Sunday, October 2, 2011

Andy Rooney's Says Farewell to "60 Minutes"

The veteran newsman has  been a permanent fixture on the show for more than 30 years.

Morley Safer first interviewd the 92-year-old , who said in the same "surly curmudgeon" in real life as he is on TV.

Rooney discussed his childhood , fighting in World War II , and his early career in comedy , his friendships with news legends Harry Reasoner and Walter Cronkite , and his career at CBS and "60 Minutes."

Rooney said if he had to pick a dream job it would be the one he had.

The newsman ended his days at "60 Munites" in a familier way --- with one final segment in which he said  he's done a lot of complaining on the show , "but I can't complain about my life.

Andy Rooney says he's not retiring , he's a writer and a writer is always a writer  ---  smiling he says "My lucky life."

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