Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Most Secretive Secret Societies You've Never Heard Of !! WTF !!! ... Part 2

There has always been an elusive allure to secret societies and their mysterious members. Below is a list of some of the most occult ones in history.
                                       The Rosicrucians:
Named for their symbol of a rose on a cross, the Rosicrucians have one central belief -- that all members of their order share the same secret wisdom. Their beliefs combine occultism with aspects of popular religion which they ironically spell out on their very public
Facebook page.
                                        Skull & Bones:
Founded at Yale university in 1832, Skull and Bones is arguably the most famous secret society. They have allegedly been a part of many monumental historical events, despite the fact that they choose only 15 students to join ever year. It's rumored that they took part in the creation of the nuclear bomb. Others suspect them to have stolen Geronimo's skull from his grave, which is very gross, indeed.

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