Monday, September 6, 2010

Lue Carl : The Man That Stole 'Lady Gaga's' Heart

   Lady Gaga told Vanity  Fair that when she sleeps with someone , she fears they're going to take her creativity from her through her vagina . 
    Gaga also professed  that she's quite  content with celibacy, and she can mentallly give herself an orgasm.
    Her 'Monster Ball' tour has grossed nearly $200 million worldwide . She's the reigning queen of Twitter, having more followers than pop star Britney Spears. And she's currently nominated for thirteen  MTV VMAs . Needless to say , Gaga is an epic sucess . She's not some needy chick who compulsively has to be in a relationship.
    So, what mortal man could ever capture the heart of the most  bad-ass "free b***h " of all ?
    Luc Carl, of course, the handsome rocker spotted cozying up to Gaga at a recent KISS concert in New York.
Luc is a 29-year-old , Nebraska-born, fitness fanatic and rock and roll fan. His Twitter bio lists him as an "author" night club manager , long distance runner, promoter , musician , DJ, bartender, certified personal trainer, and semi-pro bowler in New York City." He's best known to the rest of us as Lady Gaga's boyfriend.
Luc definitely has that androgynous, grunge look Gaga tends to love.His long hair is similar to Russell Brand's, mussed up and intentionally  dirty-looking. He clearly has a flair for eccentric fashion, donning purple pants, leather vests, distressed demin and chains.
     But like Gaga, Luc has a no-nonsense , no-excuses , attitude toward getting what you want. He says your body is a full-time job, and when you make excuses for slacking on your workout , you're screwing yourself over. Luc chronicles his fitness, dis=eting  and various life observations on his blog. The  Drunk Diet, at He's even coming out with a 'Drunk Diet' book in 2011.
    In one particular blog post, Luc shares another very Gaga-esque outlook with his  readers. He wants them to stop using the word  'eventually.'  "Eventually is an  excuse ,"  Luc writes. "It's the dirtiest of all excuses...I hate to break it to you, but unless you make it happen , it  WILL  never happen."
    Luc still bartends at Jermone's in the East Village , continues to brand and promote himself.  He's tight-lipprd about his relationship  with Lady Gaga, clearly not intending  to use her fame to catapult his own career.
    Luc sealed the  deal with a tweet on July17 .When members of Westboro Baptist Church , a riotous group of religious zealots, protested outside Gaga's 'Monster Ball' in  St. Louis , Missouri . Gaga herself even feared for her  "Little Monsters" (the nickname , she's given  her devoted fans ) saftey. These protesters held signs saying, "God hates Gaga," and shouted homophobic slurs , trying to provoke  Gaga's fans . Indefense of Gaga , Luc tweeted , "Your haterd is ignorance ." He even started the trending topic, "#GODLOVESGaga."
    In a nutshell : Hhhhmmm - I never in my life  heard  something as far out out as Gaga saying "She feels someone  will take her  'Creativity' through her 'Vagina.' That has to be the most 'Bizarre' thing I have ever heard. So, to all of Gaga's fans, we give Luc Carl our seal of approval. I have to  say he's unique , opinionated and sexy, and if anyone's worthy of  the beloved Mother Monster, it's  Luc.      

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