Monday, November 1, 2010

Mel Gibson : Deposed "WTF"

Mel Gibson is taking a lunch break , after getting grilled  himself in a deposition ...with Oksana Grigorieva  as an active participant.

TMZ has learned  ...Mel somehow got in  the Century City office building where the deporition is taking place without being notice. It went  for three hours  this morning , before every one took a break.

Sources say Oksana has been writing notes and speaking with her lawyers about questions they're firing at Mel.

It's the first time Mel and Oksana have been face-to-face since their custody war erupted.

Oksana was asked,  what it feels like coming  face-to-face  with Mel  again . Oksana said , "I don't know what to think.

Just wondering : Will Mel's daddy show up at the deposition hearing...if so  you will read about it here....that's two for Oksana and  zero for Mel .


  1. My dear sweet lady,
    Just getting in ,spent the day with Joanna and my dear sister. Had a great time, Dan and his wife (Sally) was over, they are always good for a laugh.
    My son and Daughter interviewed two housekeepers today, some asked for a rain check, because it started storming around 2:pm this evening .
    The lake where my daughter lived is very large , it's a favorite place for fisherman and boaters. The homes is up scale and my daughter had a dock there we fished off and my son was going to buy a boat but my daughter wanted no part of it. I liked it there, I am really glad we are here now, so much more peaceful.
    My daughter also watches our diets and cooks a lot of seafood in many different ways, she don't cook much fried foods , when she do we consider it a treat. The first time she cooked gar fish with gravy and we had rice and hot bread,there was other stuff but that is all I ate. I didn't know about fish and gravy , I thought it was steak and gravy , that girl is full of surprises.
    Let's skip down a notch.

  2. My dear sweet lady,
    Sorry to hear Brian prostrate cancer has spreaded, I told my daughter the radiation treatment was the best way to go because the side affects are minimum at the most. I choose radiation treatments because they had the less side affects and knowing my gun might not shoot again bothered me a tad more than Joanna , at my age now it still shoots but not as regular, at 83 , who cares anymore,I had a good run but Joanna told me that was not what life was not about, she knew I was a gambler but she didn't want me gambling with my life.
    My dear sweet lady, how is you dear sweet mother just as fiesty as ever I hope please tell her hello for me.
    Remember my dear Lady, when one door close another door opens and with that thought I will leave you for now.
    Your cyber friend and admirer.
    PS: I remeber you saying you would like to write a book about my life and family but your time was not your own at the present, so I can wait, I know you have a lot to take care of and it is not easy on you physically
    (So tell me how should we meet)?
