Thursday, April 3, 2014

Vladimir Putin : Divprce Final Let Freedom Ring ! 'WTF'

Ladies, the bread line forms to the left.

Witchy says this is a hoot ... This calls  for some of my one-liners :

Someone get him a Wonder Bra Stat!!!! Can't have those man teets flappin free.

He looks like a 1990s troll doll with the missing belly jewel....and almost as tall as one.

So are the divorce lawyers going to fight it out as to who gets possession of Crimea?

Are the women suppose to formed the line to the left speaking of sexually/romantically or the line to kick that freak in the nuts? Just asking ... HeHe


  1. hahahaha! I love the comment about who gets Crimea in the divorce settlement.
    That guy thinks he is God's gift to women.He needs to be told the truth.

    Luv ya...PIC

  2. That little bastard needs a good old fashion spanking ... what's with not wearing a shirt.
    Hate the little arrogant bastard HeHe !!

    Luv ya PIC
