston Can't Eveb Catch a Break fromm Debbie Reynolds

We don't need to spend much time going over how flawless Debbie Reynolds is, right? Because she's Debbie Reynolds, and that right there should be the only explanation that you need. She's wonderful, guys. She's a legend. And she kind of, sort of inadvertently just talked a tiny bit of smack about Jennifer Aniston.

It all started when she was talking about how she wishes she'd had sex more:

"I wish I had enjoyed more sex. I have only ever slept with my three husbands and one friend — and he was my one and only good lover. I was a virgin when I married my first husband, Eddie Fisher, and I was stupid and innocent. You did not get pregnant, you did not screw anyone, you did not have affairs. I was raised to think that if you behaved badly with men, you went to hell. I realise now it is puritanical and not very adult."

Aww, right? Somebody needs to inform Debbie that she's 81, not dead, and there are plenty of dudes out there who would be glad to help her out with this problem. Oh, and that when she's discussing her own experiences with her husband's infidelity, she should maybe avoid comparing those experiences to Jennifer Aniston's, because girl has been getting enough of it already:

"I stood no chance against her. I was just like Jennifer Aniston with Brad Pitt when he fell in love with Angelina Jolie. If Angelina wants someone, then that is that. Certain women have that power. What chance did I have against Elizabeth, a woman of great womanly experience, when I had no experience at all?"

Witchy wants to know are you serious ....
Man, poor Jennifer. She's got to listen to how great Angelina Jolie is all the time, and all those sweet words that Brad Pitt has been saying about her, and now she's got to listen to Debbie Reynolds discuss it all? Bless her heart. It's just got to be tough, that's all. (Angelina Jolie is still cooler.)

But hey, could you holler at your grandpa and tell him to tweet at Debbie Reynolds or send over a letter by pigeon or whatever? Girl's got some issues she needs to have taken care of.

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