Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Emile Hirsch : Pees in Front of Bootsy Bellows on Sunset Strip

With a functioning bathroom just feet away, "Savages" star Emile Hirsch relieved himself outside a West Hollywood nightclub last night ... surrounded by strangers ... directly onto an innocent cactus.

Hirsch was outside Bootsy Bellows nightclub on the famous Sunset Strip -- along with his trusty red Solo cup -- when nature called ... and clearly ... the guy didn't feel like waiting in line to use the club's restroom. (It happens to the best of us.)

We're told the cactus is refusing to press charges.

I can't stop laughing ... this fool is an idiot .
Forget the peeing in public, the hilarious look on his face, the tiny black mark to cover his possibly tiny penis.

Let's discuss the fact that on the ground, next to his cup, precariously close to his cup as a matter of fact, appear to be the initial stream of urine on the sidewalk. Dude quite possibly pissed in his own drink.
Gotta say, Emile, you got bagged out big time and you look like a disgraceful idiot.
This is so funny : Emile's face is priceless .

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