Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Lindsay Lohan : I Respect LETTERMAN ..More Than Court

There's one person in Lindsay Lohan's life who she wouldn't DARE to cross ... David Letterman ... and the actress made sure to get her ass to his studio on time today so she could appear on his show tonight.

Lohan is supposed to talk with Dave about "Scary Movie 5" -- but it's likely Letterman will ask about her personal life ... maybe even why she blew off a deposition in Los Angeles this week.

We broke the story ... Lindsay was supposed to be deposed as part of a lawsuit filed by a paparazzo who claims Lindsay's assistant hit him with her car and put him in the hospital.

Fun Fact -- the Letterman chat will be Lindsay's first TV interview since Nov. 2012 when she appeared on "The Tonight Show."
Don't worry -- we'll be watching.

Witchy says get a life  , Lilo  you are washed up  ..HeHe
Lohan has always had a screwed up sense of priorities. Like when she partied with Lady Gaga until 5am on a day she was supposed to be on a set at 6am and then showed up hours late and left right away because she had a dr. say she had an "ear infection". Or when she said she was a victim of bullying and yet Lohan not only punched three different women in the face, blamed the "black guy" twice for her crimes, stole a prized possession from a old woman, stole a coat from a stranger, stole thousands of dollars worth of clothes from a friend, stole a necklace from a small business owner, stole money from an assistant by not paying her a penny for an entire year and then "borrowed" money from her which never gave back. Who's the bully? Lohan is. Nothing but lies come out of her ridiculous pumped up lips, she steals like a common thief constantly, ruined her career by never being on time to a set and making people wait and costing the production money, etc. etc. Lindsay Lohan's only priority is herself. What she wants, when she wants it and woe to anyone who gets in her way. But I will wait it out. Her "priorities" have caused her to lose her career, her looks, her reputation, her real friends, her fans, $25 million plus dollars, and she has nothing to show for it. Not a car, or a house, or a family of her own, or a career other than being a lying, thieving, face punching, illiterate, low IQed, drunken, cracked-out, carjacking, national joke of a common criminal. I hope that Letterman lays into her about her "priorities as he did the spoil brat ... Justin Bieber.


  1. Wow Witchy!
    You gave lindsay quite a beating. Not that she doesn't deserve it. She does. She sets a bad example for young people everywhere. The sad thing is that she gets away with her S**t and that gives the wrong message too.

    Luv ya

  2. Yeap ...called it like I saw it and she needs to know that she is a sorrow piece of shit .
    Went to her fan log and told them the same thing .

    Luv ya
