Sunday, September 19, 2010

Nadya Suleman : Octo-Mom Broke And On Welfare ... "OMG'

Update : Upon hearing of Suleman's impending eviction , Vivid Entertainment has made her a job offer, $500,000 to star in a one hour porn video  MZ reports. Should she accept , Vivid can "arrange for payment to happen quickly so that she can get paid in advance of the October deadline  of  the foreclosure of her home which was due last May.

Previously : Octomom Nadya Suleman has given up on her reality television dreams and is going on welfare, RadarOnline reports.

Nadya has nannies  and huge expenses raising 14 children , a source told RadarOnline . "She needs a lot of money just to  keep up with the basics . And now the income has dried up and she didn't make enough in the past year and a half to live off it.

The source said that Suleman , who has received public assistance  before for her older disabled children , who will go on  welfare "very soon."

Meanwhile , TMZ reports that Suleman has repeatedly fallen behind with her montgage  payments  and her montgage holder is ready to began foreclosure process "right now," Suleman narrowly avoided foreclosue in April.

Earlier this year , Suleman posed in a bikini for  Star  magazine in less than a year after giving birth to her Octuplets . Suleman claimed that unlike Kate Gosselin , she's had no plastic surgery.

My spin : What the hell  is world with this crazy woman ... what's her beef with Kate Gosselin. Oh yes the green-eyed monster has risen  it's ugly head . .. a little jealous  huh ?  I think  the state of California should make the doctor accountable for planting all those babies in a crazy woman and make him support them ...  Come on California , show some guts...everyone knows  the purpose of Suleman  having so many babies and why the doctor planted them was for the money , but it back-fired on Nadya Suleman....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cutie...sent you another E-MAIl 10:25PM my time and will see you later.
    LUV ...PIC
