Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mel Gibson : Australia Say Stay Away - You Are Not Wanted "OUCH"

It seems everyone is mad at Mel Gibson these days. and now , in an effort to get out of the spotlight  and win back his ex-wife Robyn, the movie star plans to pick up his family and move back to Australia. But, do the Australians want him back?
Australian native, and Bravo's most colorful Real Househusband ever, Simon van Kempen, says  exactly what he thinks about Mel Gibson and what the actor once ment to Australia.
"To see Mel's implosion over the last 5 years has been maddeningly sad  to say the least," van Kempen said.. "As a young Australian in the late 70's and early 80's Mel was The Australian (although American) in the international film business and not surpassed until Russell Crowe (although a New Zealanderland) came along."
The reality star continued, "Once we got to know the real Mel...we could see he was a little different ; a member of an extreme religion, the son of a father with a pretty disgusting views and then , when he was arrested for a DWI, his anti-Semitic tirade showed the apple hadn't fallen far from the tree."
"Once he fell for the beautiful Russian Oksana Grigorieva, his 24-year marriage publicly crumbled. And after claims of domestic abuse surfaced, Mel is now seen as a vile and disgusting human being whose career is surely done for," he said.
van Kempen concudes, "How ironic that after the demise of his relationship with Oksana, reports are now surfacing that he and Robyn are headed back to Australia where  perhaps escape the wrath of the U.S. media. Australia might be 14 hours by plane from Los Angeles, but it's still just a nanosecond away via the internet. And I doubt Mel will get much peace there."
"For Mel. it seems his epitaph may well  come from his movie titles as he's certainly no longer  'What A Woman Wants,' and so it seems he's reverted to the movies that made him famous. But instead of 'Mad Max' he's now Mad Mel."
The saga continues, so come back  ya hear.
I can't wait to hear what Bethenny, Jill and Alex think.
The following post is from our very on roving reporter :
Mel's meltdown may be about something else:
Oh dear, another  one of those "we don't talk about."
But could it actually be possible that what is being said about Mel Gibson's sad, but all too entirely public, emotional decomposition actually is a case of a gold-digging woman using sex and ultimately the birth of a child to sexually and  emotionally manipulate , and even abuse, a mentally ill, albeit (formerly?) wealthy older man.
Not that  it ever happens,( of couse it does).
Telling in his surprisingly sober-sounding angry tirades is the rant " I left my wife for you !" and "I was never like this before !" Sounds surprisingly lucid, particularly coming from an alcoholic now also famous for his drunken, word-slurring public antics. But also extremely Bi-polar (this coming from one who knows.)
Unfortunately another part of my experience applies here in the near legions of men I have now watched melt down similar to this and eventually lose all their ambition and potential, ultimately, either their amounting to nothing resembling their former  commitment promise and drive.. Or only end up in jail.
In the years I did my own volunteer violence prevention work in the Queensborough neighborhood, I saw young men used sexually like this by older girls and women, then recruited into gangs.
Of course they ended up with babies and a life-long emotional attachment to a no-good manipulative woman from for love of their own child...we all know that sad story.
But of course we know that it is really all the man's fault because he's older , wiser, bigger and stronger...and after all, wouldn't everything be just fine if he'd only listen to his peers ( translate : do it the right way ) get a job, pay the bills and support your own family , for Gawd's sake !
This, after all he's known from the age of 12 or 14 is sex. Particularly in a day when condoms are easily available  and not just leave the birth control  to women only.
All I'm saying  here is that perhaps it's time we women grow up and become responsible for the detritus our own rampant sexual "freedom" causes in the lives of  all of those around us.
Especially our men.
My spin : Our thanks go out to our roving reporter  for her opinion on Mel's meltdown. Her name is Chris Taylor and she lives in Shreveport and writes fot our local newspaper and Chris will be joining us from time to time. 
Again Chris...the PICs thank you for your input......
Kicking back having fun  and keeping it real.


  1. How you doing ???
    How is Nana coping with the heat??
    I know Brian better since the auditors are gone.
    How's your weather?? They say we may have thunderstorms tonight, it's been raining some but not heavy.
    They told the people to get off the gulf before the storm hit...I hope it just a storm and not a hurricane down there.

  2. I'll just wait here til you find me and count the fuzz on the choochies[giggles]

  3. Really good story and great stuff from our roving reporter. I was just correcting a couple of spelling mistakes. I have to go over my articles too, sometimes twice. My typing mistakes are becoming more frequent as I get older.

  4. Nana was rather nice today. I wonder if she is planning some horrible trick on us.

    Brian is not too bad.
    The weather is hot and sticky. It would be a relief to have a few thunder storms to break up the heat.
    If you are getting warnings to get out of the water, you know it's going to be bad down there. I also hope it's not a hurricane at least until they can do some more clean-up.

  5. sent you an e-mail...write back and tell me where you are...I wanta play.

  6. Email has not come through yet. I'll go check again.

  7. Thankyou, I like that about you.

    Before I forget...Dad says to tell you he had to go out of town but you can look to hear from him tomorrow.

    Chris is a nice lady, she told nme I could use her picture from the paper if I wanted to.

  8. It was nothing important, I left the same message on FTBB [giggles] you asked me if I was hiding.

  9. It's very exciting to have our own professional reporter...WoW!You sure pull a rabbit out of your hat sometimes.

  10. That's why when I think I have a good post, I ask you to edit and post it for me.

    Sweetie, I have another one about old Mel, Arnie Schwarzenegger is poking fun at him.
    Do you think Robyn will take that fool back???

  11. We must be careful not to misquote her. And having her picture will be a big boost to our blog. Maybe we should do the same.We'll use your face, mine would scare people away.

  12. People would love to hear what Arnie says. And I hope Robyn does not take him back. She would be a fool. He is a bad man and a psycho.
    I know Oksana was a manipulating gold-digger but no woman deserves that treatment.

  13. I met Chris about 3/4 years ago when I started voluteering at the women shelter, she came to the meeting and I just asked her.

  14. There is no excuse for his behavior. Let him suck his own cock if he can.

  15. I will write it as she give it to me word for word, I may mis-spell some...
    No picture, I got in enough hot water when Gertude plaster me all over the web.

  16. So how many grey hairs do you have on the choochie?

    I think your voodoo potion is helping some but there are some whiskers on my chin and I crave human brains for lunch.

  17. HA !...suck his own cock, shit all that alcohol has pickle that damn cock, I bet it looks like a little dried up prune.Hahaha
    No she didn't deserve that, no matter how bad she is, he could just walked away.
    The Australians don't think much of him, van Hempen says he was an odd duck.

  18. I'd give a brass monkey to see Mel trying to suck his own cock. I have heard that there are a few guys who can. They are probably happy bachelors. They don't need anyone.

  19. Hahaha ...girl you are so funny, no wonder I am so crazy about you.
    I don't see any yet.
    I am glad it helped some, we have all kinds of things we take. Sis says mama and ms. Hattie would go in the woods and get roots and put them with herbs and make potions.

  20. PIC...did you know we've been here 1 month and 1 day?
    Incoming mail.

  21. It's no way I will believe Mel just started his ranting like a mad dog with rabies.
    Chris says the fool is bi-polar, and he's been that way all his life, it's the way he was raised.

  22. I think Nana is planning a breakout. She was so nice today and gave me some money to take J out to lunch, since this was our girls' day out.
    Or maybe she will do something naughty when I take her out tomorrow.

    Just think, when your daughters are grown up, you'll probably have girls' day out. It's so much fun when they grow up and become your best friends. We shopped and gossipped and ate ourselves under the table.

  23. I think Chris has the right idea. Mel probably floated back and forth from nice goofy dad to monster abuser. It makes sense. HE didn't just go crazy from living with Oksana.

  24. Nan and I went to bat for Obama at the civic center this morning. Nan asked them what did they want, the man was doing the best he can and as for him being bi-racial/rich has nothing to do with anything.
    Nan said Obama was poor and worked his way up and his mama raised him alone and she was on food stamps, so he do know hard times.

  25. Good for you and Nan. I don't imagine he is too popular in the south.
    He did have a rough childhood until his white grandparents took him in and raised him. He only met his father once or twice. The man went back to Africa when Obama was born.

  26. His dad was not a very nice man from what I have heard. He totally ignored his son and never helped him in any way.

  27. Oh PIC...I'm so looking forward to that day and I will be glad when Jill is old enough to understand how I waited to meet her.
    I know you had a good time with Jaye.
    Nana will be nice tomorrow, Nana truly love you so much, it's just hard for her to show it, remember she was in the military.

  28. Nana seen so many horrors and she learned at an early age to keep her emotions in check.
    Nana only let loose for the Major.

  29. The post you had about Obama's brother says his father was an abuser also, I think the post said the brother lived in China.

  30. The brother lives in China and is a successful author.

  31. I get upset when people just set on their ass and complain.
    They say Obama sould do this or that ...he can't just do things because he wants to, there others advisors he has to listen to..Nan told tham if they can do a better job go for it in 2012.

  32. Yes, the dad had a bad temper.

    J is missing her boys and when they are away she goes into a frenzy of housecleaning and clost cleaning.

  33. Gosh, have a look at Joan Rivers on Dave. Her face is a disaster

  34. They couldn't stretch that skin any further. It will split.

  35. How old is she?? We should do a post on her. She has a movie coming out about her life.

  36. I told her lets go we had our babies with us and a lady [white] told Nan I see why you like Obama you have a black baby also, Nan shoved Robbie [Robert,Jr.] at me and told that lady he was whiter than her black vile smelling ass. I knew the four of us was going to jail. Hahaha but the lady sit down and I got Nan out of there.

  37. It's a documentary.

    She also wrote a play which did not do well. She just said she is 77.

  38. She can't smile and don't talk to well.
    Joan thinks the people is laughing with her...shit they are laughing at her. Her face liiks swollen.

  39. Do the post on her...she looks like she's made of plaster.I will age graceful.

  40. You and Nan sure get yourselves into some pickles. You are a couple of wild ones.
    In this case,that white lady needed to be put in her place. She's a bigot and don't know it.

  41. I will take Betty White's look anytime...Betty looks more human.

  42. All those botox injections must hurt. She had her lips plumped too.
    You're right. her whole head looks swollen like she was stung by a hundred bees.

  43. She knew what she was saying and people laughed at her, Nan loves her brown baby and I guess the girls do to, they painted my little man brown.

  44. Betty looks sweet and friendly. Joan has no expression on her face. Like an ugly mannequin.

  45. She don't look natural, people is over doing this nip/tuck shit to much.

  46. PIC...After this year I think the guys visits will be few and far in between. I really hope so .

  47. J is just to nice for her own good, people there wouldn't like Nan/me much .

  48. I wouldn't mind a tiny little tuck in a particular place.

  49. Look at the corners of her mouth.
    Don't it remind you of a pig?

  50. I think Joan is addicted to surgery. I have heard that some of them get that way. I don't think I could stand the pain.

    Anyway, why were you at the Civic Centre??

  51. A tiny tuck is okay, but she made a new body and it looks bad, very, very bad.

  52. They was talking about the spill and how we could help and they was telling peole how to get jobs with BP to help with the clean up.
    That's when some jumbed on Obama saying he promise them jobs .

  53. Anita{Chris wife} said how can you get blood out of a turnip, the man don't have no jobs to give, it's up to us. She told them Obama has done more in the short time in office than Bush did in 8 years.
    You step in a bad place around my family when you talk bad about Obama....HA !

  54. Actually, employment has picked up in your country. He is keeping his promise but it takes a while to put the earth back on its axis and straighten out the huge mess we were all in.

    Some people are just ignorant. That guy was a bigot too.

  55. Did you Know Jesse James got custody of his kids and moving to Texas to try and win Sandra nack???

  56. I told dad we couldn't understand the racist mentality but he never got back to me on that. I don't think he wanted to get that serious.
    But he did get serious for a moment about endangered species and global warming. You had quite a profound effect on him. You may have found one of your greatest supporters.

  57. How can they give that man full custody of those children??He is completely irresponsible.

  58. I teach my babies that it's not the color of your shin that make you a nice or mean person it's the way you are treated.
    I'm so glad I was raised/taught the way I was if my daddy or anyone of my sibling had heard me using the "N" word, they will have whipped the shit out of me.

  59. She just might take him back.
    I wouldn't take that skank back to save my country.

  60. That was one of things Dad was going to talk to you about racist people,
    I he left his notes in my drawer.

    You will hear from him tomorrow, he's been down at the office with his brothers and aunt Mae.
    Ask Dad stuff he will talk about everything .

  61. Dad likes you and you may get more out of him than you think. dad is a great and wonderful peorson.
    but I will tell you he's a mean old bastard.

  62. We think that one day, looking back at this time, even the bigots will have to admit that this guy did his absolute damndest to fix everything and he didn't do such a shabby job either and they won't judge him by his tan.

  63. Behind the affable friendly exterior there is a very keen mind. Dad has the wisdom that comes from having a long lifetime of experience and I would enjoy asking him about things that puzzle me. Believe ot or not, I have led a very sheltered life and am quite naive and I am told,too idealistic.

  64. Well..they should just look at what he had to work with when he took office..the enconomy was in the dumps, a 7 year war and we was in debt to China up to our ass-holes, an everyone hated us.
    Now everyone likes us ...but us.

  65. HA! That was such a good observation. You put it all in a nutshell.

    However you forgot that the people in England don't like you at the moment. They think you made too big a demand on BP Oil....$40billion to start and maybe up to $100 billion. They think it will cripple British economy.

  66. Personally, I think BP can handle it. They own half the world and half the money in it.

  67. I know you have lead a vary sheltered life, and that's a good thing...people are so different in your part of the world, here it's dog eat dog...

    Dad is very easy to talk to and he's a lot of fun after I got to know him,he waould just come on the floor and look at me, Dad and my daddy hit it off the first time they met.

  68. Well honey, I have a Joan Rivers post to write or something as interesting.So I will say goodnight and please try to keep Nan out of jail. You know she handed the baby to you so she could haul off and smack that lady. Good thing you got her out of there in time.

    If you can't be careful....lots of luv...PIC

  69. I understand how they feel, I to know BP can handle it, they are doing more about their spill than we would have done if it was our company on British soil.
    BP has a lot of gas stations here in the U.S.

  70. PS: He said he liked your father. He said your dad accepted him right away. And also that your dad took to Gil from their first meeting.
    Your dad must have known Gil would be good for you.

  71. I will be as good as I can hahaha.
    Nan don't take no crap, but none of us like the color thing, we all bleed red...I guess we are like that because our family is like a bouquet of mixted flowers or gumbo, we got it all and proud of it.

    I will say goodnight and pleasent dreams until tomorrow have a good one.
    Kiss the Rock.

    Dad told me to tell you he will talk to you tomorrow...

    I will meet you on FTBB...NITE
