Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mel is at it Again


  1. Well here I am my dear sweet lady.
    My daughter told me your dear husband was improving and the outlook was very promising, now that we all can be grateful for.
    My dear lady next year this time you and your dear husband will look back on this bad spot in your life and smile.
    It seems nothing comes easy to good and kind people, but you win in the end knowing you made a difference in someone's life.
    Almost forgot, My daughter wants a book about my life to set the record straight.
    I laughed because there's so much out there even I forgets sometimes the real from the unreal, I told my daughter my life wasn't that exciting, just the people that writing what they think will sell.
    I will say, I have had a very interesting life and most full filling and with my grands it's now complete.
    As my daughter says it can be done in a very respectfull way.
    What do you think, I value your opinion on what you think.
    My daughter says I need to set the record straight in my own words because now she can't see the forest for the smoke .
    Big G.

  2. My dear lady
    I almost forgot, don't you ladies be to hard on Mel Gibson.
    Mel is P***y whipped and he's not a real man.
    Sorry his dad didn't give him enough of his time.
    If it was my son, I would take him over my knee and you can just imagine what would happen and my son is over 50 years old and he better be respectful to ladies regardless who or what they are.
    He knows my daughter is a pain in the b**t sometimes but she is the mother of his children and he choose her and if she p***y whipped him just take it in stride and move on .
    Big G.

  3. Dear Big G.
    My husband continues to get stronger and as for the future, we pray they don't find anything else and for added insurance we all keep our fingers crossed. Thankyou for your kind comments.

    It's a small world because you and he have much in common. He is a strong man, a patriarch and we all lean on him. I have always called him my 'rock'. If anything happened to him the family would fall to pieces. We are wrong to put so much responsibility on one man. We should all be strong and independant on our own behalf.

    I think perhaps your family depended on you for too much also. They seem to have panicked when you announced your retirement and withdrawl from business. They should have been more prepared.

    I waited for over two years for Nee to tell me who she was. She knew all about me and my family and had pictures of all of us. I could have looked her up anytime but I wanted her to tell me herself. She was strangely reticent about any information dealing with her identity or her family and would not share any photos. And so for all that time she was a faceless,voiceless entity, a veritable ghost.
    I felt very vulnerable and I was offended because she didn't trust me and had the advantage over me. I like to know who I am dealing with, so eventually, on my computer, I followed the only lead she had talked about so often,The Eldorado. It opened up a plethora of information about you and your family and to be honest, No two stories were alike. Dates and timelines, names, photos, backgrounds and education all mixed up; until I didn't know who was who or who did what.It became interesting and absorbing to try and trace the real Big G.
    And so, in my roundabout way, I am saying, yes you have lived a very interesting life. I found it fascinating. A self made man who built an empire from the ground up (only in America). And no, there is not one accurate story out there.The only accurate things are the documents of your business dealings. I was amazed and appalled that such things were publicly displayed on the internet, especially when I did not request them or go to a special website. But then, a lot of things in America do not make sense to me.
    You need an accurate record of your life.If it passes down by word of mouth it will be distorted and eventually pass from memory. You achieved a lot in your life. Perhaps a record of it in book form would be a wonderful thing to leave to your descendants. Something they could all be proud of.It does not have to be a best seller.

    I always suspected that perhaps Nee had some wealth. I did not realize how wealthy. Frankly, if I had known, I might have been intimidated and not formed the bond or the friendship that we have. But I did make a friend and I care for her and I finally realize why the need for security was important.
    I appologize for stirring up Nee's interest in this book thing. I understand that is like stirring up a hornet's nest. She may not let it rest...HA!...She is one of a kind.
    A pleasure as always G, More recipes on the way...Jeannie

  4. Men who beat women or children are the worst kind of cowards.
    Mel should sleep with one eye open because one day an angry woman with a pair of scissors will geld him (Remember John Bobbitt?)

    You are right.A little respect goes a long way and you get some back in return.

    You wouldn't have spanked him if he had treated your daughter that way. I have a couple of Italian acquaintances, so I know you would have beaten his lily-white ass so bad he would never have walked straight again and then, maybe, you would have broken his knees just for good measure...Ciao.

  5. My dear sweet lady.
    This is fun and I think you are so right about the broken knee caps and maybe a horse head next to them in the bed.
    Now, I'm a long way from home (desert)and an old man I would just have to shoot, them my daughter's family knows where the swamps are with the largest alligators .
    Joanna, Jon and Chris is very protective of my daughter and watched my son closely. Their dad liked my son from the very first and the first time I met him he treated me like family, old man Jon was also a self made man,my daughter was his pride and joy, told my son if he mistreated his baby he would take him behind the barn and skin him like a squirrel.

    I will have to leave you now but will return soon, Jill came in to tell me Joanna wanted me , she has a message from my daughter to relay to you so long for now.
    Big G.
