Friday, August 20, 2010

Nannies 'RULE'..... Why We Love Them.....Nanny McPhee Sequel

 FILM : "Mary Poppins"- 1964
WHY WE LOVE HER : Nothing is cooler than a
nanny who descends from the sky with only an
umbrella and a bag, and creates awesome words
like  "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious."
BEST ADVICE : Just a spoonful of sugar helps
the medicine go down.
TV: "The Nanny" -1993 to 1999
WHY WE LOVE HER : Fran Fine flipped the ideal nanny  stereotype on its head with her annoying nasal voice, nontraditional, no-nonsense style and high-fashion wardrobe.
BEST ADVICE : "Men can't be rushed ; they're like chickens. You cook them too fast, they get tough. When you let them simmer, they fall apart in your hands."
TV: Gimme a Break ! -1981 to 1987
WHY WE LOVE HER : when it came to the Kanisky household , Nell harper ruled the roost, always  commanding the family's respect  with her no-nonsense attitude, while doling out plenty of motherly love and advice.
BEST ADVICE : Samantha : "What's a cliche ?"
 Nell, (serving breakfast) - A black woman serving pancakes to a white  kid."
 MOVIE: Mrs Doubtfire
WHY WE LOVE HER/HIM : The only thing more heartwarming than a sweet , 60-year-old, devoted nanny who delights in caring for children is a father who's willing to go as far as to dress as one in order to spend more quality time with his own children.
BEST ADVICE : "I admire that honesty, Natalie, that's a noble quality. Never lose that, because it often disappears with age, or entering politics"
TV Series : "Supernanny" -2005 to present. 
WHY WE LOVE HER : Jo Frost isn't just the product of someone's imagination. She's a real-life,  straight-shooting nanny armed with more than two decades of experience and at least three child-care books to start your kids on the right foot.
BEST ADVICE : "It is basic expectations , Marianne, you  do not punch your mother !"
 There's nothing like a tough, no-nonsense stranger coming into the home of exasperated  and exhausted mothers to  get their unruly children in line.
Nanny Mcphee fits that bill in the latest installment of the fantasy film series, "Nanny McPhee Returns," which opens tonight in  theaters everywhere, including Louisiana Boardwalk 14 and Tinseltown USA. It stars Emma Thompson, a wonderful British actress who really takes an ugly pill for this role, and Colin Firth, a fairly versatile actor.
In this sequel , the story begins with a rural family where the father is away at war and the mother is at her wit's end trying to cope with another war brewing between her and her own children and their bratty cousins.
In comes the unslightly McPhee  to the rescue with five magical lessons to whip the kids into  shape, and thus erase McPhee's physical disfigurements.Your kids will love it.
See you at the movies.

1 comment:

  1. That was a nice and imaginative intro for the movie PIC. Good work.
